• SOA Best Practices Guide

    We've been working on a SOA Best Practices guide. Take a look, especially if you're looking at the Process Governance work.
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    last modified by marklittle
  • canno't generate jbossesb service from .cdm file

    Hallo,   i try the same example described in the GettingStarted for Overlord. All was perfect but the esb or bpel services canno't be created from .cdm file as described in the getting started (Overlord>Gener...
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    created by ingedeut
  • Cant read source file error in jboss

    i am getting below error in jboss..   2010-04-19 17:22:33,024 ERROR [nucleusNamespace.atg.dynamo.servlet.pagecompile.PageCompileServlet] (TP-Processor42:ipaddr=;path=/canal/scarred/index.jhtml;sessioni...
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    created by senthilviacom
  • Additional step added to Overlord-CDL-M2 install instruction

    The install instructions for Overlord-CDL-M2 have been updated to include an additional step. This is because the release is dependent upon a 'technical preview' plugin within the pi4soa project, which has subsequentl...
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    created by objectiser
  • Guvnor Rules - View Source

    Hi, I am getting the following error when trying to view the source of a rule: org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException: Unable to load dialect 'org.drools.rules.builder.dialect.clips.ClipsDialectConfiguration:org.drools.ru...
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    created by vanithap
  • Overlord Process Governance (CDL) 1.0-M2 has been released.

    The Overlord Process Governance (CDL) Team are pleased to announce the availability for version 1.0.M2 of the Overlord Process Governance (CDL) component. The two main changes in this release are (1) the addition of ...
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    created by objectiser
  • Still having problem running Purchasing example

    Now I get the following exception. org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ActionProcessingException: Unexpected invocation target exception from processor at org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.ActionProcessorMethodInfo.processM...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Problems with H2 runing Purchasing example

    I got the following exception when I ran the purchasingClient: org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.ActionProcessingException: Unexpected invocation target exception from processor at org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.Action...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Problems  with generated jboss-esb.xml files

    When Generating an ESB Service with Conversation Aware ESB Actions the generated jboss-esb.xml file has two minor issues: 1) the action does not have a name 2) the service does not have a description Both of these c...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Problems with overlord-cdl-1.0-M1 Purchasing example

    I had two problems; 1) Conformance checking in IDE I followed the instructions in the SamplesGuide 3.1 1 - 4, but did not result in an error being generated, complaining about a type mismatch. 2) Running the exampl...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Comments on overlord-cdl-1.0-M1 Trailblazer example

    The readme describes how to deploy and run the application, but there is no discussion that I could find on the role of CDL in the trailblazer. While there is a TrailBlazer.cdm in the models folder, and by inspection,...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Entry point to SAM

    Hello, there is a link on the Overlord-Webpage and a Wiki-Page about SAM. Additionally I checked out the code from svn, but I can't find additional documentation. Is there something at hand? I know it is on a very ea...
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    last modified by bernd.koecke
  • Problems in CDL-M1 sample app

    Hello, first, its great to see an M1 release :). I played a little bit around with the purchasing sample app and encountered a blocked choreography. I think there are two things wich caused this. My environment is: ...
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    last modified by bernd.koecke
  • Overlord CDL 1.0-M1 has been released.

    The Overlord CDL Team are pleased to announce the availability for version 1.0.M1 of the Overlord CDL component. This component provides two types of governance capabilities, based on the WS-CDL standard. The first c...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • Starting SOA Governance in small steps

    I'm very interested in project Overloard. I think we need all the things you mentioned in your roadmap for our SOA to make it really work. So I would be very happy not only ot use it but also to work on the project, i...
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    last modified by bernd.koecke
  • Adding Participant Type in Scenario Diagram

    Gary, I am not sure if this is the Forum you meant so let me know if there is a better place. I am using pi4soa2.0.0.CR3-eclipse3.4-linux. When I create a new Scenario and add a Participant to and try to specify th...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Aspects of SOA Governance

    Hi all, I am very interested in your new project Overlord, since I am currently making some inquiries in the SOA Governance area. Overlord is supposed to be a solution for SOA Governance right? BTW: What is the diff...
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    created by miketech
  • Initial questions on Conversation based ESB Actions

    I downloaded the SOAG proejct and reviewed the Conversation based ESB Actions. I found it very interesting reading, and had some questions come to mind. Where does defining a choreography fit in a service oriented de...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Encoding service behaviour with Conversation based actions

    A new work programme has been started, as part of the Overlord governance project, to explore an approach for encoding the behaviour of a service endpoint (derived from a WS-CDL choreography description) as a set of E...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • What is project overlord?

    and what is it not? Please don't tell me it's doing SOA governance ;)
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    last modified by heiko.braun