• Supporting SAML 2.0 Extensions - Async SLO

    We are currently running an IdP using PicketLInk 2.1.6, on JBoss AS 7.2, along with several applications running as SP's on a variety of technologies.  We've successfully leveraged several other extension points ...
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    created by tim.kutz
  • How to protect webservice endpoint using SAML picketlink-sts  from eap quickstarts ?

    There is a nice example of PicketLinkSTS server in eap quickstarts:  http://www.jboss.org/quickstarts/eap/picketlink-sts/ It is has good  explanation about how to get SAML token and validate it. Unfortunate...
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    created by nmay
  • GLO=true not triggering SAML LogoutRequest to the IdP

    Running Wildfly 8.2.0 and Picketlink 2.7.1-Final.   Logging in via the IdP works beautifully, but for some reason hitting the SP with "?GLO=true" does not go through the SAML2LogoutHandler. Here's the picketlin...
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    last modified by aaron.cripps
  • Implementation of https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/PicketLinkArchitectures

    How can Picket link be used for sso from a portal hosted as a JBoss EAP web app connectiing to su domains / portlets hosted in seperate Jboss EAP instances. We are using EAP6 and want user to logon only once in the p...
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    last modified by arka.j.biswas
  • Picketlink SAML2 - Skip SSO authentification for certain users

    I would like to know if there is a way to skip the SSO process entirely for certain users, maybe depending on their access url or IP. We are implementing a SSO SAML2 and would like certain users to be able to acces t...
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    created by srahaingoson
  • SSO using saml in J2ee (struts framework & tomcat as server) as SP and ADFS2.0 as Idp

    Hi, I want to know how to implement SSO in my J2EE web application where using SAML2.0. My application is in Strtus2 with Tomcat 7 as Server and as Identity Provider we are using ADFS2.0. I have created metadatafile...
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    last modified by k.killedar
  • Help with picketlink and return url

    Hi all,   I'm pretty new to picketlink and are testing with SSO with SAML 2.0.   Has encountered a problem when trying to access a url like "http://localhost:8080/employee/test.html" then IDP may require...
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    last modified by johnny.ha
  • Logout (GLO=true) not working on multiple browsers

    Hello,   I am using PicketLink for SSO. I have created a IDP and SP using PicketLink. Although, it logs me out when I log in multiple tabs of the same browser, it does not log me out, when I use multiple browser...
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    created by kshiva
  • External configuration with picketlink saml federation

    I'm using picketlink as a sp provider on wildfly 10. I'm looking for information on how to externalize the picketlink configuration files/objects such as the following : picketlink.xml the sp-metadata the idp-m...
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    last modified by srahaingoson
  • partitionmanager add does not work

    hi,   i try to implemet custom idm feature, but i cant, here is the code, @ApplicationScoped public class IDMConfiguration {       @Inject @PicketLink   private EntityManager em;   ...
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    last modified by enginm
  • sales-idp-chooser not working

    I'm trying to run this example on wildfly: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-picketlink-quickstarts/tree/master/picketlink-federation-saml-sp-idp-chooser   After building it, I've tried with no success a...
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    last modified by rafaelk
  • JBoss Version compatibility / Documentation Error

    I need to know what versions of PicketLink are compatible with my version of JBoss AS: where would that be documented?   Also, section 14.5.5 of the latest documentation covers SAML for JBoss, but the page retu...
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    last modified by kbailey
  • Path Redirection does not work

    Good Afternoon I am using picketlink version 2.7.0 with the following settings in the maven dependencies:     <!-- PicketLink dependency versions -->   <version.picketlink.javaee.bom>2.7.0...
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    last modified by albeirobet
  • Unsupported SAML Attributes

    Hi,   I have a Provlem when parsing SAML Assertions we have got from other clients. They use some elements that are not supported by picketlink and I wonder why because they are allowed and defined in schema. &...
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    created by fambad
  • picketlink ActAs WS-Trust Scenario

    Hi All, Iam using picketlink version picketlink-core- Does Picketlink support ActAs WS-Trust Scenario?
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    created by ravi21588
  • SAML2LogOutHandler, core package, tied to JBoss

    The SAML2LogOutHandler class is in the core package, however in 2.1.4, it includes a dependency on JBoss causing this when run in Tomcat:   java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.security.audit.AuditEvent ...
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    last modified by magsy
  • problem with global logout using picketlink in wildfly8

    when i am accessing my application in multiple tabs of a browser and i logout the application the first tab which gets logged out displays the custom logout page and the other tabs displays the login screen. i m new t...
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    last modified by shubham_gaurav
  • Extending IdentityPermission to contain more information.

    In my project I'd like to grant users access to specific parts of the application using the Permission API of PicketLink. However I want that access to be time limited and therefore would like my Permission objects to...
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    last modified by arqan
  • Error on SAML Login after migration to WildFly 10

    Hello,   I'm trying to migrate an application from WildFly 8 to 10. After migration PicketLink SSO Federation stopped work properly. I'm got this error after redirection from Identity Provider to Service Provider...
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    last modified by leonardo.cruz
  • I can´t run the pitcketlink quickstarts examples

    Hello. When i configure in eclipse the repositories that are metioned in http://docs.jboss.org/picketlink/2/latest/reference/html/Maven_Dependencies.html i always get errors in my project: The project org.picketlin...
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    last modified by dukeim