1. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file
krisverlaenen Dec 20, 2014 3:37 AM (in response to narsi.chowdary)1 of 1 people found this helpfulThe factory doesn't have methods for IOmapping yet, but you could use on entry scripts to insert objects into the working memory directly instead.
2. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file
narsi.chowdary Dec 22, 2014 2:35 AM (in response to narsi.chowdary)Thanks Kris,
if i am creating the BPMN file Manually then i can able to set the entry scripts to insert the object for RuleSetNode. but i a creating the BPMN file Dynamically. and also i have cross checked the API for RuleSetNode class don't have function to pass the Entry scripts.but HumanTaskNode having the same.
please help me to supported API for this issue.
3. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file
krisverlaenen Jan 13, 2015 9:21 PM (in response to narsi.chowdary)1 of 1 people found this helpfulAt the beginning, RuleSetNode didn't support on-entry / exit scripts yet, it seems the fluent api wasn't updated when they were added. Could you open a JIRA or Bugzilla for this? Should be trivial to add, might be easy to even do a pull request
4. Re: creating the dynamic bpmn file
narsi.chowdary Jan 14, 2015 1:47 AM (in response to narsi.chowdary)ok thanks kris.. i will open the JIRA for this issue..