• JS Strange behaviour with IE, liferay, portletbridge

    Hi,   My portlet is running well with chrome/safari/firefox.   I'm currently using liferay 6.0.5 CE on tomcat with jboss portletbridge 2.1.0.CR1 and richfaces 3.3.3.FINAL...   When I'm using IE7 or I...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Ajax Request duplicating parameters

    Hi I am using Liferay 5.2.3 with Porltet Bridge 2.0.0.FINAL, i have the following problem:   I have an Ajax commadButton and i am navigating per Ajax to another Page and back. Each time the Request gets bigger ...
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    last modified by mudi30
  • Download a file from a portlet using serveResourse

    Hi guys! I am trying to implement download from a portlet by serveResourse. When the download begins, in download window is shown the following data (suppose manual.zip): File name: id=manual.zip File type: zip fi...
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    created by psycopata
  • Can any one have working example of IPC with JSF Richfaces and WebSphere 6.1.5.

    Hi,   I tried to implement IPC using JSF1.2+RichFaces on WebSphere Portal Server 6.1.5 on WAS 7.0.   As shown in the Demo http://www.vimeo.com/11484018 , i configured the clasess and .xhtmls and Portlet.xm...
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    last modified by rameshbacha
  • exception after message expiry

    Please help with this prominent problem. We use 1.0.0.B4 portlet bridge. If the user leaves the screen for an extended period of time and comes back to it later (meanwhile the user session expires), then clicks on i...
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    last modified by ekizhner
  • in portlet bridge,can't use seam's page parameter

    hi, I'm a new user of portlet bridge. now i'm trying to use seam with the bridge to develop portlet. but when i try using page parameter,like this <param name="firstResult" value="#{XXX}"/> it always giv...
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    last modified by zxfflying
  • Retrieving PortletPreferences inside of a seam component?

    Hi All,   I am trying to retrieve PortletPreferences from a seam component.     @Stateless @Name("dispatcherContract") @PortletScope(PortletScope.ScopeType.APPLICATION_SCOPE) public class DispatcherCon...
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    last modified by dardan
  • Portlet 1.0 filter config in portlet.xml ?

    Hello,   I am wondering if the JBoss Portlet Bridge allows to use a parameter to define a filter in portlet.xml with JSR168 (like in JSR286 with the tag <filter> and <filter-mapping>). I read on the...
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    last modified by klhoste2
  • IPC - Event could be send, but couldn't be received

    Hello, we are faced with a problem, that the event receiving doesn't work. We build up a scenario with 3 portlets on a single portal page. 2 portlets(GenericPortlet) are out of a demo whereas one acts like a event s...
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    last modified by tdevos09
  • Resources framework is not initialised error when moving fro

    Hi, I've found an issue with Portlet Bridge B6. I have a simple portlet application (in fact is the rich faces greeting sample portletized). The portlet works ok with Portlet Bridge B5, but not with B6. The portlet c...
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    last modified by lexlutor
  • Integrating Legacy applications (JSP/Servlet)

    Hi all,   I am new to this Portlet world and has been asked to develop sample apps as Proof of Concept. One of the task is to embed existing apps developed in different technologies (JSP/Servlet, JSF, Struts) a...
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    last modified by adnanqureshi
  • "bridge:public-parameter-mappings" is not bound.

    I'm trying to run the example of JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 6 screencast and i got the following error:   16:58:12,286 ERROR [[/episode6-web]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance o...
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    last modified by fantazmabhz
  • How can I set markup Head Elements in Portlets?

    Hi I want to change the title of my portal page in jsf but I don't know very well what methods i have to use, because i'm not sure if i can implement the doheaders methods in jsf I hope you can help me.
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    created by jhakyblue
  • Bridgelet -> Seam SSO

    Seam: 2.2.1.CR1 PortalIdentity: 1.0.0.CR3 Portlet Bridge: 1.0.0.CR3 Portal: 2.6   Having trouble getting SSO to work.  I am using an injected Identity object in my Seam component, but it's username is nu...
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    last modified by monkeyden
  • Portlet bridge 2.0 STATE_ID and resource caching

    Hi, did anyone have given problem ?   In order to store portlet state between requests string presentation of StateId is stored as url parameter and is added to all resource URLs during of encoding/creation....
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    created by andrey_lomakin
  • JS and CSS bugs with Richfaces in Oracle WCI Portal

    Hello,   I have a simple application with Richfaces, and I'm having some trouble when I run it in Oracle WCI portal.   The code is the following:   <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DO...
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    created by klhoste2
  • Trouble with rich:modalPanel in liferay 6

    Hi,   I'm using liferay 6.0.2 with jboss portlet bridge 2.0.0.Final, JSF 1.2 (mojarra), facelet 1.1.15 and richfaces 3.3.3.Final on tomcat. Most of things works well (ajax requests, menu, panel...) but I have s...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • [RichFaces] how to use tabs in 2 differents portlets

    Hi,   I've got an issue with tabs... I've got 2 portlets using tabs.   If I use then on different pages -> no problem, tabs are working well...   If I put them together on the same portal page, o...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • NPE when deploying richfaces portlet

    Hi,   I have some trouble when deploying a portlet with portletbridge 1.0.0.CR3 and RichFaces 3.3.2.GA on liferay 6.0.2. I've got that exception : 14:36:01,532 ERROR [PortletServlet:95] javax.portlet.PortletEx...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • how this jbossportletbridge2.0final's BridgeEventHandler class make a navigation??

    I'm doing IPC with the jbossportletbridge of seam/jsf portlet, within the portlet.xml    <init-param>      <name>javax.portlet.faces.bridgeEventHandler</name>  &#...
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    last modified by yongzhebisheng