• How to export data from jackrabbit respository and import to Modshape respository?

    How to export data from jackrabbit respository and import to Modshape respository? Any body know?
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    last modified by matrixxu
  • Remote access

    I have some questions about remote access. I would like to share a JCR repository with 20 - 30 clients. As far as I know I have the two options (Webdav and REST API). Unfortunatelly I am unable to find the option for ...
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    last modified by marcocommunity
  • How to launch Modeshape-web-explorer?

    I want to run modeshape-web-explorer-3.6.0.Final in Tomcat. I copied modeshape-web-explorer-3.6.0.Final.war file in tomcat/webapps, then copied lib's file in tomcat/lib. War file executed correctly But when I input Re...
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    last modified by fazileh
  • about Modeshape3.6 user login problem

    I am working on JbossEAP6.1.X and Modeshape3.6 . I discoverd , all of users have to regist in role*..proerties and userxx.properties file in EAP folder , if no , I only get a "Anonymous" by the mothod: session.getUser...
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    last modified by matrixxu
  • In non-volatile repository configurations does ModeShape load the entire repository into memory on Session.getRootNode()?

    I have a non-volatile repository configuration organizing a lot of ~1 MB files.  I would like to know if all of the files for a given workspace will be loaded into memory when I call Session.getRootNode()?  ...
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    last modified by mashama
  • Jndi problem in Jboss 6.1 eap

    Hi! I installed modeshape subsystem in jboss 6.1 eap. I have it declared a repository in standalone-full.xml like   <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modeshape:1.0">      <webapp n...
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    last modified by mgie
  • JCR Date range search query- java.lang.NullPointerException

    Hi, I have a date property in my nodes, and I want to query for nodes that are in a specified range. I searched in google and I followed the case according this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15117075/j...
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    last modified by fazileh
  • ModeShape 3.6.0.Final is available

    Cross posted from our blog.   Today we’ve released ModeShape 3.6.0.Final that addresses a total of 54 fixes, new features and enhancements, including:   A new visual repository explorer web applicati...
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    last modified by rhauch