• Why I can't register a repository in JNDI  with a name like java:global/myrepo

    Hi ,   Why I can't registed a repository ,started by my web application, in JNDI using a name like java:global/myrepo ? But the name java:app/myrepo is accepted.   Best regards
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    last modified by emiste
  • Writes in a clustered environment

    Hi there,   i have been checking both documentation and the forum to find out how does Modeshape behave when writing in a clustered environment, does it support concurrent writes on the same disk or is it an exc...
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    last modified by fcarriedos
  • Binary values in ModeShape 3

    As I've mentioned on previous threads, ModeShape 3 handles binary values in a very different way than in 2.x. I'm starting this thread to describe how the new code has been implemented and to solicit feedback and sugg...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Alpha6 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   Well, we thought the next release was going to be a beta release, but we've had a lot of great feedback fixed quite a few important issues with Alpha5 and wanted to get th...
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    created by rhauch
  • Node.addNode(String relPath) but I Don't know the type

    I have a bit of code in my system that I have extracted into the following two test cases. The original code was working when we were using jackrabbit and also with ModeShape 2.8 (but I haven't reproduced that in my t...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Alpha5 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   We’re very proud to announce that the 5th alpha release for ModeShape 3.0 is now available. We’ve fixed quite a few issues, but we also added support for partic...
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    created by rhauch
  • Where should ModeShape 3 store indexes (and binaries) by default?

    Neil tried to use ModeShape 3 (outside of AS7), and ran into problems with queries that would return no results after restart. The source of the problem was that so far ModeShape 3 stores the Lucene indexes in-memory ...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Rename JcrEngine to ModeShapeEngine?

    As I write some of the documentation, it strikes me that the name of the JcrEngine class is a bit odd. Perhaps the "engine" for ModeShape should be named "ModeShapeEngine". Note that this is our internal API, and it r...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • IndexWriter is not closed after shutdown repository in 3.0.0.Alpha4

    A lucene lock file write.lock is left in the index directory after I shutdown JcrEngine, I found IndexWriter is not closed by call below code.   engine.shutdown().get();   Do we need to close IndexWriter ou...
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    last modified by neil.zou
  • Problems with ModeShape 3.0.0.Alpha4 and AS 7 integration

    Hi,   i didn't get the ModeShape 3.0.0.Alpha4 running within a JBoss 7.1.1.Final environment. I set up the following in the standalone:   <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:1.2" default-cache-...
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    last modified by cluxig
  • 3.0.0.Alpha4 can't use QueryManager after restart JcrEngine

    I have configured + infinispan 5.1.4Final + FileCacheStore.   Now I can store data successfully, and can retrieve the correct data using below query         ...
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    last modified by neil.zou
  • Nullpointer exception in 3.0.0.Alpha4 example

    Hi All,   I'm trying to store modeshape cache to file system, after I did some change in the configuration files (in the modeshape-embedded-repo-demo example).  I got below errors:     SLF4J: Fail...
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    last modified by neil.zou
  • Simple Infinispan Configuration Problem

    I have a JCR performance test suite which I am trying to run against Infinispan 3 Alpha4. The suite runs fine as long as I give it an empty repository configuration. When I try to use a configuration with Infinispan a...
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    last modified by duncanmcintyre
  • orderBefore causes infinite loop hang

    Running Modeshape 3.0-Alpha4 with this code causes an infinite loop in  org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.AbstractChildReferences from lines 119 - 128.   The code runs fine on Jackrabbit 1.6, which is what I...
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    last modified by duncanmcintyre
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Alpha4 is available - with AS7 integration!

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   We’re very proud to announce that the 4th alpha release for ModeShape 3.0 is now available. Not only have we fixed quite a few issues, but we now can install ModeSha...
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    created by rhauch
  • Remoting JCR API

    Hi there,   i am trying to set up an architecture and the operations i am seeking to perform are just creating nodes, setting their properties, setting (and removing) links between them. Nothing special, since t...
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    last modified by fcarriedos
  • Several issues with Modeshape 3.x + Jboss AS 7

    Hi!   I've checked out the ModeShape 3.x branch (today) and it has built just fine. Then I've extracted the contents of modeshape-3.0-SNAPSHOT-jbossas-7-dist.zip and manually moved each file/folder to the appro...
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    last modified by michaelwesterngate
  • Sequencing of new content added through SVN connector

    Hi guys,   I have been attempting to get SVN commits to be sequenced by JCR. The XmlSequencerIntegrationTest only seems to test files published directly to the node-graph structure (via the API).   Does m...
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    last modified by mkmichem
  • Building Branch 3.x and javax.activation:activation:1.0.2 dependency

    I have followed the instructions to get the source from git, set the branch to 3.x and then try a build. I get an error on a dependency in modeshape-jbossas-subsystem, the dependency is java.activation:activation:1.0....
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Use case for Modeshape

    Hi there,   i have been reading about modeshape and checking the documentation and, at least about functionality, it seems to be what i am looking for. Nevertheless, since i read some use case assessment in this...
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    last modified by fcarriedos