• WAR Files

    which files to include in WAR Files?
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    created by planet123
  • CMP field for key not found:

    I am creating a CMR relationship b/w two entity bean(one to one bidirectional).There are two entity bean(DepartmenEntity & second is EmployeeEntity).In department primary key is employeeid & this key as a fore...
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    created by dpkoolin
  • JBOSS developer required

    I'm looking for an experienced developer for a small portal project. David Shaw dshaw@kontentsu.com
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    created by shawdav1
  • Work Manager API (threading in JEE)

    In May 2004 IBM and BEA introduced v1.1 of their Work Manager API (aka commonj). The specification defines a concurrent programming API for JEE. Since that time both BEA & IBM have provided implementations of this...
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    created by jheido
  • Something like JINI

    Hello. I have several computers in my net. I have several services on each computer(EJB3.0). Some of these services may depend on the others. For example I have service(EJB3.0) A on computer1 and B on computer2. Servc...
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    created by griff777
  • Using PostgreSQL 8.0 in place of HypersonicSQL

    Hi All, I would like to use PostgreSQL 8.0.4 instead of HypersonicSQL with my JBoss 4.0.2 installation. All my attempts to accomplish this have been futile. Does anyone have the deffinitive solution for this? Thanks...
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    last modified by pabalose
  • unable to run servlets using jboss4.0.3SP1

    i am new to jboss server .i installed jboss4.0.3sp1,i deployed my application to server/default/deploy folder. jsp & html pages are running but servlets does'nt.i kept servlet.jar file in lib folder of my applica...
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    last modified by rai_adi
  • I am new to Jboss app server

    Hi, i am sriram. i am new to Jboss application server. please tell about Jboss book name. What the best way to learn early the Jboss application server. Thanks, Sriram
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    last modified by bk_sriram
  • Multithreading using MDB

    have one multithreaded application which used to spawn different processes. This is application is being ported to J2EE environment. Initially the plan was to use MDB (Message Driven Beans) to spawn mutliple threads ...
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    last modified by sameerbkk
  • Design Question

    Hi, I have a GUI client application that requires that I make 2 calls (with same parameters)for each message. One to cache/DB, the next to reformat message and pass it to another subsystem. I was thinking of sending...
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    created by krubin
  • Packaging Configuration on EJB3.0 Project

    Hi, Following the EJB3.0 Demo from JBoss, I cannot find the Packaging Configuration Node on the Project Property View. I have installed Eclipse 3.1.1, JBoss 4.0.3, JDK1.5.0, EJB3.0 Plugin from JBoss.
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    last modified by ios888
  • Design Pattern to solve EJB versioning issue?

    I am looking for a Design Pattern to solve the issue of evolving models and sincronization with clients applications. We create a version 1.0 of our model with entity beans and session beans in our EJB container. The...
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    created by tchouxen
  • Should I do hierarchical EJB3s?

    I would love to get opinions on this. The example is a bit contrived, but hopefully it will get across what I'm after. Let's say we have a doctor EJB3: @Stateless public class DoctorBean implements Doctor { publi...
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    last modified by platinumdragon
  • fail to start jboss 3.2.2

    hello, When I run jboss 3.2.2 within eclipse 2.1 with lomboz plugins it gives following error mess in console & in log file:- (os- fedora core 4 & j2sdk1.4.2_03) console --------- 23:32:55,707 WARN [NamingCo...
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    created by chaman4110
  • Jboss4.2 vs Postgres

    Dear All, I have upgrated my application server (Jboss3.2) to 4.2 and when i deployed my App.ear into deployment director of Jboss4.2, it works fine but when i carry out a function which is to do with the database(Po...
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    last modified by aneiba
  • jboss vs geronimo

    can anybody help me to find out the advantageous features of jboss over Geronimo?
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    created by explore_ranjan
  • why jboss doesn't start in eclipse

    hello, when I strat jboss within eclipse it gives follwing error but when I start at terminal it run comfortabily I use fedora core 4 ,eclipse 2.1 , lomboz 2.1 ,java1.4.2_03 02:30:56,672 WARN [NamingContext] Failed t...
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    last modified by chaman4110
  • The magic behind transaction control and Session beans

    Hello, i'm not sure where to ask this but i think this place might be ok. Anyway, i was wondering how session beans can have transaction control when *I* have total control over what happens inside a session bean's me...
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    last modified by tietyt
  • deploy time configuration of EJB's

    Hi, We are running into the problem of EJB's requiring environmental configuration such as ports remote hosts etc. The obvious solution seems to be to use the env-entry in ejb-jar.xml or to use a properties file insi...
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    last modified by placebojim
  • fail to connect jnp server to fc 4

    hello, when I start jboss within eclipse it gives error mess jnp fail to connect at port 1099. but it comfortabily start from terminal or pcqlinux 2005. I use jboss-3.2.2 , eclipse 2.1, fedora core 4, java 1.4.2_03, ...
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    created by chaman4110