• Has anyone experience with Liferay 6 + Jboss 5 + JSF + Richfaces?

    Hello,   I´m trying to migrate my working Portlet from Liferay 5.2.3 + Jboss 4.2.3 + JSF 1.2 + Richfaces 3 to Liferay 6.0.6 and Jboss 5.1.0.   Does anyone know what Portletbridge i have to use and w...
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    last modified by matthew_k
  • Portlet Bridge for Liferay 6 with Jboss 5.1

    Hi, I am using following for my application: Liferay 6.0 JBoss 5.1 Richfaces 3.2   But when I try to deploy any portlet in liferay with above combination, the deployment fails. I suspect the use of incorrect...
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    created by meghaattcs
  • Which Lifecycle implementation should the portlet be using?

    Hi, I'm trying out Richfaces 3.3.3.FINAL in WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 running in WebSphere Application Server, using the 2.0.0.FINAL JBoss portlet bridge. The "echo" portlet demo appears to work correctly, howe...
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    last modified by gareth_western
  • Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Beta1 don't Support Seam?

    i use : mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=2.0-basic -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0.Beta1 -DgroupId=com.dgsoft.developer -DartifactId=seam3template -Darchety...
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    last modified by cooper_lyt
  • PB3 docs and configuration

    Hello,   1) Under http://www.jboss.org/portletbridge/docs/ doesn't exist the docs for the portlet bridge 3. Where can i find docs for PB3?   2) I've tried the PB3 with JBoss 5.1.1 (JSF2 jars added to the p...
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    last modified by marantis
  • archetype http://bit.ly/fLm527 does not work

    the command      mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://bit.ly/fLm527   as suggested in the docs does not work.     Thrown Exception:   C:\temp\rf>mvn archetype:gene...
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    last modified by maggus
  • PB3 Beta 1 + Richfaces 4 + Liferay 6

    I was able to create a simple portlet with this:   Liferay 6.0.4 RichFaces 4.0.0 JBoss PortletBridge 3.0.0 Beta 1   All deployed in Glassfish v2.2 and also tested in GlassFish v3   I can install an...
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    last modified by gofiocode
  • Problems with Liferay, JBoss, JSF 1.2 and Portlet Bridge 2

    Hello,   we are using Liferay 5.2.3/JBoss 5, JSF 1.2/Richfaces 3.3.3 and the Portletbridge 1.0 in our projects and everythinks works fine so far. To get better Portlet 2.0 support we updated the portletbridge to...
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    last modified by ridcully
  • Resource serving: process faces request

    Hello,   Environment: JBoss Bridge 2.1.0.Final + Seam + RichFaces + Facelets +WebSphere Portal 6.1   Problem: All ajax calls are handled correctly by the AjaxPortletBridge.doFacesRequest(ResourceRequest...
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    created by udavz
  • jsf - reinit a session bean - managed bean lifecycle problem

    Hi,   I've a (serious) problem developing jsf portlet with: -jsf 1.2 portlet -gatein 3.1 -richfaces 3.3.3 -portlet bridge 2.1 final   This is my scenario: -an xhtml page with a session backing bean ...
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    last modified by diabolique
  • New JBoss Portlet Bridge Beta 4 release now available.

    Download: http://www.jboss.org/portletbridge/download/ View the documentation: http://www.jboss.org/files/portletbridge/docs/1.0.0.B4/en/html_single/index.html Supporting infoq.com article soon to be published. Than...
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    last modified by wesleyhales
  • DataSource injection

    Hi, I have been trying to inject a javax.sql.DataSource  into a Seam bean as     @Name("test1") @Scope(ScopeType.EVENT) public class Consultar {       @Resource(mappedName="ja...
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    created by claudio4j
  • Problems with seam taglib

    Hi everybody,   I'm quietly new to GateIn+JBoss PortletBrigde. I'm facing a problem when using the seam taglib to load dynamically graphic images in this way:     {code:xml} <s:graphicImage value=...
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    last modified by micnight
  • Mostrar reportes JasperReports en portlets + jsf

    Hola:   Bueno la duda es como podria realizar el mostrado de un reporte en pdf utilizando JasperReports en un portal + jsf.   La forma en la que lo hacia yo en una aplicacion JSF en una aplicacion web, lo ...
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    created by zennky
  • When will Portlet Bridge 3.0 be released?

    I will appreciate to know when will be Portlet Bridge 3.0 available in an stable release and ready for production.   Richfaces 4.0 is out, and we are waiting for Portlet Bridge...   thanks in advance!
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    last modified by gofiocode
  • use seam jbpm in Portlet Bridge :Session is closed!

    i use seam create a jbpm task List :           <a:poll id="observer" enabled="#{identity.loggedIn}" interval="30000"/>         <a:out...
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    created by cooper_lyt
  • Solve  GateIn s:hasRole Always false

    i use GateIn 3.2.0 M01 and  PortLet Bridge 2.1.0.FINAL    s:hasRole Always return false   i solve is override class PortalIdentity     make  GateIn GateInOrganization Component ...
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    created by cooper_lyt
  • Problems with Seam's  page.xml have EL param

    I find a Problems   if  define <param name="param" value="#{myBean.myProperty}"/> in seam's XXXX.page.xml  and vaule is EL   use  <s:button view="/XXXX.xhtml" /> or s:link ...
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    last modified by cooper_lyt
  • RichFacesStrategy.finishResponse() causes NullPointerException

    Hello,   I have a problem with the Portletbridge. Sometime while changing the pages I'll get an exception like this:   ... Caused by: javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException: java.lang.NullPointerException &...
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    last modified by tdevos09
  • Howto use a custom tag handler in a portlet ?

    Maybe this is the wrong forum, so if it is - please move to the right one. My little problem is a custom tag handler - I hope I defined all needed stuff. Eclipse is working fine with my example tag - but my JBoss Por...
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    last modified by axelmotyka