• Relationship User - Role LDAP not working

    Hey guys,   I'm currently implementing a ldap integration for one of my systems. I've checked the quickstart guide which works quite fine. I can query users (logging in works, logout works as well) and I can que...
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    last modified by xardas008
  • What license is PicketLink released under?

    Hi   I'm looking at using PicketLink in one of my projects but have noticed there seems to be some inconsistency as to what license PicketLink is released under and this will affect whether I can use it in my pr...
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    created by paul.holding
  • InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList – proper way to set it up?

    [PicketLink 2.1.10.Final]   When creating SAML token, I need to set up some namespaces to be in "InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList". They should be preserved by canonisation. I do not know how to tell picketlink t...
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    last modified by majkelxx
  • Problem when programmatically do SSO

    Hello all,     What I am trying to do is logging into my web application by java code     I build my system base on idp.war and sale.war version 2.0.3 on JBoss eap 6.4. Then I made below changes ...
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    last modified by fskfskfsk
  • Saml2-Authentication-Handler cannot handle encrypted Response because name space "xenc" is not bound

    With Picketlink 2.7.0.Final on Wildfly 8.0.2.Final or 9.0.0.Final my service provider cannot handle encrypted responses.   Root cause is a SAXParseException because of missing name space "xenc" for an element "x...
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    last modified by mchlhke
  • @Observes SecurityConfigurationEvent: deployment get stuck at "Bootstrapping PicketLink"

    Having some problems with application deployment after I added PicketLink to my project. When I add an observer to SecurityConfigurationEvent, the deployment simply stops at "PLINK002000: Bootstrapping PicketLink" pha...
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    last modified by jairosantos
  • SAML metadata generation in PicketLink SP

    Hi   I'm trying to configure a PicketLink SP and a OpenAM IdP.   It seems OpenAM requires a SAML metadata file. But I'm unable to figure out how to generate a metadata file from a PicketLink SP configurati...
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    last modified by mtandrup
  • Replacement for Seam Security's RunAsOperation (impersonate)

    I'm trying to migrate a Seam 2.3 application to CDI+PicketLink, but I can't find a replacement for Seam's RunAsOperation in PicketLink.  (Shiro has a similar function in Subject.runAs, but only for authenticated ...
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    created by sflanigan
  • Strange behavior on query for roles

    I'm initializing my security model with this class: web-budget/SecurityInitializer.java at experimental · arthurgregorio/web-budget · GitHub   But when i query for roles on line #78 if is the first cyc...
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    last modified by arthurgregorio
  • Keystore and key passwords in service provider's picketlink.xml

    Hello all,   how do you protect the passwords for key store and signing and encryption keys in service provider's picketlink.xml (see https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/PLINK/Service+Provider+Configuration#Se...
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    created by mchlhke
  • PicketLink Configuration: Mask password

    PicketLink Federation configuration for the STS and/or the SAML IDP/SP include passwords.  Based on PLFED-73, we should be able to mask the password in the configuration files.   This should be available as...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink Federation + IDM API

    I'm using PicketLink for SSO (Federation). I implemented the IP module according to the quickstart using authentication via JAAS + HTML Form. However, I need to customize login flow and I would like to use JSF with Pi...
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    last modified by leonardo.cruz
  • Why doesn't SAML20TokenProvider persist tokens to the token registry like SAML20AssertionTokenProvider?

    SAML20TokenProvider does not call a token registry to persist or fetch tokens whereas SAML20AssertionTokenProvider does.  Is there a specific reason for this?   Background: We configured the picketlink sec...
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    last modified by slarson
  • External SSO authentication on Tomcat

    Hello all,   I am using PicketLink to implement a Service Provider that uses an external Saml Based SSO to authenticate users. I want to protect my web pages like this: The user connects to https://myapp.com T...
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    created by luis_size
  • Mixing Two-Factor with Federation

    We currently have a SAML 2.0 infrastructure using PicketLink Federation 2.1.7, running on JBoss AS7.2.  We have several SP applications tied in, including PicketLink enabled Java web applications, .NET applicatio...
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    last modified by tim.kutz
  • Securing EJB call is causing an seperate entitymanager to fail

    Hello   Has anyone run into this issue when securing EJB calls using picketlink annotations.  Any help would be much appreciated..   When applying a security annotation to an EJB method it correctly s...
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    created by sman_uk
  • jbpm rest api is allowed to access by any user with password "EMPTY_STR" if using SAML2LoginModule

    jbpm rest api is protected by fileter: BasicAuthSecurityFilter. that will call authenticationService.login() which finally call SAML2LoginModule.login() which method is extended from UsernamePasswordLoginModule. ...
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    last modified by bill2004158
  • Problem in EJB module with picketLink

    Hello, i have just training with pocketlink. I have tried to make simple getting started app. All worked ok. Then i tried to make simble stateless local EJB bean. I created standart netbeans Enterprise maven arche...
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    created by mitrandir
  • Picket Link Remote Interfaces

    Does PicketLink support remote interfaces for interacting with the IDM/IdP? Something  like REST/SOAP/HTTP/WS-* ?
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    created by yellek
  • PicketLink as a Federation Provider (FP)

    If I wanted to use PicketLink as a Federation Provider, federating Security Tokens from other STSs (non PicketLink) and enhancing them with claims based on the configuration in a local IdP is that possible?
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    created by yellek