• PATCH (review before I commit) add stacking to LDAPExtLoginM

    See: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-2681 and more particularly: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/secure/attachment/12330504/ldapextpatch I originally wrote the LdapExtLoginModule in a hurry for a client and it ha...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • JBoss Negotiation with Win Vista

    Has anyone tested JBoss Negotiation from a Windows Vista Client? It doesn't work for me. There is no exception thrown that may be found on the jboss logs - it just doesn't complete.
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    last modified by rafael_nm
  • Is it possible to make run.bat start with custom server conf

    Hi, I am working with JBoss 4.2.0 and I am a beginner. I have created a custom server configuration. I wanted to know if there is any way to make JBoss always start with my configuration by default rather than the d...
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    created by gururao513
  • URGENT: SAML support example with an JBOSS application

    I want to integrate my application with SAML. Please share with me the steps required to do so. I have to stick to the SAML only, so please keep it specific to it and if possible provide me any sample application as a...
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    created by jbossshm
  • SAML 2.0 Support in Websphere?

    Hello, In the context of a diploma thesis i should evaluate support of the SAML 2.0 Standard in JBoss. I'm especially interested in the Web Browser SSO Profile and Identity Federation mechanisms. I believe this would...
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    last modified by jjosh
  • JBAS-7049: AccessController permission check throwing NPE

    Looks like an OpenJDK6 issue where the permission check for getParent of a classloader is failing with an NPE because probably the parent class loader is null (boot CL). 14:40:13,679 ERROR [AbstractKernelController...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Resolving jacc-api vs. jboss-javaee

    @see http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jboss-development/2009-July/014679.html Anil, how would we like to proceed? I'll defer opening a ticket until we've got your input on how this should be handled. S, ALR
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Property: javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfigurationFactory.pro

    Running into this while booting Embedded AS (with all dependencies upon the application ClassLoader): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: JACC:Error PolicyConfigurationFactory : cannot find class : null at...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Active Directory Integration

    Is there any way I can use Active Directory with JBoss SSO?
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    last modified by adorandish
  • JBAS-7010, SecurityContext creation

    I found an issue with the JndiLoginInitialContextFactory not creating a SecurityContext and hence not being propagated correctly by the org.jboss.ejb3.security.client.SecurityClientInterceptor. Looking at the Security...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • java security in jboss & runtime parsing of java.policy file

    Hi Decided to move here from mailing. I have been googling and browsing JBoss code in order to see how one can parse java.policy file at runtime and instrument policy collection accordingly. I see some code in jboss ...
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    last modified by baranowb
  • JNDIBasedSecurityManagement ignoring the bean configurations

    A user has recently found out that JNDIBasedSecurityManagement is ignoring the properties that are set in its configuration (security-jboss-beans.xml). In his particular case, he wanted a specific CallbackHandler to b...
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    last modified by sguilhen
  • SimplePrincipal - equals() Implementation

    I am interested in some thoughts on how valid our implementation of equals is on our SimplePrincipal. The javadoc for Principal described the requirements of the equals method as: - Compares this principal to the s...
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • Codesource URL on the embedded jars

    https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6660 There is a potential contribution from the community on setting the code source URL to the embedded jars of an ear/sar such that appropriate permissions may be assigned. ...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • Password masking at the MC level

    I want to just place some of my thoughts here for future reference. Scott had broached the topic of some aspects to encrypt/decrypt bean properties which is on our TODO list. I also want to handle the issue of passw...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • XACMLDeployer and ACLDeployer for AS5.1

    We have this JIRA issue: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6425 to clean up the XACML, ACL policy file handling for web/ejb deployments via separate deployers. I would like to get these done for AS5.1CR1.
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • JBossSX trunk to be v2.1.x

    I am thinking that we need to work on the configuration aspects. We currently have JBossXB based configuration and the mc configuration. I am thinking that we need to branch out security projects into Branch_2_0 and ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • JBoss Federated SSO : How browsers can send and store a SAML

    Hi! I miss couple of things in the design of JBoss Federated SSO. As I understand, browser sends the SAML based token to each application that participated in SSO. 1) When the SAML based token is added to browser? Af...
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    last modified by michaelf
  • Custome Authenticators Defined At Web Application Level

    I know that as custom authenticators are implemented as a valve they can be added to a context.xml deployed with the web application - however looking at the jboss-service.xml of the jboss-web.deployer I see the follo...
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • Help in Jboss security debug

    Hi. I'm trying to configure security on JBOSS5 in comparsion with JBOSS4 it does not work for my. I'm getting source of JBoss5 and i'm debuging this "monster" :) project. I have one question, is anybody there who ca...
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    last modified by kolszew73