• Federation design (for 3.1 and later)

    ModeShape 2.x had a "federation" feature that made it possible for some of the content in a repository to be accessed from external systems. The feature used the same connector SPI for storing content and for accessin...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Modeshape 3 - security and principal

    Hi, I have situation in which user is authenticated via java ee security mechanism, so user details are available under getPrincipal. How Modeshape interacts with this mechanism? How login process looks like? I want ...
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    last modified by mmatloka
  • EOFException with clustered Modeshape3

    All,   I am playing with clustered Modeshape3 and have found weird problem. I have attached test Java file with configuration. From my poor understanding of Infinispan looks like a problem with unmarshling of or...
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    last modified by jpalka
  • Modeshape 3 and jgroups XML configuration

    All,   I am trying to configure JGroups for clustering in configRepository.json using channelConfiguration. How should I include my JGroups XML config in JSON file?   Regards, Jarek
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    last modified by jpalka
  • Binaries and JCR to backing store mapping

    In the json file schema (repository-config-schema.json) the description says that minimumBinarySizeInBytes applies to both binary and string properties. I have also read somewhere that you can set the value to 0 to ge...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Hanging in hibernate search

    Same code as in the the discussion https://community.jboss.org/thread/211707?tstart=0 only configured with JDBC cache loaders instead of file based cache loaders to avoid the too many open files problem. Now I get a h...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Problem saving data in database via infinispan

    Hi,   my goal is to save alle data (also binary) in an database instance. In my infinispan configuration i configure three caches (repositoryCache, dataCache and metadataCache). Here is my configuration file: ...
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    last modified by forcam
  • Custom AuthorizationProvider

    Hi,   I'm having a play around with ModeShape 3.0.0.CR3 running on JBoss AS 7.1.1 and i would like to configure a custom AuthorizationProvider, however I'm having a bit of troube getting it registered.   I...
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    last modified by zztg16
  • Password encryption in Modesdhape configuration xml

    Hello,   I have some passwords in Modeshape configuration XML and I would like to get them encrypted with AES128. The one idea which I have - is to use one Modeshape repository (configuration repository) to sto...
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    last modified by vasilievip
  • Open File Leak?

    This may be a bug or something wrong with the way my code is working. If a bug, I'll create a ticket with a test case attached. I'm running this against 3.0.0.CR2 and am not overriding any other versions (ie: infinisp...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.CR3 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   We released our second candidate release (CR) of ModeShape 3.0 last week, and the community discovered a few more issues with our AS7 integration, backup/restore, and quer...
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    created by rhauch
  • Adding custom node types configuration over json

    Hi all,   I'm trying to use repository json configuration with custom node types. For the first I took the snippet from the documentation: { "name" : "Repository with node types", "storage" : { "transactionM...
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    last modified by dimonv
  • Custom connectors framework 2.x and 3.x: versioning and search question

    After looking at forums and jira I'm bit confused with Modeshape custom connectors framework: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/MODE-1200 https://community.jboss.org/thread/194692 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/MOD...
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    last modified by vasilievip
  • Updating node properties of type "multiple reference"

    Hi all,   in the modeshape version 2.8.1 there was an issue with updating and quering the nodes which have a property of type "multiple reference" (see https://community.jboss.org/message/746443) I started my f...
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    last modified by dimonv
  • ModeShape 3.0 and JBoss AS 7.2

    One of our goals for ModeShape 3 is to have integrated support for deploying and managoing repositories within JBoss AS 7. During the 3.0 development period, we've started out by creating a kit for installing ModeShap...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • 3.0.0.CR2 and JBoss AS 7.2.0.Alpha1 snapshot

    The joys of working against a moving target.   If you download a copy of the nightly build, the new CR2 release of modeshape won't work against it. On October 5th there was an update on the 7.2.0 jboss branch to...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • IRC meeting to discuss issues to be fixed before 3.0.0.Final

    We plan to cut ModeShape 3.0.0.CR1 today or tomorrow. Please join me to go over any outstanding issues that we've targeted to fix before 3.0.0.Final.   When: Tuesday, Oct 9 at 13:00 UTC (see other time zones) Whe...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • 3.0.0.Beta 4 custom authentication provider

    I want to create custom authentication provider. However documenatation does not contain any related info ( https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/MODE/Custom+authentication+providers ). Does anybody knows how to do th...
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    last modified by mmatloka
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.CR1 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   The ModeShape community is very proud and happy to announce the availability of 3.0.0.CR1.   This is our first candidate release (CR) for 3.0, which means that if al...
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    created by rhauch
  • Can we get rid of the Berkeley DB message if it's not used?

    On every startup Modeshape displays a message about the licensing of Berkeley DB. Can this message be made conditional and only show if that is actually used?
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    last modified by kurtstam