• procedure to table Translation Query Error

    Hi All,   I have a procedure on SQL database We have created a source model in teiid using that procedure We have created a view model in teiid using that source model where source model is a procedure outcom...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • UML Import ?

    I have a large information model described in Enterprise Architect.  How can I configure a VDB meta model by importing XMI, ECORE, OWL, RDF, or some other file type?
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    last modified by johngillerman
  • Deployed VDB not visible in Management Console

    Hi, I am a newbie to JBoss Data Virtualization. I have deployed DV 6.x GA Server and also installed JBoss Develper Studio 7.x with Teiid designer. I am trying to expose a sample oracle table as a WS. In this regard i...
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    last modified by ranjith123
  • DV 6 Goes GA

    Data Virtualization v6 is now GA!   Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization - VERSION 6.0 GENERAL AVAILABILITY   Turn siloed, fragmented data into actionable information at your business speed.   We are an...
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    created by van.halbert
  • Data Cache

    Hi.  I'm a novice of Data Virtualization and have a couple of questions.   I think that Data Virtualization supports to cache data. Q1) Where can we cache data (e.g. materialized view or in-memory cache)?&...
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    last modified by shige44
  • DV Beta2 Maven Repo

    Here's the maven repo for DV Beta 2 release:   http://maven.repository.redhat.com/techpreview/ip6/
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    created by van.halbert
  • Getting Started Video's for DV 6

    Here are 3  video's that can help you get started using Data Virtualization 6.   Part 1 Getting Started with Data Virtualization http://vimeo.com/user16928011/part1-getting-started-with-data-virtualization P...
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    created by van.halbert
  • Beta tooling installation location

    Quick note: the installation instructions on the DataVirt page indicate the JBoss Data Virtualization tools should be installed from https://devstudio.jboss.com/updates/7.0-development/integration-stack/ The get...
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    created by kenj