• Programatically create an SHA256 password hash.

    Hello, I'm trying to implement code to generate hashed SHA256 passwords, in a way that they could be used with the Picketbox's DatabaseLoginModule, the encryption mode I would like to use is SHA. For this I got a reco...
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    last modified by zeroshade
  • Custom Principal class problem. SessionContext always return

    Hi I need to store in the principal class not only name of the principal but also id from database. So I have created my own login module which inherits from the jboss DatabaseServerLoginModule. In the method getUser...
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    last modified by misqu23
  • Access Contol for the JMX-Console

    Access Contol for the JMX-Console
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    last modified by manogaranyuvaraj
  • Programmatic Authentication in JBoss?

    I'm unable to find out a way to do programmatic authentication to the web container in JBoss. I see such facility is availaible in WebLogic using ServletAuthentication. and in Sun's AS81 using ProgrammaticLogin classe...
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    last modified by evsrao
  • LdapExtLoginModule question

    Hello.  I am completely new to JBOSS so please forgive what is likely a very simple question.   We have an application that is using the LdapExtLoginModule to access our Active Directory envrionment.  ...
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    created by jadedpuppy
  • SPNEGOLoginModule : NullPointerException - Unable to authenticate

    Hello Everyone,   I have Configured JBOSS and My Application to enable Kerberos SSO Using JBOSS  SPNEGO. Its working fine as expected. I have also tested the JBOSS Negotiation Toolkit and all test are pass...
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    last modified by mehul.kapadia
  • clarification on flushAuthenticationCache

    Hi,   I am running JBoss 4.3.0-cp09. This issue occurs only when the web application is deployed in a cluster. It doesn't appear in a standalone JBoss server.   I have my own custom login module authentica...
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    created by palkape
  • Kerberos on JBOSS Using SSO

    Hi ,   I am new to JBOSS(5.1.0.GA) and I would like to setup Kerberos Authentication for JBOSS Server Using SSO on WINDOWS environment. I have my EJB(Web) application which needs to login everytime, I would like...
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    last modified by mehul.kapadia
  • @RolesAllowed ignored?

    I am using jboss 4.2.1.GA. I have the ff session bean @RolesAllowed({"authenticated"}) @Stateless @Remote({AccountRDAO.class}) public class AccountRDAOAction extends RDAOAction implements AccountRDAO, Serializable...
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    last modified by jjonphl
  • What can I use to quickly find policies?

    So I know this documentation has to be out there somewhere, but after a morning of Googling I have not been able to come across it.  I'm currently doing some work with XACML policies that are specified in an XML ...
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    created by joshc1107
  • Problem with startup of server: NotSerializableException

    When I try and start up my server (JBoss SOA-P 5.1) with picketlink/box using the default profile (unaltered configuration), I get the following exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error configuring property: poli...
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    last modified by kinderpe
  • Help with keystores

    Hi,   Please forgive me for my bad english. I'm a french people.   I have some problem to use multiple alias in one keystore loaded by the JVM when jboss start: -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/cacerts...
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    created by zerros
  • JBoss SSL client auth for certain URLs

    Hi, I'm using JBoss 5.0.x and wanted to know if there is anyway to enable/enforce client authentication for only certain URLs in a TSL/SSL configuration.   If not available in Jboss 5.x I'd be interested to know...
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    created by ben.maisano
  • Https for only certain URL's

    Hi, I'm trying to implement SSL in Jboss. I'm able to open my application at port 8443 now using https. But I want to access https only for certain url's and not for all the url's. Also, I want SSL only for one appli...
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    last modified by pranav.r.parikh
  • Authorization Modules - Jboss AS 7

    Trying to use Authorization Modules in Jboss AS 7 but nothing happens.   Authorizing a EJB Method, the org.jboss.as.ejb3.security.AuthorizationInterceptor calls for securityManager.isCallerInRole of org.jboss.as...
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    last modified by ramonmolossi
  • Chained AdvancedLdapLoginModule against Server 2008 R2

      Hello!   Here is the short summary: using the AdvancedLdapLoginModule chained after SPNEGO against Win2008 R2 always fails with: "000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906DC, comment: In order to perform this oper...
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    last modified by jar349
  • SSO on JBOSS with Kerberos

    Hi everyone. I am, what someone would call a newbie on jboss. I've searched on the web for a while, but i didn't found an concrete answer. Is SSO with Kerberos against a MIT Kerberos Infrastrukture working on JBOSS...
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    last modified by djzak
  • Security Dev Jobs at JBoss

    We are looking for 2 cool developers for projects related to security at JBoss.  You should try to apply for the following two positions.   https://careers.redhat.com/ext/detail?redhat7943   and  ...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • Security Context has not been set

    Hello, I am having the following exception when logging in. I am hoping that somebody might have some suggestions to where I might look or check to try and resolve this issue: 17:16:45,552 ERROR [JBossWebRealm] Er...
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    last modified by lesquivel
  • <run-as><role-name>internalRole.. not working?

    Hello everybody, as described in this post I get SecurityExceptions when calling other EJBs from a session bean. Somehow the internalRole (called "local") is not defined or forwarded correctly. The application worked...
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    last modified by thescientist