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Article Support
SupportThe following versions of JGroups are supported on a community basis (see what this means further down): The latest stable release (4.1.x at the time of writing this) Git master On a commercial basis, we sup...
JDBC_PINGDefinition JDBC_PING uses a database to discover initial members. It was initially designed as an alternative to S3_PING, as some cloud deployed applications need access to a shared database anyway, so they coul...
Multicast routing on Mac OS XMulticast routing on Mac OS X is a bit different from Linux. For some reason a node bound to (lo0) cannot use a multicast route via en0. Usually people run the testsuite on and use a real IP addres...
JGroupsThe JGroups wiki page. The JGroups home page The latest JGroups API The documentation for JGroups 3.x is at http://www.jgroups.org/manual-3.x/html/index.html. Support and supported ...
Article Bela Ban's JGroups Manual Translation Serial IV - 协议栈和高级概念
Bela Ban's JGroups Manual Translation Serial IV - 协议栈和高级概念本章讨论怎么样正确使用和配置JGroups的协议栈协议,以及一些 JGroups 的高级概念。 1. jGroups协议栈 我们知道jGroups是一个可靠多播传输工具包,它能够为集群中成员提供点对点,点对组的通信,所有通信通过通道完成。通道基于协议栈之上,协议栈中协议各自有自己特别的功能,这些功能综合起来使通道通道具有完成多波传输的能力。协议栈中多种协议所具有的主要功能可以总结为:消息传输,...
Article Bela Ban's JGroups Manual Translation Serial I - 序
Bela Ban's JGroups Manual Translation Serial I - 序关于 Bela Ban 和 JGroups JGroups作者Bela Ban于1998-1999在康奈尔大学(http://www.cornell.edu/)计算机科学学院攻读博士后(Post-Doc)学位。当时作者在Ken Birman(http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ken/)导师的引导下研究群组通信和分布式系统。当时他们研究群组...
Jgroups - rejoining issue - 3.2.7Hello All We are using Jgroups 3.2.7. Here Node means an application with Jgroups in it. I have Node1, Node2 on physcial Machine 1 and Node3 and Nod4 on Physcial Machine 2. when i start all the...
JGroups TankWar DemoKey Feature of JGroups TankWar Demo Demonstrate more advanced JGroups concepts Tank Battle Game Modular ClassLoader What's JGroups? JGroups is a toolkit for reliable multicast communication,...
Problem with packet sizes on EC2[From Gray Watson] Just to close this issue about large packets being dropped between hosts running in Amazon's EC2 cluster using jgroups. The problem was that large packets using the default stack confi...
Cluster MembersHello. I would like to ask a question.(I am poor at English.) I am developing application. My application uses Version2.11 of JGroups. (And Java version1.6.) In clustering of three servers, it is satisfactory fo...
Differences between 2.x and 3.xThe API changed between 2.x and 3.x. This blog post gives a high level overview of the changes. This article lists the detailed differences.
MOD-CLUSTER discovery protocolIntro This document describes a proposed solution for JGRP-1322, the mod cluster discovery protocol which would allow JGroups nodes to discover each other in a httpd + JBoss AS setup. JGroups nodes would use httpd ...
JGroups UDPDefinition UDP uses IP multicast for sending messages to all members of a group and UDP datagrams for unicast messages (sent to a single member). When started, it opens a unicast and multicast socket: the unicast sock...
Article JGroups - Not able to form cluster with mix of VM and Physical machine
JGroups - Not able to form cluster with mix of VM and Physical machineHi, I am able to form a cluster with Physical mahcines in a network as well as VM machine if i set the -Djgroups.bind_addr=<VM IP> as a VM argument. However the cluster is not able to form between VM and Physi...
JGroupsFRAG2Definition Fragments messages larger than 'frag_size' bytes. Unfragments at the receiver's side. Works for both unicast and multicast messages. Compared to FRAG, this protocol does not need to serialize...
JGroupsFDDefinition Failure detection based on heartbeat messages. A member sends 'are-you-alive' messages with a periodicity of 'timeout' milliseconds. After the first missing heartbeat response, the initiating member ...
JGroupsENCRYPTEncrypting entire messages (including headers) A detailed description of ENCRYPT is found in the JGroups source (JGroups/doc/ENCRYPT.html). Encryption by default only encrypts the message body, but does...