• Database Object Model Error

    I have a DBO (database object which contains methods for manipulating the database table rows) and is working fine, But if i change any method or add any method thats going to be recognized at run time. Iam using JBo...
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    last modified by infantpapa
  • Service Locator pattern to recognise stale home reference

    Hi Just wondering if it's worth pursuing some refelection in a Service Locator to detect stale home references. Or will this code produce to much overhead on each cache lookup? if (cache.containsKey(jndiHomeName)...
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    created by glyn_walters
  • App Data Loading in EJB 3.0

    Hi, I'm new to EJB and especially EJB 3.0 (but then, who isn't?). I am to develop a portable EJB 3.0 application with a web front-end and my question is: What is the best practise of loading static data from propert...
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    created by henkomannen
  • Static Initialization at server startup

    Hello. This may be a bit of a newbie question and is really just general J2EE (not JBoss specific) but I was hoping I could get some suggestions here. I was wondering, in a J2EE architecture where _should_ I do thing...
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    last modified by edludke
  • Best pattern to vend and update data from as webserivce usin

    All, First thanks for reading this post! I have a webservice that vends very complex types; complex types that have arrays of other complex types etc... , _which works_ like a charm. The problem I'm having is doin...
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    last modified by czednick
  • Half Synch/Half Asynch implementation

    I have to do a half synch/half asynch implementation where the asynch portion can take some what long time to process. I have been wondering about using a stateful bean to do the synch half of the processing, then usi...
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    last modified by ssbawa
  • Questions about 'failover' & 'Hot deployment'

    I have some questions about 'failover' and 'hot deployment' on several J2EE platforms, any advice or hints will be highly appreciated, thanks a lot! 1. Some vendors, such as IBM websphere, have fufil the "stateful se...
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    last modified by menkun
  • Decorator Pattern

    Friends, Can someone explain me with an example what Decorator Pattern is?. Thanks for your time. Chicagoram.
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  • Remote Iterator Pattern

    Hello! I've searched through lots of webpages about J2EE design patterns, but I could not find any satisfying answer to my problem concerning "continuous loading". The only design pattern that almost fits is the valu...
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    last modified by winterer
  • Questions about 'failover' & 'Hot deployment'

    I have some questions about 'failover' and 'hot deployment' on several J2EE platforms, any advice or hints will be highly appreciated, thanks a lot! 1. Some vendors, such as IBM websphere, have fufil the "stateful se...
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    created by menkun
  • how to use jboss-4.0.1sp1 in eclipse?

    I downloaded the lomboz plugin and update eclipse ide with it,but i found that the lomboz can only support jboss 2.44,not jboss-4.0.1sp1,how to selove this problem?thank you
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    last modified by zhangyubin
  • send messages from Statefull to anoteher one.

    Dear All, I have an easy question to resolve, Which is the better communication architecture between two Statefull beans. Statefull bean A (producer) MDB? Statefull bean B (consumer) its possible? i don't know how...
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    last modified by fabrefumi
  • Error whit Remote conection

    I have one cliente of one aplixation J2ee, and executing this from the command line run ok, but when i try to execute from another pc in a remote place don't runing! the error it's whit time out error, it's possible ...
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    last modified by newj2ee
  • Multiple jvm's

    I'am newbie to J2EE and JBOSS and need som help on scaling, clustering in JBOSS. My question: Is it possible to run multiple jvm's, one per application in jboss? I want to scale vertically with seperate jvm's. /peder
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  • diference between JBOSS and Weblogic

    What is the diference between JBOSS and Weblogic
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  • JBoss Mail

    Im very new JBoss and i have to work on jmail using JBoss now can anyone suggest me the beats ide availble for Jboss plz help needed . waiting for ur answer desparately
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  • Is JBoss 3.0.4 J2EE Compliant?

    Is JBoss 3.0.4 J2EE Compliant? Thanks.
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  • Billing and subscription systems

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for high-level design patterns for online subscription and billing systems. Thousands of these systems have been written - has anyone published any papers on best practices? The material doe...
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    created by lhoriman
  • diference between JBOSS and Weblogic

    What is the diference between JBOSS and Weblogic
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    created by sivavp
  • MVC and a multiple client applictation

    All, I am trying to apply the MVC pattern to an application in which: 1. Multiple clients (<10) simultaneously connect over the internet to the same server. Clients are typical internet users with a standard web ...
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    last modified by zephyr