• Already using jackrabbit, parallely I want to save data using Modeshape, I have some problem in config?

    I am using jackrbbit into one of my project. Now, I want to store data parallely through modeshape. After taking help from modeshape-spring-example, I have configured modeshape into my project. I am getting below er...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • Spring configuration error ! I am getting some error while configuring modeshape with spring

    I am getting below error :   'repositoryFactory' while setting bean property 'repository'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'atomikosTran...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • Infinispan configuration for spring and storing data into mysql database ?

    I am using spring for my project and I want to store modeshape data into mysql. Please suggest me infinispan configuration file.
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • I need export data from one engine and import data into onther one, but because of too much data, it will take 20+minutes and somethings will use up memory. how can i deal with this??  and whether there is some kind of tool to do it??

    I need export data from one engine and import data into onther one, but because of too much data, it will take 20+minutes and somethings will use up memory. how can i deal with this??  and whether there is some ...
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    last modified by hank.cheng
  • SQL error while fetching stored entry with key

    I am getting below error while using modeshape. I am storing data into mysql. Caused by: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Error while starting 'sample' repository: SQL error while fetching stored entry with key: 5d1...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • nodeTypeManager.unregisterNodeType not persisting the changes

    Hi   My config file. {     "name": "Nimit",     "jndiName": "",     "workspaces": {         "predefined": ["workspace", System], &...
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    last modified by nimit.agrawal
  • Configuring directoryPath attribute of Git connector via WildFly CLI

    I am running ModeShape 4.6 on WildFly 10.  I am having some difficulty configuring the directoryPath attribute of a Git connector external source via WildFly CLI.  The attribute doesn't appear in the set of ...
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    last modified by mashama
  • Using Cassandra binary store

    Can you please provide Modeshape json configuration for using Cassandra binary store? Thanks
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    last modified by sabarinathku
  • Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED semantics

    Having WildFly 8.2.0 and ModeShape 4.5.0 I'm trying to observe changing properties of nt:resource node. I'm setting jcr:data and jcr:mimeType properties with same values they already have and calling a session.save()....
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • Full-text searching on multi-valued properties

    Having repository with no index providers explicitly configured I'm trying to search for nt:unstructured nodes with different properties using full-text searching facilities. Using full-text search language of ModeSha...
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • How to configure full-text search stemming?

    According to Full text search: ModeShape uses a complex system to analyze the node content and the query terms, and may perform a number of optimizations, such as ... converting words to base forms using a process c...
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • Losing index results after updating a boolean attribute

    Hi,   I'm trying the following in Modeshape 4.5.0.Final and 4.6.0.Final. I've defined an index like this:   "indexProviders" : {         "local" : {    ...
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    last modified by folch
  • How to configure modeshape with spring ?

    I am using jackrabbit as of now with spring. Now, I want to move to modeshape. Context.xml for jackrabbit : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • Modeshape delete binaries in cluster mode.

    When I start modeshape in cluster mode it deletes my binaries on every start. Clustering works fine with two nodes but after restart the binaries are gone. Seems like it create again everything instead of loading. Wha...
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    last modified by gaboros
  • Modeshape - Infinispan - Sardine - Wildfly

    Hello,   I am using Modeshape 4.4.0 in wildfly 9.0.1 I am using sardine.jar webdav API to store and retrieve PDFs Using this setup to store PDF documents - about 15 docs - each 500KB - storing / retrieving one...
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    last modified by muthunagu100
  • Lightweight client browser

    In my current project, we use Web Explorer but we are not fully satisfied. So we decide to develop a client against ModeShape Rest api. It's not specific so we publish it on github :   https://github.com/Pinpin...
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    last modified by pinpin
  • How to access node property from modeshape-explorer ?

    I am using sql repository to save node data. I have associated a property "message" to world node, but it is not visible. Sample Code : Node hello = root.addNode("hello"); Node world = hello.addNode("world"); wor...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • How can I access modeshape repository in mysql from modeshape-explorer gui ?

    I am following below tutorial to setup modeshape into wildfly : https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/MODE40/Installing+ModeShape+into+Wildfly   and I am using below link for storing data into modeshape sql re...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • 4.5.0 documentation update

    It appears that the space metadata, "{space-metadata-from:artifactVersion}" for the space: Home - ModeShape 4 - Project Documentation Editor should be updated to 4.5.0. This is most notably seen in the "info" banner. ...
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    last modified by awoods
  • ModeShape 5 and beyond

    ModeShape has come a long way in the past 7+ years, and it's amazing to think of the capabilities and features the whole community has put into the software -- thank you once again! More recently, we've made a lot of ...
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    last modified by rhauch