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Thread Error while using SerializableDataModel in rich:dataTable
Error while using SerializableDataModel in rich:dataTableHi, I'm using a custom SerializableDataModel to realize a pagination in a rich:dataTable The xhtml code: <rich:dataTable id="udm" value="#{userDataModel}" code of the bean: publ...
Error javascript testing jsf applicationHi all, I am trying to test a JSF application, it uses richfaces 3.3.3 and jsfunit 1.3.0 final. When I execute the test I'm getting an exception executing a javascript that is not present in my application. He...
Unable to run a simple JSFUnit testWe are unable to run a simple JSFUnit Test and are seeing the error pasted below while trying to execute a test on a very simple JSF/facelet Page. Please Help ? TIA. TypeError: Cannot find function navigat...
How to get treeNodeKey @ rich:treeHi, I wanna use the clickTreeNodeHandle(treeNodeKey, treeNodeId) method but I don't know how to get the treeNodeKey. For example I get a TreeHandle with ...
Rolling back transactionsHi there, My goal is to perform integration testing of my application using JsfUnit, which is setup to run the test cases. I will have test cases where the database operations would be performed as a part of t...
Thread JSFUnit is not compatible with JBoss 5.0.0.GA?
JSFUnit is not compatible with JBoss 5.0.0.GA?Hi all, I run the seam registration jsfunit test on JBoss AS 5.0.0 (JDK 1.5) and failed to deploy the application. Errors are following: ------------------------------------------------------------- Caused by: org.jbo...
How to Run Rich faces examplehi frnds, i have downloaded jboss-jsfunit-examples-richfaces-1.0-beta-1.war from http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/jsfunit/jboss-jsfunit-examples-richfaces/1.0-beta-1/ and deployed in tomcat and tried ...
JsfUnit setup exceptionHi there, I have maven application (myapp) setup as multi-module (2 sub-modules as springservices and jsfbeans), as per the instructions in the getting started guide (http://www.jboss.org/jsfunit/gettingstarte...
JARs required to be packaged with buildHi all, Just started using JSFUnit. It seems that all required JARs for JSFUnit need to be deployed along with application build. I m not convinced with the idea and unit testing libs should be deployed. What ...
Thread throw exception when i use jqplot framework
throw exception when i use jqplot frameworkhi,i use jsfunit 1.3 to test. in my page i use jqplot framework to plotting,when i test this page throw error as follow: hi,i use jsfunit 1.3 to test. in my page i use jqplot framework to plotting,when i test...
Thread How do I use JSFUnit in these circumstances?
How do I use JSFUnit in these circumstances?Hi all, I'm trying to use JSFUnit without success, and would really like to get it working as it would provide a new layer of testing for me. Let me describe what I'm doing: I have a JBoss Seam...
JSF Unit with webMethods CAFI tried using JSF Unit with webMethods' CAF implementations (version 7.1 of CAF is JSF 1.1 and version 8.0 of CAF is JSF 1.2 compliant). Here are my experiences: 1. JSF Unit out-of-the-box doesn't work with we...
a question about Multi-level directoryhi,when i use jsfunit to test,throws the following exception testInitialPage Error null java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss.jsfunit.framework.FaceletsErrorPageException.isFaceletsErrorPage(FaceletsErrorP...
how to test c:foreachi tried test jef with jsfunit but there were a few problems when it came to c,could u help me to figure it out?thanks,my jsp was as followed: hi, i tried test jsf with jsfunit but there were a few problems when i...
Thread Problem in Parameterizing the JSFUnit Test?
Problem in Parameterizing the JSFUnit Test?Hello, I am trying to pass the parametre in the URL for running the JSFUnit test case and retriving the parameter using the following: JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/index.jsf"); Map<String, Stri...
Thread a4j:actionparam never set on backbean with client.click
a4j:actionparam never set on backbean with client.clickHello, I don't know how, when i click on a panelbaritem, the actionparam is never set on the backbean, with manual test all works, but my jsfunit test is certainly bad, here the xhml and jsfunit code Here a part of m...
jsfunit 1.3 work with jetty5hello, i have a question about jsfunit 1.3 work with jetty. i think jsfunit is based on the Cactus and junit, and now Cactus1.8.1 support internal start Jetty5.1.9, then jsfunit support internal start Jetty? ...