• JSFUnit and CDI Context

    env: jsf unit 2.0.0.Beta2, arq 1.0.0.CR7, jboss as 7.0.2.Final   I have a CDI request scope bean which is injected and altered in one of my JSF PhaseListener on the server side.   I use the Inject annotati...
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    created by garcimouche
  • Which is the similar class of AjaxContext(RF3.3) in RF4.x

    Hello All,     Any idea which is the similar class in RichFaces4.1 like org.ajax4jsf.context.AjaxContext in RichFaces3.3.   Thanks Jaikrat Singh
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    created by jaikrat.singh
  • htmlunit-designer

    Hi, my team has hard, hard times developing tests using HtmlUnit, thus JSFUnit, basically due to long turnaround, so i've started writing a tool that aims to speed up this process.   Check this out: https://gith...
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    created by blabno
  • JSFUnit and Tomcat 7

    Hi All,   I'm thrilled to get some CDI unit tests running for my Tomcat 7 web app.  But i've had mixed luck so far.  I'm wondering how well others have fared using JSFUnit 2.0/Arquillian with Tomcat 7....
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    created by atsteffen
  • isUserInRole does not return the expected value.

    I used manul way to process login progress in my applciation, it worked well. but in the JSF test case, It can not detect the ROLE.     @Test     @InitialPage("/login.jsf")     ...
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    created by hantsy
  • Applied @BasicAuthentication on the test case method,but can not find user.

    I tried to applided @BasicAuthentication on the test case, but in the method I tried to get the remote user in codes, I got null.   @IntitalPage("/login.faces") @Test @BasicAuthencitaion(userName="user", passwor...
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    created by hantsy
  • Illegal attempt to set ViewHandler after a response has been rendered.

    Hello All,    Getting below error while hitting my application first page on browser.   java.lang.IllegalStateException: Illegal attempt to set ViewHandler after a response has been rendered.  &...
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    last modified by jaikrat.singh
  • ConfigFilesTestSuite don't create testcase

    Hi, the folowing class should test the xml files. But after starting the jUnit test, eclipse write this in the console:   ***** cut ****** start building dynamic suite   start building dynamic suite for sr...
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    last modified by oack
  • doView in GenericFacesPortlet not calling PhaseListener for 2nd time

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2, Jboss AS 5.1.0, Liferay 6, PortletBridge 2.   My portlet extends GenericFacesPortlet.   doView method in my portlet calls CustomPhaseListener (which implements PhaseListener) ...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • Sample to test inputNumberSlider with Richfaces4

    Hi,   Actually it's not possible to use jsfclient.setValue(inputId, value) to set value in inputNumberSlider because this input has no id. while waiting for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11817), this code w...
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    created by jadtn
  • Sample to test rich:pickList with Richfaces4

    Hi,   If someone need to test rich:picklist in richfaces 4.1.0Final  while waiting for jfunit has it you can find this utility it,   Adrien     {code}     import org.jboss.jsfun...
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    created by jadtn
  • JSFUnit and Seam named conversation problem

    Hi Stan!   JSFUnit is so great! I'm successfully testing my Maven+Seam+JSFUnit+Unitils app. Still using Cargo (didn't have time for arquillian yet).   Everything was working great until I've switched named...
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    last modified by blabno
  • JSFUnit with Arquillian and Jboss7

    Hello,   I have had a crack at trying to get JSFUnit (2.0.0.Beta1) to work with Arquillian (1.0.0.CR1) and Jboss 7 (either 7.0.0.Final or 7.1.0.Alpha1), but this does not seem to work right now...   Lookin...
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    last modified by martinuk
  • How can I test a Servlet?

    Hi,   I have trouble with a Flash component which include by a p:media (Primefaces). This component itself is not testable, but it generate a post request and send it to a servlet. How can I simulate this reques...
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    last modified by mokelet
  • Arquillian and JSFUnit Tests in one Maven-project?

    Hi,   I tested the gettingstarted example. After I added the Jboss Deprecated Repository, maven downloaded all dependencies and the test is running.   Now I add a simple arquillian test and I get an error....
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    last modified by mokelet
  • JsfUnit2 with Primefaces?

    Hi has anyone managed to get jsfunit2 working with primefaces 2.x or 3 ?   I use arquillian and it all works fine until I swap a standard component for the primefaces equivalent.   Has anyone expirienced t...
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    last modified by craiggreenhalgh
  • Does @FormAuthentication obey redirects

    My understanding of the documentation on testing secure pages using @FormAuthentication is that by the time the test executes and form authentication has been successful, if the app automatically redirects to a new vi...
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    last modified by martinuk
  • Tutorial for JSFUnit2 + JBoss 6 + Eclipse WTP

    Hi all,   after a long struggle with JSFUnit, Maven and Eclipse, I finished writing a beginners tutorial, which targets for using JSFUnit with Eclipse: It is targeted for this combination of tools: -Eclipse 3....
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    last modified by wolfgangknauf
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 Beta 2 is Out!!

    Click here to see the blog for details.   Stan
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    created by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit Download broken

    I'm about to test-drive JSFUnit 2 with Arquillian, but the downloads section on the main site still lists beta1 and these links are broken.   I then tried to get the jars via the maven repository, but there are...
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    last modified by tommyd