• Remove a version failed?

    When i remove a version it throws javax.jcr.ReferentialIntegrityException: org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ReferentialIntegrityException. I notice the version to removed is not the baseVersion, and its references are just pr...
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    last modified by angelo.chen
  • Registering node type with property definitions without validation?

    When I try to add a new nodetype with for example the type as LONG, I try to add another property definition with constraints. But now I add this constraint as a non-long type (f.e. a simple string like 'hello'). I ex...
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    last modified by bjornbal
  • Adding a mix:versionable mixin implies a ConcurrentModificationException

    Just following with the integration of modeshape into my application, I go on testing the federation example and adding some custom features to that test case. The basic test case creates a repository from an existing...
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    last modified by napartar
  • Implementing a document repository. Federation or File System connector?

    I'm just a beginner in Modeshape-JCR stuff. I did post a question for that at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21017536/federating-the-file-system-results-in-child-not-found   I've seen JCR features around rep...
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    last modified by napartar
  • Garbage Collection DatabaseBinaryStore deletes all entries

    I'm using modeshape 3.6 and storing my binaries through the DatabaseBinaryStory (mysql). When the garbage collection for unused binaries runs it deletes all my content instead of just deleting the unused binaries. I ...
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    last modified by lestat79
  • Modeshape and office files

    I want to implement a document repository using modeshape and its file system connector. This repository will mainly store Microsoft Office stuff, with the capability of full-text searching for file contents (binary d...
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    last modified by napartar
  • Changing nodetypes can make database inconsistent

    After experimenting a bit with modeshape we found that it is very easy to make the modeshape database unstable to the point where you cannot startup modeshape at all. I was wondering if anyone else experienced these p...
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    last modified by lestat79
  • Problem setting properties via REST interface

    Hey, I'm pretty new to using ModeShape, right now I'm trying to run through tutorials and get things working. I was able to run an in-process ModeShapeEngine and things seemed to work. But then I tried to use the REST...
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    last modified by skyleram
  • Help for deploying Modeshape 3.6.1  to jboss 5.1 by JCA Adapter

    I unzip modeshape-3.6.1-rar to jboss/default/deply/, then modified rar.xml, configurated modeshape-repository-config.json and infinispan-config.xml. I added modeshape-ds.xml to jboss/default/deply/, but when my appli...
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    last modified by lowry.cui
  • BinaryStore on GlusterFS?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experience using the file system BinaryStore on a GlusterFS filesystem with replication across multiple hosts. I would be interested in any experience or opinions on such a setup ...
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    created by bwallis42
  • Problem using Modeshape 3.6.0 JCA adapter

    Hi, am having problems using the Modeshape 3.6.0 JCA adapter rar file. I am able to deploy the rar file on Glassfish 3.1.2 and specify the path to the repository configuration file. However when I try to access the r...
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    last modified by aditbhiday
  • How to copy node with autocreated child nodes?

    Hello,   I'm trying to create copy of node which has autocreated child nodes but it throws exception like:   Cannot find a definition for a child named {childNodeName} on the node at {path} with primary ty...
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    last modified by veskop86
  • Help with locks and transactions

    I'm experimenting with the use of JCR locks as one way of controlling concurrent updates to node(s) in an EAP application, as an alternative to JVM locks (using @Singleton EJBs).   In the JCR spec section 17.10...
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    last modified by jonathandfields
  • Modeshape3.6 can not save large file under cluster model

    I used modeshape3.6 on Jboss EAP6.1.X ,and I wanted to save some large file of 100M/1G/4G, but always failed. I tried much more smaller file of 10M /60m , It's ok. Could you help me to resovle this problem?   P...
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    last modified by matrixxu
  • TikaTextExtractor and excludedMimeTypes

    Hi,   when I use the attribute excludedMimeTypes in my tika configuration (in repository.json) I'll get a ClassCastException in TikaTextExtractor.java:   java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String can...
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    last modified by nl
  • Poor query performance when data is not in cache

    Hi All,   I am experiencing very poor query performance when the data is not in the ISPN cache. When data is not in the cache, a query like       select [jcr:path] from [nt:unstructured] whe...
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    last modified by jonathandfields
  • ModeShape and Wildfly 8.0

    Some of you may have seen that Wildfly 8.0.0.Beta is now available. Wildfly is the new name for the community-based JBoss Application Server, so Wildfly 8 is what would have been JBoss AS8.   At this point, it i...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Get nodes by child in search query

    I want to get some nodes that have special child in the query. select * from [nt:unstructured] as emails where path(h) like '/users/admin/send/%/user4' but this query gets me all nodes 'user4' in mentioned path. &#...
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    last modified by fazileh
  • Iterator.nextNode() throws java.util.NoSuchElementException

    I have some nodes in my repository, but when I iterate them by blew code: 1-          NodeIterator it = myNodes.getNodes();     2-   &...
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    last modified by fazileh
  • Use of sequencers in combination with external file system source

    Is it possible in modeshape to trigger sequencer processing on nodes in the repository that "comes from" an external source (I am using a file system external store)? My setup is modeshape 3.6 and JBoss EAP 6.1. ...
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    last modified by lhelander