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Thread Integrating KOSMOS with EXO Portal
Integrating KOSMOS with EXO PortalHi, I am trying to integrate Kosmos with Exo Portal. I have downloaded "exo-eXoPortal-2.5-tomcat.zip" and folowed the same steps given in reference manual. I have deployed the kosmos-portlet.war and kosmos-server.wa...
Kosmos on JBoss AS 4.2.1Hi Have anyone got Kosmos to work on JBoss AS 4.2.1 and Portal 2.6.2. After I deploy the the war files from binary I get the following exception on server startup and I can not see the Kosmos page in my page list. ...
Deploying Kosmos on liferayI have downloaded the kosmos-0.2.0RC2-for-liferay-portal.zip for deploying on liferay 4.3 . This zip file contains 3 folders Kosmos-server,kosmos-portlet and slide. The documentation says u need deploy.server.tomcat.x...
Komos and the subversion portletHi guys, I am having a problem with the subversion portlet. It appears that when someone commits to the subversion repository it does not reflect on the subversion portlet even though I am click the refresh button in ...
Kosmos looking for translatorsDear Users, We need translations in any possible languages. Just take the *.properties files from the portlet source distro, translate them and send them back. It's really not that much work and requires zero progr...
Install kosmos-0.2.0RC2 for Liferay 4.2.0Hi, I spend a lot of time trying to install kosmos-0.2.0RC2 for Liferay 4.2.0 but it doesn't work. I try to follow the reference manual but it seems it doesn't work. Can anyone explain an How-To step by step please ?...
SVN portlet timeout errorHi, there, I am trying to monitor several SVN projects. Some svn repostiories' "svn status data" could be generated, but some failed. It is reported "time out". (i already changed the "TransactionTimeout" to 3000 i...
Thread Error: HessianServiceExporter only supports POST requests
Error: HessianServiceExporter only supports POST requestsHi, there, I am trying to implement the kosmos on my machine. I am using JBoss4+jboss portal 2.4.1+JDK 1.5 I could see the "kosmos" in my portal page, but when i tried to open the "http://myserver:8080/kosmos-ser...
What do I do next?I have installed and configured Kosmos and I have got a Kosmos tab on my portal. I had to use the admin screens to "change instance" of each item before I could get anything, but I don't know which option in the drop-...
Thread JIRA monitoring problem: Nothing found to display.
JIRA monitoring problem: Nothing found to display.I've configured the JIRA monitoring portlet. Here is a portlet configuration: <portlet>
Performance with many projectsI have experimented by configuring Kosmos to monitor many small projects (27 projects each with 13 folders and 8 files) all in the same repository. I have a Liferay portal page with only the Kosmos portlet on it. Whe...
Project StatusIs the Kosmos project still active? All the download links seem to be dead. I'm anxious to give it a spin, but have almost zero experience with ant and can't get the source code (grabbed from SVN) to compile. Are ther...
Deploy failure on LiferayI have been trying to install kosmos 0.2RC2 on Liferay 4.1.3 and Tomcat 5.20 on XP without success and have reached a brick wall despite reading all the manuals I can find. Much of which does not correspond to the fil...
Kosmos refresh buttonI am evaluating Kosmos 0.2.0RC2 running on Liferay 4 monitoring a Subversion repository. The portlet has a refresh button. However all that seems to happen when pressed is that the entire portal page refreshes. I don...
Thread SVN Protocol: is not possible add svn repository!
SVN Protocol: is not possible add svn repository!If i try to add svn://user:password@svnpublic/repo in portlet.xml, receve this message in Jboss console: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595) 18:54:44,106 INFO [STDOUT] 18:54:44,106 INFO [MethodResultCacheInterc...
Basic installation helpHi, I'm evaluating using kosmos and cruise control at the moment. I'm new to the world of application and portal servers, so please bear with me if I'm doing something stupid. To keep the process as simple as possib...
Jira SOAP IssueIn the process of trying to monitor my Jira projects with Kosmos, I was continually getting exceptions similar to the following: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown issue status: 10001. I have discovered the p...
SvnMonitoringPortletHello. I'am new to kosmos and when i try to deploy SvnMonitoringPortlet i had next exception:
[hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl] Unable to proces
s the SVN repo org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: RE...
Config Kosmos PortletHi, I am trying to configure Kosmos in Liferay. Th eportlets are deployed without problems in Tomcat, but I am not able to see the portlets in Liferay. about the point 3. You can deploy the server component into the...