• EJB3 support in jboss4.0.4

    hi All, Please help in knowing whether Jboss4.0.4 have inbuilt support for EJB3 and if not what are the settings that am supposed to do for running an EJB3.0 bean from Jboss4.0.4. Thanks.
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    created by anupkg4jboss
  • customized messages (FacesMessages - Error, warning, etc)

    The usual faces messages is shown like this, for any validation First name is required. Last name is required. Phone number exceeds maximum limit. How can we show faces messages(during a form submission) like thi...
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    last modified by chuckys1106
  • A New J2EE Framwork/MVC Framework And A New Service Oriented

    Hi Dears Shine is a Java-J2EE Application Framework/JWMS(Java Web Model Service)Framework/MVC Framework/Service Oriented Framework. Shine Includes Ajax Libs/Server API/J2EE Architecture. Shine Supported JSF/Spring/As...
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    last modified by amirsam
  • Thank you and Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey! We’re getting great feedback. If you haven’t already participated, please take a few moments to complete the survey located at the ...
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    created by plaurentphd
  • Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered

    My name is Paula Laurent. I’m a Computer Science PhD student at DePaul University conducting research on soliciting and prioritizing requirements. The goal of this research is to find out about the ...
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  • Accessing session bean over the internet

    Hi A lightweight swing client that looks up a session bean to make calls to it and also connects to a jms queue, is to be deployed to run over the internet. At the moment this would require a lot of firewall ports o...
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    last modified by glynbach
  • An interface with multiple implementation

    Hi I am going to create an interface named ReusablePool, this is considered to be implemented as an object pool now because our application may deploy in any application server such as Glassfish or Websphere etc, dep...
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    created by mnrz
  • how to call ejb deploy on linux jboss4.0.5GA

    I deploy ear to jboss4.0.5GA in linux successfully, but my client in windows xp can not call ejb service, why? Thanks
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  • J2EE+Jboss4.0.2+jade

    Hello I need aid to be able to integrate jade with jboss4.0.2 I have found that jademx can be used but the tutorial that shows is very general with respect to like forming with jboss if somebody can help me thank you ...
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    created by graparg
  • Help Me Design...

    Hello and thank you for reading. I am currently creating an EJB3 stateless session bean for a project. The bean loads the Apache Axis2 Web services library. The bean will be used to interact with a SOAP service and r...
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    created by gecko_dave
  • download Ajax4JSF??

    Where can I download the .jars of the Ajax4JSF project?!! thanks
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    created by thiagocoder
  • Distributed Task Management

    I am looking for feedback on a pattern we have started using, as we would prefer to have it reviewed before we convert more of our system over to using it. The scenario we face, is that we have a fairly straight-forw...
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    created by tkutz_isobar
  • Tomcat5.5

    is Tomcat 5.5 can be used to deploy EJB's
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  • Spawning new treads from MDB

    Hi, I know, I know, the spec says I shouldn't do that. But, honestly, in practice, there are situations where spawning new threads from MDB (or SB for that matter) might be acceptable, aren't there? For example, I n...
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  • Help me design this..

    Hello Guys, I am currently involved in developing a caching component, that will have the following features, 1. During startup load all the config data(from XML files) into memory. 2. There are a few objects which...
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  • Is it possible to put facelet.taglib into .jar?

    Hello! I was wondering can I put all my .xhtml facelets from WEB-INF/tags directory into one .jar and use it in my web application (as a external lib or something like that)? That way implementation of existing face...
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    created by hrast200
  • suggestion box +richfaces.3.2+im[plementation

    Can i know how to use suggestion box ... i am facing problem while using it
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    created by kamaraju
  • Hibernate 3 compatible with Jboss 3.2.5?

    I am running and old website that only runs on Jboss 3.2.5. Now, I would like to inject a hibernate archive .har file with hibernate 3.x into the website so that I can start using hibernate daos. Is Jboss 3.2.5 compat...
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    created by olonga
  • could not publish to the server

    Hello, I m using Jboss4.2 with eclipse jee 3.3.2 version, when I try to run my web application I get this error: could not publish to the server java.lang.NullPointerException I searched a lot about this issue in t...
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  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:

    Could anybody please help me out!!
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