• Is it possible to restore the PicketLink "original request" when using a custom faces Login page and CDI backing bean?  Using PicketLink IDM, JPA, and Simple Authenticator Login Page but Unable restoreOriginal Request.

    PicketLink Usage Scenario   User requests a webpage located in a PicketLink protected folder. When PicketLink detects reqeust for a protected folder, it invokes a faces login.xhtml page which passes username and...
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    created by bstevenson
  • Picketlink 2.7.0.Final Tomcat 7

    Hi,   we are trying to use picketlink 2.7.0.Final with tomcat 7. On startup weg get:   java.lang.VerifyError: class org.picketlink.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.sp.AbstractAccountChooserValve overrid...
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    created by benste
  • Picketlink with permission example on v2.7.0.Final

    Hi,   Currently we are using seam framework to authenticate and authorize users in our application, we have our own set of User, Role and Permission table. Now we want to integrate picketlink but don't know wher...
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    created by czetsuya
  • Change Password - Second time only user is authenticated

    We have a facility to change password, once user logs into the application. So I successfully changed the password and clicked on 'logout' link which is configured to use GLO. I am navigated to login screen.(What I f...
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    created by pradyumna13
  • Picketlink SAML SP: Supporting remote IDP certificate rollovers

    Hello   I'm looking to run Picketlink as an SP (in Wildfly), and can see that I have to add the remote IdP certificate to a JSK and reference that by its' JKS alias in as a ValidatingAlias:   <Validatin...
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    created by jbromberger
  • Custom SAMLConfigurationProvider for SPFilter in the picketlink 2.6.0.Final

    Hi everybody! I'm using wildfly8.2.0 with picketlink 2.6.0.Final (by default for wildfly 8.2.0) and I want to specify my custom implementation of the SAMLConfigurationProvider. For picketlink2.7.0.Final i've used...
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    last modified by tev1988
  • writing unitTests for picketLink-EAP6.3 application

    My configuration/setup 1. EAP 6.3 2. picket-link 2.7 library 3.Elipse Luna 4. Maven 3.2.x 5. JDK 1.8 [My concern] I am very new to CDI/EAP environment. I was using an existing picket-link example code of multi-...
  • Query for groups returning error

    When i query for groups on my model, picketlink throw this exception:   18:19:39,453 ERROR [org.picketlink.http] (default task-6) Exception thrown during processing for path [/portaldereservas/portal/tools/accou...
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    last modified by arthurgregorio
  • Difference between @RolesAllowed() and BasicModel.hasRole()

    Hello   I have a problem with differing functionality between these two methods listed above.   My scenario is: I am using groups with roles granted to the groups.  I then add users to the groups to e...
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    last modified by sman_uk
  • How to link existing LDAP entries to new JPA entities

    I have been trying to figure out best way to handle linking new Picketlink JPA entities with existing application LDAP entries from before implementing Picketlink for authentication and authorization. In my implementa...
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    last modified by starr_stealer
  • Custom IDM Model with PicketLink Social?

    I'm developing a JavaEE application that makes use of JBoss PicketLink for its security framework. I've implemented a custom IDM model to better support some custom security attributes that I need. Now, I'd also like ...
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    last modified by sdnakhla
  • PL00075: File could not be located :policyConfig.xml in jboss eap6.3

    I have created sample SP project and had placed proper web.xml, jboss-deployment-structure.xml and picketlink.xml.   and I tried to deploy the sample we app with all the above proper xml files, I am getting the ...
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    last modified by penusila611621
  • Can the Picketlink STS be used as a Relying Party STS?

    Hi, we wish to set up Picketlink as a Relying Party STS that can validate tokens issued by a particular third-party IP-STS.   I've configured handler chain of one of our web services to use the STS Security hand...
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    last modified by paddytb
  • authorization for multiple roles

    I have a path that I want multiple roles to be able to access:   SecurityConfigurationBuilder builder = event.getBuilder();     builder   .http()   .forPath("/api/*")   .withMethod(H...
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    last modified by rschumeyer
  • detached entity passed to persist. For OneToOne field

    Hi,   I have this classes: @IdentityManaged(User.class) @Entity public class UserTypeEntity extends IdentityTypeEntity {   @AttributeValue   private String userName;   @AttributeValue   @Si...
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    last modified by alekspo
  • Picketlink SP errors out during signature validation on a Signed + Encrypted SAML token

    Hi,   I am trying to consume a Signed + Encrypted SAML token from ADFS on JBoss-EAP 6.3 using Picketlink version 2.7. The token is decrypted correctly but during the next step of signature validation following e...
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    last modified by sheetul
  • Issue while enabling SSL for PicketLink IDP

    Hello,   We are using Apache HTTP server for reverse proxy. The Apache HTTP server is self-signed and has SSL enabled. Any request to PicketLink IDP is fronted by Apache HTTP and then re-directs to the IDP. The ...
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    last modified by kshiva
  • Accessing application with 'localhost' has problem when 'public' interface is configured for <any-address/> in Wildfly

    This is bugging me for last few days, I felt sharing here would help really. Let me directly jump into details, appreciate any response.   Environemt Details: Wildfly-8.2.0.Final + Picketlink 2.7.0.CR2   ...
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    created by pradyumna13
  • PL Use Case: WildFly SSO with Picketlink IDM

    I am adding PicketLink IDM to an existing deploy that relies on the SSO feature added to WildFly from the WFLY-2404 feature request. This form of SSO is simplistic because its to allow multiple deployments to share a ...
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    created by starr_stealer
  • picketlink idm with idp

    Hi,   i understood how to create and use an idp with the loginModules provided by Jboss eap6   I understood the examples of IDM authentification.   But i can't make the link between an IDM  and ...
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    last modified by olisab