• Security Token Server over http

    Now that we have validated the PicketLink STS  WS-Trust bindings, it is now time to talk more.  We have OpenID bindings in PicketLink that work on the http protocol.  We also have demand for oauth suppo...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink STS to send XACML Authorization Decisions

    In PicketLink, we have demonstrated the return of XACML Authorization Decisions along with the authentication details back as SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider as part of SAML Web Browser based SSO.   W...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Implementing IdentityStore

    We are currently trying to integrate GateIn portal with our own Role/Group framework. We store our roles and groups in the corporate entitlement framework. Therefore, we cannot just plug in the IDM LDAP or Hibernate I...
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    last modified by vincewang
  • PicketLink IDM Feature Enhancement: Failed Logins

    Bolek, one of the feature requests at the JUDCon session on GateIn (driven by Thomas) was the addition of ability to handle failed logins configuration as part of the identity model for GateIn.   I am just start...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • PicketLink STS WSDL problem with JBossWS CXF

    I am currently testing the STS on top of our three JBossWS stacks and I'm having a problem to deploy the service on JBossWS CXF. Before jumping to the error I'll provide a bit of information about the STS itself. ...
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    last modified by sguilhen
  • New features for STS Login Modules

    STSIssuingLoginModule and STSValidatingLoginModule respectively issue and validate tokens being returned from STS. The concept of user roles is not an inherent features of this mechanism but various principals and rol...
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    last modified by bmozaffa
  • Seam Security 3.0 and PicketLink

    I've been discussing with Anil our plans for the Seam Security 3.0 release, in regards to integration with PicketLink IDM.  We are adopting the API model defined by PicketLink in Seam, and I'm currently in the pr...
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    last modified by shane.bryzak
  • STS returning attributes (such as roles)

    (09:26:10 AM) anil: sguilhen: what is the simplest way by which the STS can return user attributes (09:26:21 AM) anil: sguilhen: with an additional AttributeProvider, maybe? (09:27:26 AM) sguilhen: anil: you mean attr...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • STS fails to validate tokens when JBossWS-Metro is used

    When PicketLink STS is deployed on top of JBossWS-Metro stack, all issued tokens fail the XML digital signature validation. The XML document is getting tempered after the token is generated and this of course causes t...
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    last modified by sguilhen
  • PicketLink RoadMap / Release Schedule / Nightly Build ?

    I have been following PicketLink for a few weeks now, experimenting, evaluating, etc.  The state of the project has been a little frustrating because there is not a lot of documentation available yet, and there d...
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    last modified by raycardillo
  • Authz: Default policy if no policy applicable

    Hi I have a Authz use case like below:   I have defined several policies for different resources. Here by resources, I mean classes. I.e., for different classes, I defined different permission rules. For example...
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    last modified by jervisliu
  • Need an authorization framework for Drools

    Hi, I am working on Drools security. Basically the requirement is an authorization framework that can be used to provide service level and method level security. It needs to support both role-based authorization and r...
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    last modified by jervisliu
  • PicketLink Negotiation

    Darran,  I want to discuss the future of the workspace for the negotiation component.   Current Work :-  Currently negotiation exists in the security workspace.  Going forward, I would like to pro...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • Store data in tables other than JBoss IDM tables [JBID*****] using IDM?

    Am trying to store and authenticate user datas using IDM.   For this, * I tried with Oracle 10gXE as DB. * I looked at the maven example and experiment with DBTestCase.     i can able to store...
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    last modified by vanithakannan
  • Exception occured, while running testcase for IDM

    I try to run the IDM test case.  ended up with the following exception, org.picketlink.idm.common.exception.IdentityConfigurationException: Failed to build IdentitySessionFactory     at org.picketl...
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    last modified by vanithakannan
  • Seam OpenID/SAML Integration

    Marcel,  lets keep this thread to discuss the seam openid/saml integration work that you have done.   1. Dependence on openid4java   Even though openid4java is the prominent oss library for openid int...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • AuthZ Dependencies and artifacts naming

    Sohil, I want to provide some suggestions about the dependencies (jars) in the lib directory of the alpha1 release.   anil@localhost:~/authz/code/authz-1.0.alpha1/lib$ ls activation-1.1.1.jar   ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • JUnit4 usage

    Hi,   sorry if this has been discussed previously, but I was wondering if it is OK to use JUnit 4 for testing?   Regards,   /Dan
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    last modified by beve
  • ADFS JBossWS and friends

    I'm going to ask this as if it were a user question. Anil told me to post it here :-) Mainly I'm proposing a scenario. The basic requirement IE/Flash ----SOAP----JBoss----SOAP----AnotherJBoss---SOAP---NOTJBOSS Acti...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • ip configuration instead of localhost

    Hi , i am using the jboss 2.3.2 version .when i am deploying my application .its deployed fine .and when i am runiing the application through the localhost its working fine as http://localhost:8080/ComposerWAR/View?us...
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    created by anoopsinghit