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Thread Database Object Model Error
Database Object Model ErrorI have a DBO (database object which contains methods for manipulating the database table rows) and is working fine, But if i change any method or add any method thats going to be recognized at run time. Iam using JBo...
Thread Service Locator pattern to recognise stale home reference
Service Locator pattern to recognise stale home referenceHi Just wondering if it's worth pursuing some refelection in a Service Locator to detect stale home references. Or will this code produce to much overhead on each cache lookup?
if (cache.containsKey(jndiHomeName)...
App Data Loading in EJB 3.0Hi, I'm new to EJB and especially EJB 3.0 (but then, who isn't?). I am to develop a portable EJB 3.0 application with a web front-end and my question is: What is the best practise of loading static data from propert...
Static Initialization at server startupHello. This may be a bit of a newbie question and is really just general J2EE (not JBoss specific) but I was hoping I could get some suggestions here. I was wondering, in a J2EE architecture where _should_ I do thing...
Thread Best pattern to vend and update data from as webserivce usin
Best pattern to vend and update data from as webserivce usinAll, First thanks for reading this post! I have a webservice that vends very complex types; complex types that have arrays of other complex types etc... , _which works_ like a charm. The problem I'm having is doin...
Half Synch/Half Asynch implementationI have to do a half synch/half asynch implementation where the asynch portion can take some what long time to process. I have been wondering about using a stateful bean to do the synch half of the processing, then usi...
Thread Questions about 'failover' & 'Hot deployment'
Questions about 'failover' & 'Hot deployment'I have some questions about 'failover' and 'hot deployment' on several J2EE platforms, any advice or hints will be highly appreciated, thanks a lot! 1. Some vendors, such as IBM websphere, have fufil the "stateful se...
Remote Iterator PatternHello! I've searched through lots of webpages about J2EE design patterns, but I could not find any satisfying answer to my problem concerning "continuous loading". The only design pattern that almost fits is the valu...
Thread Questions about 'failover' & 'Hot deployment'
Questions about 'failover' & 'Hot deployment'I have some questions about 'failover' and 'hot deployment' on several J2EE platforms, any advice or hints will be highly appreciated, thanks a lot! 1. Some vendors, such as IBM websphere, have fufil the "stateful se...
how to use jboss-4.0.1sp1 in eclipse?I downloaded the lomboz plugin and update eclipse ide with it,but i found that the lomboz can only support jboss 2.44,not jboss-4.0.1sp1,how to selove this problem?thank you
Thread send messages from Statefull to anoteher one.
send messages from Statefull to anoteher one.Dear All, I have an easy question to resolve, Which is the better communication architecture between two Statefull beans. Statefull bean A (producer) MDB? Statefull bean B (consumer) its possible? i don't know how...
Error whit Remote conectionI have one cliente of one aplixation J2ee, and executing this from the command line run ok, but when i try to execute from another pc in a remote place don't runing! the error it's whit time out error, it's possible ...
Multiple jvm'sI'am newbie to J2EE and JBOSS and need som help on scaling, clustering in JBOSS. My question: Is it possible to run multiple jvm's, one per application in jboss? I want to scale vertically with seperate jvm's. /peder
JBoss MailIm very new JBoss and i have to work on jmail using JBoss now can anyone suggest me the beats ide availble for Jboss plz help needed . waiting for ur answer desparately
Billing and subscription systemsHi everyone. I'm looking for high-level design patterns for online subscription and billing systems. Thousands of these systems have been written - has anyone published any papers on best practices? The material doe...
MVC and a multiple client applictationAll, I am trying to apply the MVC pattern to an application in which: 1. Multiple clients (<10) simultaneously connect over the internet to the same server. Clients are typical internet users with a standard web ...