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Thread Flush security domain cache on sessionInvalidation
Flush security domain cache on sessionInvalidationAccording to Scott: The current flushOnSessionInvalidation implementation only flushes the security domain cache in the context of a request. If the session expires without any activity the security domain cache will ...
Call Logout Module on Session Timeout.Will JBOSS call the JAAS LoginModule configured for in specified security domain on Session Expiration. I want a my custom JAAS LoginModule's logout method to be called in order to make required database updates.
Policy Implementation for VFSAdrian, you wanted to apply Java security permission checks to vfs deployments (deploy, undeploy etc). Some possibilities are: 1) Use the current JACC policy implementation that is keyed in by a context id (which is...
Secure Remote ClassloadingI've started a topic in the Remoting forum about secure remote classloading, which pertains strongly to the security framework of JBossAS. The link is here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&...
JBoss ACL schemaWe've been talking about an ACL configuration file that would specify the ACL policies for resources. These ACLs would be installed upon deployment and would be available through the ACLProvider that has been configur...
Thread Quantum Cryptography: As Awesome As It Is Pointless
Quantum Cryptography: As Awesome As It Is PointlessAlways good to think about effective security, not just theoretically better security. http://www.wired.com/politics/security/commentary/securitymatters/2008/10/securitymatters_1016 "Bruce Schneier" wrote: Quantum ...
Thread Error configuring JRMPInvoker with SSL in conf/jboss-service
Error configuring JRMPInvoker with SSL in conf/jboss-serviceThis has to do with https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5815. In short, when configuring a JRMPInvoker with a RMISSLServerSocketFactory [1] in conf/jboss-service.xml, a NPE is seen due to a failure to initialize ...
Thread JBNAME-8, updates to security in naming server
JBNAME-8, updates to security in naming serverhttps://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBNAME-8 I have added security permission checks when running under a security manager to the jnpserver project for the 5.0.0.CR3 release. The following RuntimePermissions are requi...
Thread EJBSpecUnitTestCase and the MDB Run As related tests
EJBSpecUnitTestCase and the MDB Run As related testsThe EJBSpecUnitTestCase has a complex setup and the MDB run as related tests have been failing for a long long time. But debugging the issue has been pretty complex for a long long time now because the MDB tests fail ...
SSO inetOrgPerson LoginProviderHi, I have been implementing a LoginProvider based on RFC2798 (inetOrgPerson), the problem I'm facing is that the standard doesn't include the concept of roles that a user belongs to. So does any know a normal used pr...
JBoss Negotiation - 2.0.3.Beta2 released, onto 2.0.3.CR1The Beta2 release is now out https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SECURITY-266, so now onto the tasks for the CR1 release (Which should be a real CR release with the potential to be tagged GA). I think the following ta...
Thread JACC issue: why is not Policy::implies called on my Policy p
JACC issue: why is not Policy::implies called on my Policy pHello, I'm porting home-grown JACC provider from GlassFish to JBoss 5.0 CR1. I've copied all the needed jars into server/all/lib subdirectory. Followed http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/JACC to enable it. When I start jboss ...
JBoss Negotiation - SPNEGOI just wanted to start a discussion to see if there are any priorities for the tasks to work on for the Beta2 release of the JBoss Negotiation library. I have just added a new LDAP login module based on the existing ...
jboss rules not workedhi everyone in my project , i'm define rules with jboss rules in rules-file and when run project two message [Contexts] starting up: org.jboss.seam.security.identity [RuleBase] parsing rules: /security.drl is shown ...
security-config schema locationI am working on the integration of the ACL (instance-based authorization) project with the AS. For that I need to offer users a way to specify the ACL provider as part of an application-policy, which requires changes ...
GSSAPI/NegotiateI was asked to provide input to this forum about the uses of GSSAPI/Negotiate. The source of this was this post: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=73418 The usecases I am working with t...
Legacy client SecurityAssociationThis work: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/SECURITY-75 isn't much use without this: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/SECURITY-125 Most clients (if they used the SecurityAssociation api) will be using on the client...
Thread SecurityContext inherited by threads on the serverside
SecurityContext inherited by threads on the serversidehttp://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/tags/JBoss_4_0_5_GA/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/SAThreadLocalUnitTestCase.java The test "testThreadLocal" clearly tests that on the server, SecurityAssociati...
Thread Error in org.jboss.security.valve.SSOFederationRouter
Error in org.jboss.security.valve.SSOFederationRouterThe lookupPartners() method has "http" hard coded for creating the URL to access the federated resource of partners. When the request comes from a secure connection the method throws a org.apache.commons.httpclient.Pr...