• Latest picketbox version ?

    I see at download page the 3.0.0 is the available version. However Looking in svn the latest tag is 4.0.9.Final. Why there is not a build and download for this version ? Which version is the latest to start working ...
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    created by claudio4j
  • How to find SSL version JBoss 5.1.0

    We are using JBoss 5.1.0 and enable SSL. Now we want to configure Load balancer so we need to know what SSL version is using. Anybody know how to find the SSL version ? Thanks,
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    created by vemmanuel
  • How to determine whether a user logged in via a certificate or password?

    Our application allows certificate (CAC) authentication or username/password.  Is there something in the Security Context or Subject that will tell me which Authentication method was used? Thanks for any pointer...
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    created by sasloper
  • BaseCertLoginModule and UsersRolesLoginModule

    Hi I am running JBoss 4.0.3. Trying to have Client Certificate authentication, here are the configs and steps that I followed jboss-service.xml --------------------- <mbean code="org.jboss.security.plugins.Jaas...
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    last modified by maheshkudva
  • Problem w/ BASIC web auth Database

    Having a bit of a problem with BASIC auth using DatabaseServerLoginModule for my web app on JBoss 3.2.1/Jetty: Here's my stuff: web.xml ======== <web-app> ... <security-constraint> <web-resource-col...
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    last modified by bcdecamp
  • Current status of MS kerberos and JBoss?

    Hi!   I am considering to use Kerberos tickets (service account authentication done by Active directory) to authenticate consumers of web services (not web applications!) to the service hosted in JBoss app serve...
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    created by javafanboy
  • SRPLoginModule

    We've been using SRPLoginModule since it was added to JBossSX by Scott Stark (around 2001-2002?). Unfortunately, it is not present in JBoss 7 and I can't find any information about why it was removed :( Can anyone s...
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    created by olegnitz
  • SPNEGO, HttpServletRequets.getRemoteUser() vs. EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal().getName() inconsistency

    Hi,   I have to ask this question. I've spend many hours browsing sources and do not know the answer.   Suppose I've got here setup FORM based authentication. Then getRemoteUser() on HttpServletRequest ins...
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    last modified by alfonz19
  • Delegate authorization role mapping for application: JACC is the answer?

    Hi,   Hope thats the corret place.   I'm trying to find an answer to my question, but can't find it directly through web searchs, so I came here to ask the community.   I want to know if is possible ...
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    created by cweiler
  • JBoss Negotiation 2.0.3.GA Released

    JBoss Negotiation 2.0.3.GA has now been released and is available for download from: - http://www.jboss.org/jbosssecurity/downloads/JBoss%20Negotiation https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SECURITY-343 The main areas...
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • What happened to JBoss OpenSSO

    A lot of the community ESB documentation refers to OpenSSO, but this project is not listed anywhere on jboss.org. Has this project been discontinued, or has it been incorporated into another project?
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    last modified by mcaspers
  • Flushing credential cache from a login module?

    We have a custom login module that among other things blocks an account once too many login attempts have failed. However this means that after a failed login we have to flush the credential cache in order to protect ...
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    last modified by pmm
  • Entity Beans & Security: best practice ?

    hi, I would like some advice on security design, more specifically when applying it on Entity Beans. I am currently developing a J2EE application and everything is going very well, I am now taking the time to fine-t...
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    last modified by draftdog
  • Failed to authenticate

    Hi,   I try to read the version from the jboss.system:type=Server MBean of a remote JBoss server (version 5). The jmx-console authentication is set by     <application-policy name="jmx-console">...
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    created by somostetoikilato
  • Custom LoginModule sorted in standalone.xml - but one last problem

    I've managed to implement a custom LoginModule that's deployed to AS7.1.1.Final an working well - with one problem.  I can't figure out how to stop the server prompting for a username and password.  I don't ...
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    last modified by j4m3s
  • custom SecurityIdentityLoginModule  Implementation

    Hi,      I am new to JBoss AS and to Jboss user community!!  hoping  to get a solution/workaround for this issue that I am facing now!! I am looking for more information on configuration an...
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    created by sreejb00s
  • Certificate based authentication in JBoss

    Hi,     Can some one provide some information on implmenting Certificate Based Authentication on JBoss. Any help will be appreciated.   Thanks,
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    last modified by sincanvin
  • Infinispan integration - unnecessary exception polluting logs?

    Hi,   In JBoss AS 7.1.1, with Infinispan integration (4.0.7) enabled using cache-type="infinispan" on security-domain element in standalone.xml.   A horrible exception in the logs (when authentication fail...
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    last modified by jamesbaxter
  • NullPointerException @ DatabaseServerLoginModule.java:141, J

    Hello, all. I'm having some problems with the DatabaseServerLoginModule and would appreciate any help, as the logged error messages do not tell me much: DataSource <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <...
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    last modified by jahebe
  • JBoss Security Changing the role in subject

    Hi,   I've one requirement in which Authenticated Subject role has to be replace with new one once user changes role from drop down. Just want to is it possible or not if yes please help me how to handle this s...
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    last modified by knune