• JSFUnit2 disable javascript processing on HtmlUnit

    Using JSFUnit2, how can I disable Javascript processing on WebClient on embedded HttpUnit. I tried with old jsfunit 1.3 style code to get hold of WebClientSpec and disable JS but that did not work with jsfunit2 / Arqu...
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    last modified by susmit_shukla
  • rich:comboBox and a4j:support onselect

    With reference at this discussion moved in the richfaces forum..: http://community.jboss.org/message/596525   I've placed a phasetraker on the application with the browser when selecting the value, the event is ...
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    last modified by stefanorg
  • How to manage Login Session using JSFUnit

    Our application is using LDAP authentication and application functionality is based on user roles and location. We are maintaining user session object and for any subsequent request uses user session object to get ro...
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    last modified by samssams
  • JSFUnit logout test problem (spring-security ?!?)

    Hi all,   i'm trying to do some base test for my application.   I've a secure login form (handled by spring-security) and i want to test login and logout. My problem is that when clicking in the logout bu...
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    last modified by stefanorg
  • JSF - Needs fixing

    Hi all, I've been trying to get JSF unit running for a while now and it seems basically impossible. This is mainly because the documentation is extremely poor on how to get it running. On the guide it states. He...
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    last modified by kragoth
  • No SessionId when using JSFUnit (request alway null)

    client = new JSFClientSession("/"); // in web.xml loginpage : login.jsp //but il also try ew JSFClientSession("/login.jsf") ajaxClient = new RichFacesClient(client); // A JSFServerSession gives you access to JSF stat...
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    last modified by jadtn
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 example @ManagedBean JSF 2 annotation not working

    Hello, I extended the JsfUnit 2.0.0 Beta1 example to use JSF 2.0 annotations, i.e. added a new JSF Bean using @ManagedBean but ran into this exception. Running on Jetty 7   javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /...
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    last modified by susmit_shukla
  • NullPointerException - getCurrentViewID

    Hi,   I'm currently trying to include JSFUnit into my JEE6, Seam3, Richfaces, Arquillian project. I was able to run the getting stated example described at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JSFUnit200GettingStart...
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    last modified by mausbull
  • How to replace a Managed Bean on-fly?

    This is what I'm trying to do:     public void testAuthenticatesUser() throws Exception {   JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/");   JSFClientSession client = jsfSession.getJSFClientSession()...
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    last modified by yegor256
  • Testing dynamically rendered component

    Hi   A button in my form (form A) that is bound (component binding) to a property in the backing bean, is conditionally set to "not rendered" ( createStatusButton.setRendered(false) ) by the backing bean afte...
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    last modified by dele
  • How to suppress HTMLUnit warnings about JavaScript?

    I already posted this question at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5196319 and will duplicate it here, if I may. The problem is that I have jQuery javascript file as part of my web application. This file is full of ...
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    last modified by yegor256
  • Does JSFUnit 2.x support EARs?

    Hello everyone, I've been playing with JSFUnit2 for past couple of days, and I found it great. However, one questions captures my mind right now: does it support EAR files? For what I'm seeing now, it doesn't - I hav...
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    last modified by denis_k
  • ant task <jsfunitwar> doesn't specify where it gets jars

    I've not seen in documentation where <jsfunitwar> finds the jar files it adds to your release. I'm getting errors such as ...   Could not find /org/jboss/jsfunit/context/NoNewEntryMap.class class in the JS...
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    last modified by robertgary1
  • Nullpointer at org.jboss.jsfunit.framework.FaceletsErrorPageException.isFaceletsErrorPage(FaceletsErrorPageException.java:55)

    Hi everybody,   I am trying to use JSFUnit with my application, but an error has ocurred in JSFUnit and i don't know the reason:   {{{ testLoginSucesso Error null   java.lang.NullPointerException at ...
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    last modified by irineu.ruiz
  • NullPointerException sometimes when FacesBean.getApplication()

    Hi,     I'm developping a JsfUnit test that runs sometimes. When it fails is setting a session bean attribute in the setup() method. First of all I do:   JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/face...
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    last modified by mavihemi
  • Tracing broken links

    Hello there,   I am using JsfUnit to test my application; I am interested to know, if there is a way to trace broken command links, command buttons in my application. A sample should be good.   Thanks in ...
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    last modified by hmashruf
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1 is Out !

    See the JSFUnit Blog for details.   Stan
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    created by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit how to test rich:panelBar in combination with a:support

    Hi,   how i can I test an onenter event:   e.g.: <rich:panelBar id="navigationPanel">      <rich:panelBarItem id="test2">         &...
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    last modified by testvogel
  • Scripts re-rendered by ajax not executed - critical

    There is a bug in HtmlUnit which prevents re-rendered scripts from being executed. I've reported it at htmlunit mailing list: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=AANLkTin_tNYEVEKsxGLZ4_AMmpUoaRBH...
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    last modified by blabno
  • Problems with "ñ" character

    Hi,     I'm developing a JSFUnit tests int Jboss 5.1.0 GA but isn't working fine due to the classnames contains the "ñ" character. I had changed "encoding=UTF-8" in everywhere but I couldn't solve the...
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    created by mavihemi