• proxy setting for business central

    I want to access the example git repo from within the corporate network. How do I add proxy address, port, authentication information for jbpm so that it can download the git repo.
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    created by venkatasreekanth
  • JMS example for GetProcessInstancesCommand

    Hi,   I'm really excited that the BPM suite now supports JMS out of the box. Is there an overview of the rest calls and the suitable JMS request class ?   I have tried to use GetProcessInstancesCommand, bu...
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    last modified by lemmi.lemmchen
  • BPMS Rest Call to get Running Process instances

    Hi all,   I am using BPMS SUITE 6.1     I am trying to create a process(process 1) which start looking at another process(process 2) status/state(1 or 2) using REST API just after staring the "proce...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Where do I place jbpm.usergroup.callback.properties?

    I want to log in to business-central with LDAP credentials. I'm trying to connect BPM Suite to an ApacheDS ldap server. Both servers are running locally. According to the user guide, I can "create the jbpm.usergroup.c...
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    last modified by schufty
  • Using forms on client applications

    Hello All,     I am trying embed jbpm forms on client applications using java script API (jbpm-forms-rest-integration. js). but when I trying to run this I will get error. I thing rest full web service is n...
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    created by swapnilugare
  • Issue with Liferay portal while logged into JBPM Suite

    Hello,   I am having issues with my liferay portal instance to refresh to homepage when i sign out while i am logged into the JBPM Suite that i have located on one of my liferay portlets. When I log out of lifer...
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    last modified by michael.wilkins
  • installing JBPM 6.2.0 final on MAC OS Yosemite version 10.10.5

    Hii everyone, I tried to install the jBPM  6.2.0 final but when i execute the command >   ant install.demo it gave me the following error: install.modeler.into.eclipse:      [exec...
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    last modified by alexpadillarosas
  • Getting 404 for REST API on JBPM 6.1

    Hi   I am running JBPM 6.1.   I am trying to develop a client app using the Remote API (Chapter 17. Remote API) but when I try to invoke the service to start a process I get a 404 error. The code fragment ...
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    last modified by contegomatt
  • Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.jbpm:jbpm-flow

    Dear,   once i upload the jar file from the builded maven project to bpm suite through artifact repository the below error appears   java.lang.RuntimeException: org.kie.scanner.embedder.MavenEmbedderExcept...
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    last modified by mjaradat
  • Where is the CustomWorkItemHandler.conf file

    Hi , I am using BPMS SUITE 6.1.0 GA. As per RedHat BPMS User guide 4.14. Domain-specific Tasks Custom WorkItem Handler should register in the following file DEPLOY_DIRECTORY/business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/MET...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • BusinessRule Task fires just at first time launch process

    Hello.   I use BPM Suite 6.0.2.GA   I'm getting through Getting Started Guide: Chapter 5. Hello World project Chapter 6. Hello World process Chapter 7. Hello World business rule   I do exactly the...
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    last modified by pronchakov
  • Rollback data modeler to previous version

    Hi,   I inadvertently introduced a circular reference in my data modeler and it no longer displays the object that is causing the issue. This means that I have no way of removing the circular reference. I know t...
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    last modified by crowdsurf
  • Service Task in SubProcess

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3GA.   Today while I try to add a "Service Task" inside a "Embedded SubProcess" in Business Central, I am getting "No Interfaces found" is it possible to add a "Service Task" inside ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Service Task Error

    Hi, I am using jbpm.6.1.0.Final in our Dev environment. I am trying to create a simple process where i have added a "Service Task" to call a java method(which I add as a dependency jar of my project). following is...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Rest Task Error

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3.GA.   I am trying to create a process where I added a Rest Task to call Jboss BPMS own REST Api. here is my rest uri ... http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/history/process...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Access values from bamtasksummary table via RemoteRuntimeEngine

    I am trying to access values from bamtasksummary table via RemoteRuntimeEngine in JBPM 6.0.1. I have attached the code using which i am trying to access. But I am getting the below exception. The .execute(..) meth...
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    last modified by ku.ananthi
  • JBPM Dashboard Issue

    I am using JBPM 6.1. Yesterday I deployed the "dashboard builder". After Deployed the Dashboard , the "Task and Process Dashboard" look like following.. which seems ok to me. But today when I start the server toda...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Oracle Driver jar for Process

    I am using JBPM 6.1. I have created  a process with a customworkitem for Oracle DB insertion.   As oracle not provide "odbc6.jar" in maven repository so I try to upload that jar from "Artifact Repository" ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • JBPM web service task issue(CXF dynamic client)

    I try to create a process in my jbpm 6.1 and that process have a "Web Service Task".   In my web service wsdl the targetnamespace is like this "java:abc.test.apilink.logic.sessions.interfaces". after configure ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar