• Wildfly/JBoss Dev Studio/Drools  pom.properties not found

    Hi, Using Wildfly 8.1 plus JBoss DeveloperStudio 7.1.1 I'm trying to deploy a Drools based application from Eclipse.    2014-08-12 11:21:41,939 ERROR [org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.ClasspathKieProj...
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    created by shaun.ohagan
  • Quickstart fails with jboss-eap-6.2

    I am trying to run cluster-ha-singleton. followed the steps to start two instances of jboss (jboss-eap-6.2), I have also pasted the settings.xml in .m2 directory and when I run following command I get these errors. ...
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    last modified by imrankhurram
  • JBoss BPM Suite 6 and JBoss Developer Studio repository git

    Hello! Sorry for my english.   HELP!!!   I have a server, JBOSS BPM SUITE installed in a server with Windows 2012, I am now around trying to replicate the repository "jposs bpmsuite" my "jboss developer s...
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    created by oscar.ordonez
  • JBoss Developer does not seem to transition across JDK versions 7--8

    Well this might be fixed ... But I just had an Old version of JBoss Developer on my Ubuntu Linux that I was working with in Java JDK 7, and I upgraded my Java to JDK 8u11 and the whole JBoss Developer installation j...
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    last modified by brian13
  • jbpm6 work theory

    who can tell me the jbpm work theory? i want to know it very much, now i only write some simple demo to access this process. but i don't know it is how to run, what is work theory, when a application start, what do it...
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    last modified by bu123dian
  • Error while deploying

    Hi, i am trying to deploy a project, but i receive the following error:   [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 12.890s [INFO]...
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    last modified by dynamoproductions
  • NTLM in Teiid

    Hi I want to use NTLM based authentication using jdbc connector in teiid. I'm using JBDS 7 with Teiid Designer 8.4. i have  downloaded Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server" fromhttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us...
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    last modified by ambili
  • Permission denied Error after deploying to Openshift using JBoss

    We have an application that needs to communicate with some governmental web services using a SSL connection. When running on develop environment (locally) it works perfectly, but when we deploy to OpenShift ant try t...
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    last modified by luis.fernando.pimenta
  • External Jar File and OpenShift with Developer Studio

    I am attempting to bring a java application that I had previously created into JBoss Developer Studio and OpenShift.    I know how to add external jar files into Eclipse, but I am not sure on the steps tha...
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    last modified by dougjrs
  • please provid solution for following error generated at the time of instance creation ?

    : could not get a field value by reflection getter of org.jbpm.job.Job.id DirectPropertyAccessor.java:35) UnsavedValueFactory.java:44) PropertyFactory.java:44) EntityMetamodel.java:123) AbstractEnt...
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    last modified by chetant1
  • JPA Entities from Table with error generating entities

    I am using JBoss Development Studio Version: 8.0.0.Beta1 that comes with Dali Java Persistence Tools - JPA Support 3.4.0.v201401221940-7V7dEpFC7sReAYthMgWBL39c7   When I try to generate entities from tables I ge...
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    last modified by danielcastro
  • deploying ejb2.1 beans in wildfly8.1.0

    when a session bean(2.1) is to be deployed , i had given in jboss-ejb3.xml <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jboss:ejb-jar xmlns:jboss="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee"     ...
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    last modified by htcprasad
  • jboss developer studio / switchyard with maven-tycho

    I am trying to run the switchyard camel-jpa quickstart with maven tycho… with limited success until now... I allready did the following steps: converting the maven-project (switchyard-quickstart-camel-jpa-b...
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    created by adrian.gaberell
  • Error 404 on Java Servlet Project. Open-Shift

    Hey Comunity,   I have written a little Serverlet. At the moment its pretty much empty. But i want to test the rouge code. And simple sites. But even this empty project got a problem. Everytime i try to start i...
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    last modified by chase22
  • Change password in existing data source

    Hi there,   I need to change a password in an existing data source. This data source is used to connect to an MySQL Database. Unfortunatly, the password has been encrypted in the xml-file and I do not know how t...
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    last modified by jfr987
  • NTLM in Teiid

    I want to use NTLM based authentication using jdbc connector in Teiid. I have tried to create a connecton to Database using: 1. Create Teiid Model Project-> Source ->Import->JDBC Connection 2. I see a feature...
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    created by meenatp
  • Composite key joins in hibernate

    I am using hibernate to persist two tables,`Project` and `Department`.   `Department` table has a composite primary key `DeptCompID`.             @Embeddable ...
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    last modified by sameer.sarmah
  • Infinispan example code for entry based locking

    Hi, I am new to infinispan. I am trying to use infinispan database with multiple writers and readers. I need help on the following: 1. Sample code that shows how to acquire locks on records in distributed mode. Also...
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    last modified by karminder.singh
  • jBOSS Developer Studio Installation Issues

    Hi,   The first steps say : Procedure 3.1. Install with the Universal Installer Log into the Customer Portal at https://access.redhat.com. From the menu bar click Downloads. Under Red Hat JBoss Middleware, cl...
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    last modified by bibhas_jboss
  • example code

    Hi,   I started using JBoss Developer Studio (bpm 6), i have to develop a small process using service tasks, sub task,  getways,  business rules user task and one timer ..., and i'm looking for some e...
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