• Problem with "java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date:"

    Hi, I am beginer with JBoss tools  and Java.   I have an error after update of Data Virtualization tools (Teiid Designer etc...) to 8.3.3 Final from 8.3.2 Final on JBoss Developer Studio. When I roll back ...
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    last modified by kako.hiroshi
  • Return result set from a TEIID procedure

    I am trying to call a web service with input parameters and return it as a result set. I couldn't create it as a view since it needs input parameters CREATE virtual PROCEDURE XYZ (dept int) BEGIN select pos.* from ...
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    created by saigopal_t
  • VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

    I have a VDB which was created in WIndows developer workstation. When I deploy this VDB into a Linux server and try to access the data  I am getting the error below: error: teiid30504 remote org.teiid.code.Teiid...
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    last modified by pramod_bs
  • How can I set up a group(virtual group?) in to materialized view definition?

    Hi there, I am new to use Data Virtualization using JBoss Developer Studio 7.1.1GA Teiid Designer 8.3.2 JBoss EAP 6.1   I have the error below when I try to preview relational view data that materialized pro...
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    created by kako.hiroshi
  • Content is not allowed in prolog.

    Hello,   I'm in the process of setting up a REST web API as a data source in JBoss Data Virtualization. I created a API using Python REST API Framework — Eve 0.4-dev documentation but ran into difficulties...
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    last modified by lewis.watson
  • PostgreSQL XA Data Source

    Hello!   I'd like to be able to use multiple PostgreSQL data sources in my virtual database but it the PostgreSQL JDBC driver doesn't support transaction interleaving, which Teiid seems to require.   Postg...
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    last modified by lewis.watson
  • Stored procedure out parameter types

    Hello All,   I have a simple PostgreSQL stored procedure called delete_case which deletes rows from a table based on a primary key   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_case(integer)   RETURNS void AS $...
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    last modified by lewis.watson
  • jboss and teiid Federated Plans

    hello ,      now i use jboss AS 7.1 with teiid 8.2 。And after i see the Federated Plans chapter in Federated Planning - Teiid 8.2 - Project Documentation Editor i knew the plan of executing a qu...
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    last modified by 724150880
  • JDK for JBoss EAP 6.1

    I read that both JDK 1.7 and 1.6 are supported for JBoss EAP 6.1, yet when I run the server I am getting this error:     !ENTRY org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core 4 0 2014-06-03 07:04:08.389 !MESSAGE The server...
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    last modified by zachary.price
  • TEIID D50072 when connecting via Teiid JDBC driver from Python using JayDeBeApi module

    Hello,   I've been attempting to connect to a VDB from a Python script using the JayDeBeApi (https://launchpad.net/jaydebeapi) module. However I can't seem to be able to set the username and password for the con...
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    last modified by lewis.watson
  • java.lang.ClassCastException? when requesting JSON response from ODATA Stored Procedure

    Hello, I have been working on enabling access to a PostgreSQL stored procedure using JBoss Data Virtualization. I have created a VDB with a User Defined Function that calls a PostgreSQL stored procedure. All it does ...
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    last modified by lewis.watson
  • ODATA query to access stored procedure

    A stored procedure exists in SQL server 2010 that takes two string parameters and returns multiple column values from multiple tables. Created vdb for the same and deployed (teiid 8.4|DV 6.1.1) . I can access http:/...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • Data virtualization for BI

    can we connect cognos tool to data virtualization and is it useful when compared with traditional approach of developing repots
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    last modified by keerthana.sadam
  • jboss + teiid  acess to datasource by ODBC

    hi :   i'm using jboss AS 7.1 +teiid 8.2 .and i have tested datasource by the way jdbc. now i use ODBC to access to datasource . but i found that the parameter partialResultsMode=true doesn't work . i want to kn...
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    last modified by 724150880
  • ui for deployed models on dv server

    I am still getting my head around how all the components of dv works and wanted to ask if there is an interface which can be used to run queries on the virtual models deployed on to the dv server. Which can serve as a...
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    last modified by deps1972
  • default user name and password to login dashboard

    What is the default user name and password to login in to DV Dashboard
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    last modified by deps1972
  • LDAP data source importer in Teiid designer 8.4?

    From Teiid Designer 8.3 What's New, it seems that a LDAP data source importer was added. I am using Teiid designer 8.4. I could not find the LDAP importer when right click "Source" - Import. Here is the screen shot. D...
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    last modified by lightsailpro
  • Jboss Data Virtualization Dashboard Password

    Just finished installing JBoss Data Virtualization 6.0 and one of the first URLs given by the installer is localhost:8080/dashboard. This opens a page where am supposed to provide username and password.   Unfort...
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    last modified by lawi
  • Cost of JBOSS and extending connectors

    Hi, just started looking at JBOSS DV.  First time I've looked at any JBOSS tools so my first question is what kind of cost is Jboss for a large scale implementation, and secondly, how easy is it to add new connec...
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    last modified by tonysmith99
  • What is JBoss DV6 Virtual Data Sources compatibilities?

    Guys,   I need to deploy over SOA bus using DV6 lots of Data Services that consumes COBOL files. Does DV6 supports COBOL files (Vsam, Csan)?
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    last modified by danielcastro