• Features request

    Hi, those are some features request that I have collected and think will be appropiate to implement in the future. * High availability of IDPs, as IDP is a web applicaction I dont think this is a mayor issue until i...
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    last modified by aamonten
  • 1.0.0.alpha2  set for Feb 13

    I plan to push the next iteration of alpha on Feb 13th. Bug fixes etc can get in.
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Provisioning

    In an Identity Management solution, there has to be means to do provisioning. Mainly CRUD of users, roles on a regular basis. I would like to get your ideas on whether: a) one unified solution in the idm subproject ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • typed interface of identity api

    after integrating the identity api in jbpm, i have 2 remarks: 1) typed interfaces are nice in oo design, but i believe they are counterproductive in this api. before i can do a query that involves a user and a group,...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • Community Platform Build

    I am wondering if we should consider creating another project just for the build such that it pulls in the various jars of sub projects (idm,id-fed,xmlkey,xacml) etc and builds one collective jar? Something along the...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • comments on IDM 1.0-alpha1.

    I am trying to use the IDM in the guvnor, it looks great, while here are some comments. 1. Currently, the idm module has two implementation out of box, one is db, the other is ldap. I am wondering will it be better i...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • Caching

    I added simple org.jboss.identity.idm.impl.cache.JBossCacheIdentityStoreWrapper class. It provides caching using JBossCache by simply wrapping any IdentityStore implementation. Wrapper can be configured on the reposit...
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    created by bdaw
  • Injecting existing HibernateSession/SessionFactory

    We had a discussion with TomB about JBPM needs and one of the important requirements is to inject existing Hibernate Session/SessionFactory. At the moment design looks as follows: 1) The bootstrap method in IdentityS...
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    last modified by bdaw
  • List of Users

    Tom asks: the actual question was: I'm trying to obtain a list of all users. I guess this method should do the trick: Collection<Identity> identities = identitySession .getPersistenceManager() .findIdenti...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Brainstorm:  Identity Management/Federated Identity Manageme

    Please describe in length what types of use cases you have and what kind of support you wish from JBoss Identity. Please do not divulge sensitive information (such as names of your clients, partners etc here). Keep th...
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • SAML Assertions  (JBossESB)

    Starting this to get some feedback on how SAML Assertions can be used with JBoss, especially JBossESB/Web Service Messaging. There are a number of applications for Web Based Identity Management, but there is nothing s...
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    last modified by jkurtz.wa
  • Get the .classpath&.project removed from the identity reposi

    Hi, I've checked out the identity project from the SVN, normally I ran the mvn eclipse:eclipse to build the eclipse-specific environment. After that, if I run the svn update I would commonly get my .classpa...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • JBoss Identity Design Preview

    I prepared a prototype design with simple implementation containing Hibernate and LDAP data stores. There is also a simple testcase that runs against mixed (DB+LDAP) scenario. Main concepts behind the architecture ar...
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    last modified by bdaw
  • API Model - Plain pojos or not...

    Some of ideas discussed in the other topic (http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=144427) ends up in a more general question on how API model objects should be designed/implemented. Should t...
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    created by bdaw
  • Portal Identity Requirements

    Currently the requirements are rough. Need to polish. Bolek will provide the updates as and when he processes the requirements. (9:20:26 AM) boldaw: I will describe the design we discussed this week (9:20:56 AM) b...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Identity Representation

    This thread is dedicated to the discussion of the object model to represent Identity.
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    last modified by anil.saldhana