• Where are the sources for picketlink-* 2.5.3 SP10 redhat 1 ?

    Hello,   could someone tell me where to find the sources for the picketlink modules bundled with EAP 6.3?   Thanks in advance.   Frank
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    created by rossolfr
  • PicketLink and Keycloak projects are merging!

    More details here:   Together with new PicketLink 2.7.0.Final release, we would like to announce that PicketLink andKeycloak projects will be merging their efforts. Code base of both will get unified and new fea...
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    created by bdaw
  • Adding picketlink-social to a picketlink-idm-custom-identity model

    So I am trying add fb authentication to my app, it has an idm custom identity model and it has delta spike, I just followed the quickstarts.  I managed to get the picketlink authentication with facebook quickstar...
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    last modified by jdc
  • handling extra attributes from IDP on the SP

    Hello, is there a way I can handle extra LDAP attributes sent by the IDP client using picketlink's SP. I have searched the web and I cannot find anything pertaining to that
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    last modified by dagbai
  • Need help on which PicketLink project to choose

    I have started exploring PicketLink to use in my java based project. My project requirements are like this.   1. Have one java application with spring security running in firstJBOSS EAP6.3 instance 2. Have othe...
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    created by penusila611621
  • Exception when running quickstart picketlink-authorization-idm-ldap

    Hi everybody,   I am learning Picketlink and I started from the quickstarts. I sambled upon a problem with the picketlink-authorization-idm-ldap Project. When adding the Role to a User (I am using the default m...
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    last modified by adaglio
  • Principal name is null on SessionTimeout

    Hello Team,   On Session timeout, I redirect the User to logout of the application. I am getting principal name as null on session time out, due to that, there is an error thrown in SAML2LogoutHandler.java clas...
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    created by kshiva
  • HttpServletResponse is always commited after SAML2 SSO

    Hi,   after the successful SSO on IDP side I am redirected to login servlet mapped to /login. Problem is that HttpServletResponse in login servlet is always commited. Why? Is it normal?   Environment: pic...
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    created by quvad
  • DefaultIdentity on domain mode clustered environment org.infinispan.commons.marshall.NotSerializableException

    Hi,   we use wildfly 8.2. with session failover and picketlink 2.7.0.CR2. We @Inject an instance of Identity into our @Sessionscoped bean. Infinispan then tries to serialize the session data but fails with t...
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    last modified by zerounix
  • Class LDAPIdentityStore has a strange behavior for method addRelationship

    When adding a Relationship (Grant or GroupMembership) I am expecting to see a new entry in my Role or Group  attribute "member". Unfortunately this only occurs if the attribute "member" is not empty.   this...
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    created by adaglio
  • Problems in installation of picketlink into jboss-5.1.0 ...

    Hi all, i've installed a federation system (SAML2) based on picketlink into Jboss 7.1.1. I've created an idp and a sp application on it and they work very well. My problem, homewever, is to install that picketlink s...
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    created by giluka_m
  • How is the SAML AuthnRequest issuer set when using the metadata configuration provider?

    I've been experimenting with the picketlink-federation-saml-sp-with-metadata quickstart and have noticed something unexpected about the SAML request sent by PicketLink (acting as a SP). Even though the entity ID is pa...
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    last modified by atomicknight
  • Generate Metadata

    I have a use case which uses picketlink as an IDP and an application running on WebLogic as the SP. The built in federation tools of WebLogic can only be used if you provide a metadata xml file to it. Is there a good ...
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    last modified by jdonofrio
  • Cannot not use dynamic resolution of idp with different domain

    Hi all, I am pretty new to picketlink and working with picketlink 2.7.0 CR3 on a JBOSS wildfly (8.2.0) server. I am working with a picketlink server and I took the example from the dynamic resolution of idp which is ...
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    last modified by dagbai
  • Picketlink and Active Directory (ldap store)

    I'm using picketlink for safety in my application and now need to plug it in AD (SAMBA 4, not M$ AD). My setup is as follows:   public class SecurityConfiguration {        @Inject  ...
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    last modified by arthurgregorio
  • Metadata with RoleDescriptor?

    Configuring a Service Provider with a metadata xml provided by the external IdP, I got an error upon deployment stating Parser: Unknown Start Element: RoleDescriptor Using PicketLink 2.1.8.FINAL.   The error m...
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    last modified by advommen
  • JPA and Token Store together

    Hello,   I am developing an application, which consists of two separate WAR modules. One is a pure html5 web app and the second one is rest API. I want the API to be completely stateless and protect it with toke...
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    last modified by backslash47
  • How to change signature method from rsa-sha1 to rsa-sha256 ?

    Hi all, In our picketlink IDP instance , the SAML authentication request or response xml is configured to use sha1 algorithm for signature. The signature info in SAML xml content looks like below : <dsig:SignedI...
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    last modified by wester
  • SP Attribute Refresh

    I am using SP picketlink 2.6.1 to provide authentication and authorization to a tomcat7 web application.  The application is receiving SAML from an OpenAM based identity provider.  At initial authentication,...
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    last modified by kirkm
  • Store selection on login

    I am experiencing a problem when using two diferent stores.   I have a JPA store and LDAP store, however, when I try to start the application looks like the picketlink try to create users in LDAP ...   I ...
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    last modified by arthurgregorio