• Additional questions regarding indexing

    While starting to work with indexes a few more questions have popped up:   I'm using a lot of queries that you normally rather expect in relational dbs combined with a bit of jcr hierarchy, for example.   ...
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    last modified by bes82
  • Performance issue with the RowIterator returned by a Query

    Hi,   I experience a strange performance issue with the RowIterator returned by a Query.   I initialized a repository with 1000 nodes of type dooapp:myType where [dooapp:myType] > nt:unstructured  ...
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    last modified by amischler
  • Is it possible for sequencers to be triggered on 'node' events as well as 'property' events?

    I would like a sequencer to be triggered on node create/remove events.   I have looked at org.modeshape.jcr.Sequencers and it seems that this could be possible...     Regards
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    last modified by cobraflow
  • sequencer versus extractor

    Hello!   I'm wondering about the relationship between sequencers and extractors.   It seems like extractors are for creating indexes for full-text searching, whereas sequencers are for manipulating the rep...
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    last modified by denstar
  • Can't get the Indexmanager to work :(

    Hi,   please take a look at the attached test and tell me what I'm doing wrong / why my index is not used?   {code}   package org.erratic.wm.test;     import javax.enterprise.context.Reque...
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    last modified by bes82
  • Modeshape 'self' federation...

    All,   Is there a way to configure Modeshape to have one subtree in a different infinispan cache? (Federation?)   I am looking to have a persisted tree with one or more subtrees of a more 'temporary' natur...
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    last modified by cobraflow
  • Unable to configure indexes using the Wildfly 8.1 Subsystem

    I am currently running into issue configuring indexes using the Wildfly 8.1 subsystem.   Below is an example:   <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modeshape:2.0">   <repository name="test-rep...
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    last modified by ma6rl
  • What is the recommended infinispan.jdbc.data_column.type value when using MySQL 5

    I am currently doing some testing with ModeShape 4.0.0.Beta1 to see how it performs with indexes.   As part of this testing I have been creating number of child nodes under a parent node and running some queries...
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    last modified by ma6rl
  • Download link for Modeshape 4.0.0.Beta1 Wildfly Module not working

    The following link on the Modeshape Download page is returning a 404 at the momemnt.   http://downloads.jboss.org/modeshape/4.0.0.Beta1/modeshape-4.0.0.Beta1-jboss-wf8-dist.zip   UPDATE:   Looks like...
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    last modified by ma6rl
  • ModeShape roadmap and plans for 4.0

    This document is a draft and has not been finalized.   We've been working on ModeShape for well over 5 years, and in that time our community of users and contributors has grown substantially and become very acti...
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    last modified by escowles
  • javax.jcr.RepositoryException: org.modeshape.jcr.index.local.LocalIndexException while defining an index

    Hi there,   this is my config, I get the following StackTrace:   {code} 2014-08-25 15:19:45,710 INFO  [MSC service thread 1-7] stdout: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: org.modeshape.jcr.index.local.Loc...
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    last modified by bes82
  • jcr/sample not registered by subsystem by wildfly 8.1

    I'd tried to run modeshap 4.0.0.Alpha4 on a wildfly 8.1. I used "ModeShape subsystem for Wildfly 8.0" download, extracted into the wildfly folder and started the server with the standalone-modeshape.xml. In the jndi t...
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    last modified by rene.zoller
  • Is the Order of join columns important in SQL2?

    Hi again,   Please see the test below. I create 3 nodeTypes, 3 Objects somewhere in the tree and then want to join all three over some properties. Now it's important in which order I place the components of the...
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    last modified by bes82
  • javax.jcr.query.InvalidQueryException: Table does not exist. when adding multiple nodetypes

    Hi there,   I'm currently facing a porblem I'm unable to understand or solve:   If I create two new NodeTypes and then ask for the second one, I get a javax.jcr.query.InvalidQueryException.   Note th...
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    last modified by bes82
  • ConstraintViolationException when creating a node with a protected property

    I'm running into an issue when creating a node with a mixin that defines a protected property.   The node type is defined as follows, the name should not change once it is set (the value is different to the node...
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    last modified by ma6rl
  • ModeShape server-client repositories synchronization

    I want to deploy a server-client architecture based on ModeShape but I can't figure out how to configure ModeShape and Infinispan to achieve my goal. Here is a typical use case: User A creates a node on the main serv...
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    last modified by amischler
  • Files locked by default through WebDAV in Word

    Hey, I'm trying to connect to my repository through WebDAV, and I've attempted to just open a Word-document with the URL through Word. This works fine, but when I try to save the file again, I get an error saying that...
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    last modified by kasma1990
  • Should custom AuthorizationProvider be invoked for each child node when iterating through the child nodes of a parent node?

    I am currently running ModeShape 4.0 Alpha 3 in Wildfly 8.1.   I have a custom AuthorizationProvider implementation that I use to apply custom business logic when attempting to perform an action on a node.  ...
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    last modified by ma6rl
  • Is there a way to have the repository load a Custom authentication provider programatically?

    Before trying to seriously implement a spring security authentication provider for ModeShape 4 I was wondering if there was a way to programatically set or register an AuthenticationProvider impl. against a repository...
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    last modified by bjconlan
  • ModeShape 4.0 Sub-System Class Loader

    I’m currently running ModeShape 4.0 in Wildfly 8 using the ModeShape sub-system. I have implemented a custom ModeShape authenticator and have deployed it as a module in Wildfly. This is working as expected. ...
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    last modified by ma6rl