• Stubs save in infinispan cache (map)

    I have now a problem. I habe two Clients as RMI objects. And JBoss server als middleware (EAP 3.21.) I generate stubs and save in map of infinispan within server  in stateless session bean. For remote communicati...
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    last modified by koohkan
  • infinispan exception. ich habe zwei nodes with cluster, and the instance of jboss 7.2.1 ist running. i would stop the one of instansec aber i get error

    2014-10-16 16:34:58,136 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 56) MSC000001: Failed to start servic e jboss.infinispan.postbox.jec-registry: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service ...
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    last modified by koohkan
  • how to setup firewalls for clustered datagrid?

    Hi there,   I am trying to set up a clustered datagrid on 3 servers, anyone knows what are the firewall rules between these 3 servers and the firewall rules for others to access this cluster?   thanks in a...
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    last modified by li.dai
  • i want to put an app on a server.

    i want to put an app on a server. and my member website. the app is an excel file. I want people to be able to enter and delete data and that's it. how to go about this idea? or do they have to be able to edit co...
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    last modified by markfmiller1
  • how do i use infinispan caxche in my application.,

    hello,   i have an disribution application, ejb 3.1 (JEE 6) , with SLSBs, EAP 6.2.1 and JBoss as application server. This applivation ist in cluster form with two nodes. iI need a map for * 700 entries as KEY ...
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    last modified by koohkan
  • NullPointerException

    hi, i have a problem by use infinispan cache inmy cluster with two noden. Envoroment. EAP 6.2.1, application server : jboss 7.x there is a disbuted application, with ejb 3.1, SLSBs.   My configuration of inf...
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    last modified by koohkan
  • Class loading issue while creating embedded cache manager instance in OSGi container

    Hi, Our project runs on OSGi container(Apache karaf) and I'd deployed the required Infinispan components taken from JDG 6.2.1 library. The components deployment was successful but while creating a embedded cache mana...
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    last modified by abbhi131
  • Using JDG as data cache and as second level cache for Hibernate

    Hello. I have four JBoss EAP (with support) servers and I want to ask you some questions, about how to increase the system performance with Infinispan.   A- Two JBoss servers have a Java application which uses H...
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    last modified by oresistemas
  • JbossDataGrid-6.2.1 Library mode

    i am using jboss data grid-6.2.1 and i have tried with remote client server mode with hotrod in distributed mode. Everything worked fine and i found it so encouraging to work on it. They have specified in its related ...
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    last modified by raghav_11
  • Cache file store redundant tags

    Hi,       I am using around 100 seperate caches so in jboss data grid configuration file i need to maintain seperate file-store tag under cache for file persistance for that cache.  ...
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    last modified by raghav_11
  • cache.size() and cache.keyset() in Remote Client-Server Distributed cache

    I am trying to set up Remote Client-Server mode cache(distributed cache) using Hot Rod API. I am using 2 remote Hot Rod Servers and added configuration for ip-address:port in client. I have made all  necessary X...
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    last modified by raghav_11
  • Why doesn't the admin console work?

    When following the "getting started" instructions for running JDG in standalone mode, the server starts up without issue and shows this in the log:   16:08:41,332 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modu...
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    last modified by rokickik
  • Upgrade the 'application' from JDG 6.1 to 6.2?

    I am a newbie to JDG and have the following question, keeping in mind that we have a application in JDG 6.1 using replication,: 1)  How to move from replication to distribution, what configuration changes are re...
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    last modified by qkhan
  • TransportException when Hot Rod connector is bound to a XSITE cache-container

    ISSUE SCENARIO:   If hotrod-connector is bound to a cache-container meant for cross datacenter replication I get TransportExceptions on the (hot rod) client side when one of the nodes go down If hotrod-connecto...
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    last modified by vbchin2
  • Cross Data Center Replication Issues with JDG 6.2

    I have been trying to setup a demo of Cross Data Center Replication using JDG 6.2 and so far haven't been able to get it to work properly. I need help to understand what could be fixed to get the testing steps listed ...
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    last modified by vbchin2
  • ISPN004017: Could not fetch transport: org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.TransportException

    I am accessing infinispan data grid 5.3 in clustered mode (setup on 2 nodes) from my application hosted on EAP 6.1.1. While carrying out following test I am getting an exception. 1. Start both hot rod servers. 2....
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    created by nikhil_joshi
  • test question

  • Listen JMS on webmethods queue

    Hi,   Can anyone help me to configure ejb2 mdb to consume messages from webmethods queue in jboss.   Many thanks Kishore
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