• JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.CR1 Released

    We're pleased to announce CR1 in the 3.0 series of JBoss Portlet Bridge is now available! The plan is to release Final in about a week, to allow for documentation to be written in support of the Final release.   ...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • Time frame for 3.0

    Is there a time frame for 3.0 and 3.1? (Sorry if it's posted elsewhere and I missed it.) I'm working on an article about JSF 2 portlet inter-communication, and it would be good to know when JSF 2.0 support will be final.
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    last modified by kito99
  • JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Beta4 Released

    We're pleased to announce Beta4 in the 3.0 series of JBoss Portlet Bridge is now available, which will be the last Beta before CR1.   Maven coordinates:<dependency>    <groupId>org.jboss.por...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • PortletBridge 3.0.0: Multiple portlets and taglibs

    Hello,   we are using PortletBridge 3.0.0. and have several porlets in a single page. We want to use RichFaces 4 and OpenFaces 3 over JSF 2.0 and we are facing a problem: is there anyway to have portlet bridge b...
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    last modified by abaudry
  • Exception encountered using OpenFaces 3 with Portletbridge 3.0.0.Beta2

    Hi,   I am trying to use OpenFaces 3 with PortletBridge 3.0.0.Beta2, RicheFaces 4 and JSF2 but when I introduce the use of OpenFaces in my xhtml pages I encounter the following exception: GRAVE: The portlet thr...
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    last modified by abaudry
  • PortletBridge 3.0.0.Beta3 + JSF2: how to have externalContext.getRequestPathInfo not null?

    Hello everybody,   in my project we are trying to work with PortletBridge 3.0.0.Beta3, JSF 2.1.2 and OpenFaces 3.x (NightlyBuild, we use OpenFaces because RichFaces does not support IE6). We encounter an excepti...
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    last modified by abaudry
  • Portletbridge 3 and Richfaces JSF2

    Hello everybody   I'm trying to setup a portlet with Portlet-bridge 3.0.0.Beta2, Richfaces3.3.3.FinalForJSF2 with JSF2.1.7 in GateIn - Portal. But until now with nooo luck! Has somebody the same project settin...
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    last modified by schmu
  • JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Beta3 Released

    We're pleased to announce Beta3 in the 3.0 series of JBoss Portlet Bridge is now available.   Maven coordinates:<dependency>    <groupId>org.jboss.portletbridge</groupId>    ...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • 3.0.0.Beta2 Released

    Well it took a little longer than expected, but we've now released JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Beta2!   This release marks the commemcement of more frequent release cycles, typically about 2 weeks.  The curr...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • Migration to PortletBridge 3 Beta 1

    Hello,   On my project, i use PortletBridge 2.2 final, Richfaces 3.3, Jsf 1.2 with Gatein 2.2, eXoPlatForm 3.0.7 i want to migrate to PortletBridge 3.3.0Beta1, Richfaces 4.1 and Jsf 2.1   I built successf...
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    last modified by jeromej
  • JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.x Community

    As the development of JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.x ramps up again, you may have noticed some changes going on in the community space.   There is now a dedicated community space to discuss development of Portlet Brid...
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    last modified by kenfinni