• portlet taglib not recognized

    Hi,   I am using JBoss portlet bridge 2.0 with GateIn 3.1 and Mojarra 1.2 on JBoss 5.1. I have done a basic portlet with only one page :   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE ...
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    last modified by toomtooms
  • Migration to PortletBridge 3 Beta 1

    Hello,   On my project, i use PortletBridge 2.2 final, Richfaces 3.3, Jsf 1.2 with Gatein 2.2, eXoPlatForm 3.0.7 i want to migrate to PortletBridge 3.3.0Beta1, Richfaces 4.1 and Jsf 2.1   I built successf...
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    last modified by jeromej
  • How to get the current logged user information

    lifery 6.0.6   jboss5.1   richfaces3.3.3   I created an richfaces portlet   How to get the current logged user information?   thanks!
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    last modified by x800xl
  • Building seam booking example not working

    i am doing like the tutorial, but something is wrong.   svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/portletbridge/tags/2.0.0.ALPHA/examples/seam/booking/ booking A    booking\seamBookingDemo.iws A...
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    last modified by spikemon
  • Troubles with RichFaces when migration from JBoss Portlet Bridge 2.2.0 to 2.3.0.Final

    Hello,   I run a portal, with : jboss 5.1.0 GateIn 3.2.0 CR1 RichFaces 3.3.3 Final JBoss Portlet Bridge 2.1.0 FINAL   I tried to use the JBoss Portlet Bridge 2.3.0 FINAL and found two problems with Ri...
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    last modified by antoine_h
  • Download 2.3.0.FINAL

    When I click on file name in downloads section, Error 404 appear. Why?  Not FoundThe requested URL /portletbridge/2.3.0.FINAL/JBossPortletBridge-2.3.0.Final.zip was not found on this server. Apache Server at down...
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    last modified by tomashuryn
  • Caching resource bug

    I found strange caching resource bug with richfaces + jboss portlet bridge. Maybe not bridge bug, but lets look: download portlet bridge 2.2 deploy richFacesPortlet.war from portlet bridge archive (i used jboss porta...
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    last modified by ivan_ra
  • a4j request error in Websphere portal 6.1

    Hi I am trying to implement Ajax features in JSF 1.2 Portal ( Websphere portal running on WAS ) application , bellow is the code   <a4j:region id="region2" renderRegionOnly="true" >   &#...
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    last modified by yashu.here
  • ClassCastException on the same class

    Hi there,   I've turn my application (Seam 2.2.2.Final, Richfaces 3.3.3, Facelets) into a Portal using GateIn Portlet Container. When I deploy a Portlet (Seam 2.2.2.Final, Richaces 3.3.3, Facelets and JBoss Por...
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    last modified by eduardo.mello.cantu
  • Public Render Parameter handler class not being executed

    Hi   I have two portlet A (publishing) and B (Receiving). I have defined in both a Public Render Parameter called prpExample. Both portlets are deployed on to Tomcat 7.0.23 packaged with gatein 3.2.   The ...
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    last modified by mescaja
  • lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

    Hi   Well, it's me again.   The server starts without problems, i try to go to the gatein-portal site, that includes a portlet, that shows my web seam project inside, and become this error, don't know why ...
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    last modified by xantos92
  • Build JBoss 6.0.0-Final packaged with GateIn for PortletBridge 3.0.0-Beta1

    Hi   I´m having some issues setting up the JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.   First of all, in the anouncement :3.0.0.Beta1 Released! JSF2 and/or RichFaces 4!!!!  (http://www.jboss.org/portl...
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    last modified by mescaja
  • JSP Portle

    Hi   I´ve got JBoss 6.0.0.Final packaged with GateIn 3.2 from trunk.   I have created a very simple Portlet web application with 3 jsp pages (FirstJspPortletProject_edit.jsp, FirstJspPortletProject_v...
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    last modified by mescaja
  • Action on one portlet refreshes other portlets

    I have created a page with multiple portlets on it. All of them work fine but any action(h:commandButton) on one portlet refreshes the complete page and hence other porlets are re-rendered. Although I can use AJAX bu...
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    last modified by invincible_virus
  • Syntax for linking to got to a different page

    I am trying to figure out the syntax in a jsf/richfaces portlet using jboss portletbridge to have a link to take the user to the next page after setting some values as part of an action or a listener.   The exam...
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    last modified by polkaudio29
  • Two components with the same name and precedence

    Hello   i have a problem with two components with the same name and precedence. Because i am new to this, i don't know how to solve this.   ----- 14:39:10,265 INFO  [TomcatDeployment]  deploy, ...
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    last modified by xantos92
  • Setting to prevent URL encoding of JSF resources

    I am trying to find a setting that can go in web.xml or faces-config.xml or portlet.xml to prevent the portal from url encoding resources like images, stylesheets and javascript files. On a pure webapp, I see a javas...
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    last modified by polkaudio29
  • Not sure if info/warning or error: Bridge Strategy

    Hello i created a portlet by this guide. http://docs.jboss.org/tools/3.1.0.GA/en/jboss_portal_tools_ref_guide/html_single/index.html#project_overview   The console says me the following INFO   ----- 08:1...
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    last modified by xantos92
  • problem lauching mainpage.jsp

    mainpage.jsp <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/a4j" prefix="a4j"%> <%@taglib prefix="f" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"%> <%@taglib prefix="h" uri="http://java...
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    last modified by junio20
  • Portletbridge not usable on a per portlet base

    Hi,   today I updated our portlets from PortletBridge 1.0 to 2.2.0-FINAL.   In the past we were used to bundle the PortletBridge into each WAR-Archive (so we release the portlets with their corresponding p...
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    last modified by maggus