• JPA version support for JBPM 6.4.0

    Hi,    I would like to know which JPA version (2.0/2.1) is supported for JBPM 6.4.0   Regards, Sundar.
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • Jboss rule 6.4.0 Cannot find a default StatelessKieSession

    Hello,   I have downloaded the drools 6.4.0 distribution and i am trying to execute a drools application via a main method in eclipse. According to the documentation i have the following code that produces the ...
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    last modified by nikosmak
  • Process and Compilation error (Boolean/boolean)

    Dear all,   I am new to jBPMN and saw 3 video tutorial on youtube from Maciej Swiderski. These are the links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM9cuL_Mfnk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebltONoB5g https://w...
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    last modified by grappyzxc
  • ant install.demo

    I am evaluating JBPM for a new project, and followed the instructions for using a MySQL database.  Both install.demo and start.demo execute without error.  However, it does not appear that anything is deploy...
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    last modified by tgunter
  • JBPM 6.4 - Failed to deploy kjar (doesn't recognize Java version)

    I've been using JBPM 6.3 for more than 6 months and now planning to move to JBPM 6.4. I couldn't build my project on JBPM 6.4 that was working fine on JBPM 6.3     So, I downloaded JBPM 6.4 again and tried t...
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    last modified by s.jain
  • Start Process with a custom form

    Hi guys,   I want to create more than one data output in the start event of my process, but it returns this message:   Only single entry allowed. I want to know if anybody can explain if this is a limitati...
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    last modified by ericnak
  • Secure JBPM Application

    Hello,   By default, jBPM runs with TCP 8080 HTTP request.   If I want to secure it using TCP 443 HTTPS request, please let me know the procedure to do the same.     Regards, Abhishek
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    last modified by abhisheksit2004
  • Unable to Start and Complete Task in JBPM

    have created the Business process in KieWorkbench and builded the jar as follows: Business Process : Process ID :myWorkflow.process Create task -Actor : myUser1 Submit task -Actor : myUser2 GAV: group :com.mycom.app....
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    last modified by karthikeyan.subramaniam
  • Problem instantiating a process containing subprocess of different projects

    Problem instantiating a process containing subprocess of different projects   Hello, to put you in context: I create a repository with 3 different projects ProjectA, with the processA ProjectB, with the processB ...
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    last modified by artemisa28
  • is Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite a powerful process engine ?

    Hello All,   i have been working in the field of CMS for 2 years now, my company uses the documentum xcp package, we developed a huge number of business processes with documentum tools, but we have been sufferin...
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    last modified by nourhan_elboudy
  • JavaScript in Markup Editor for Human Task

    Hello Experts,   I am using jBPM 6.4.0 to develop one BPMN solution to one of our client.   I have Markup Editor in human task for developing rich task forms.   I am having a screen with 20 data fiel...
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    last modified by abhisheksit2004
  • Correct approach for several jBoss BPM Suite installations in different enterprise environments

    The company I work for wants to integrate jBoss BPM Suite for business process management with all his current applications (Liferay). They have three environments: Development, Certification and Production. The Java ...
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    created by jizuzqui
  • Build and Deploy in jbpm 6.2 gives org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnauthorizedException

    Am trying to Build and Deploy the sample project "bpms-project" which comes with the installation of JBPM which goes UnauthorizedException, am using the admin user to build and deploy(), am not sure am i missing somet...
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    last modified by javacodingmaniac
  • How to get process instance variables through jBPM Java Remote API

    Hi all,   is is possible to retrieve values of process instance variables through jBPM Java Remote API (kie-remote-client 6.2)?   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by jizuzqui
  • Deploying a BPM project into remote BPM Suite with BuildProject asset management process

    Hi all,   I'm trying to deploy a BPM project with business-central provided tools (the BuildProject asset management process) into a remote BPM Suite but I'm getting an error. Is it possible to deploy an asset o...
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    last modified by jizuzqui
  • Problem installing BPM suite

    Hi Team, I am trying to setup BPM suite 6.2 . When I tried to install BPM suite choosing thew EAP server v 6.4.0 , I am getting error as Advanced configuration command failed: deploy "C:\Server/domain/business-centr...
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    created by amitabh2d
  • Problem installing BPM suite

    Hi Team, I am trying to setup BPM suite 6.2 . When I tried to install BPM suite choosing thew EAP server v 6.4.0 , I am getting error as Advanced configuration command failed: deploy "C:\Server/domain/business-centr...
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    created by amitabh2d
  • change bpms datasource connection

    Greetings, How do you change the jBPM data source connection from the BPMS schema owner to a user with only the minimal privileges necessary to perform CRUD (DML) database operations? Seems like if I create the datab...
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    last modified by awrigh08
  • Invoke Another BPM Process in jBPM 6.3.0

    Hello Folks,   I have developed 2 BPMN processes(P1,P2) in jBPM-console 6.3.1 & Eclipse with Wildfly server 8.1 version.   I need to invoke P2 process from P1 which is reusable process using "Call Acti...
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    last modified by abhisheksit2004
  • BPMS 6.2 server REST API partial failures due to SQL error

    I am only able to get some of the documented REST API for the BPM server working. For example, the following call works as expected:   http://<serverdomain>:8080/business-central/rest/query/runtime/process?...
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    last modified by blbuteau