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Thread Having rule Execution issue in singleton Runtime manager scenario.
Having rule Execution issue in singleton Runtime manager scenario.Hi, i have a scenario like.. have created runtime Manager by using singleton strategies. and the runtime Environment contains 2 BPMN file in that one BPMN file contains BS rule task(called process-1)and anothe...
Thread add the new process file dynamically into runtime Manager
add the new process file dynamically into runtime Managerhi, by using spring configuration we have created the runtime Environment and runtime Manager factories. by using my application we can able to create the dynamic BPMN file stored into particular place. after ...
Thread Reusable SubProcesses and User Tasks with Forms
Reusable SubProcesses and User Tasks with FormsHi, I'm running into a strange issue and I've been unable to find any information on how best to fix it. I've created a number of reusable subprocesses which in turn call other subprocesses. After calling one ...
JBPM Dashboard IssueI am using JBPM 6.1. Yesterday I deployed the "dashboard builder". After Deployed the Dashboard , the "Task and Process Dashboard" look like following.. which seems ok to me. But today when I start the server toda...
Oracle Driver jar for ProcessI am using JBPM 6.1. I have created a process with a customworkitem for Oracle DB insertion. As oracle not provide "odbc6.jar" in maven repository so I try to upload that jar from "Artifact Repository" ...
JBPM JMS IntegartionI am using JBPM 6.1. I am sharing my requirement. As per my requirement using JBPM REST API i have to initiate a process and after initiation my process will consume messages from a queue and process those mess...
Thread How to query the database from the JBPM6 rules?
How to query the database from the JBPM6 rules?I wants to quary the MySql database from JBPM6 drools ruls and evaluate that rule by using hibernate session. Can any one share some good articleor suggest for this.
Register CustomWorkItem in kmodule.xmlI am using jbpm 6.1. I created a CustomWorkItemHandler for my process. But before deploy the process in jbpm I have to register that CustomWorkItemHandler. I know in jbpm 6.1 I can register my CustomWorkItem...
Thread jBPM unmarshallingexception (Web Service Task)
jBPM unmarshallingexception (Web Service Task)I am new to jBPM. I am using jBPM6. I trying to invoke a web service from jBPM process using Web Service Task. My web service accept a object(Person) as input and return also a object(Person) as output. from my jBP...
Thread JBPM web service task issue(CXF dynamic client)
JBPM web service task issue(CXF dynamic client)I try to create a process in my jbpm 6.1 and that process have a "Web Service Task". In my web service wsdl the targetnamespace is like this "java:abc.test.apilink.logic.sessions.interfaces". after configure ...
creating the dynamic bpmn fileHi All, as part of my requirement i need to create bpmn file based on user process steps by dynamically by using java classes. i found RuleFlowProcessFactory API classes in goog, by using that i an able to cre...
Thread How to set the timer properties like time duration,cycle in JBPM6?
How to set the timer properties like time duration,cycle in JBPM6?I cant see the specific fields for set the timer duration in timer properties then I give just 5m in my timer expression and run the junit but the system doest wait . I think the timer is not working .. I am not sure ...
Thread how to make trigger the task form of process in junit
how to make trigger the task form of process in junitI am trying to create the form for tasks and i would like to trigger the form while i am doing the junit test . could any one please share any sample program for this.
Thread java.lang.RuntimeException: Task operation request timed out
java.lang.RuntimeException: Task operation request timed outHey guys, AS.7.1.1.Final JBPM 5.4.0.Final Hibernate with mysql driver Spring 4.1.3.Release When my process hits the human task, it throws such error: 17:20:06,816 ERROR [org.jbpm.process.workitem....
Thread how to get the rule output from process definition
how to get the rule output from process definitionHi All, as am new to JBPM and drools tech.. as part of my current requirement have to integrate .drl file with .bpmn file. i have done the integration by using Business rule Task node by passing rule Flow Grou...
Thread process instance id gets reset often in jbpm6 which causes issues
process instance id gets reset often in jbpm6 which causes issuesHi All, Some how process instance-id gets reset and starts from 1 very often - I guess after every restart of the server in my environment. This causes wrong status to be updated in the Workbench and some time...