How to resolve errors on the IDE ?! I have a multiple errors on jboss developer studio 8.0.2.GA and i need a help The attached log and more information about my system !Fedora 20 ! JDK : java version "1.7.0_67" Java(TM) SE Ru...
OSX Mavericks jbds install issueI am trying to install jbds and I keep getting an error "One or more certificates rejected. Cannot proceed with installation." I have found several post that say to get past this error in stall the GTECybe...
Article How to change the file path for Localhost?
How to change the file path for Localhost?Hello People, I'm using the plugin of facebook for cordava, but i need change the path of file in my project for localhost. example: file:///Users/lmora/workspaceJBOSS/TestinJboss/www/index.html ...
Thread JBoss Developer Studio 8 hangs on step 7 of 9
JBoss Developer Studio 8 hangs on step 7 of 9Hi, I'm trying to install JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.0. I'm at step 7, where pack installation progress gets 100% and nothing more happens. Overall installation progress hangs on 1/4. I have Windows 8....
Thread Studio wrongfully find an error in switchyard / camel file
Studio wrongfully find an error in switchyard / camel fileHello all, Using latest version of JBoss tools, including early access of JBoss Fuse tools, When I add the following into a camel.xml route: <to uri="sql://update%20toupdate%20set%20update_status=...
Thread problems with persistence.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml in the same project
problems with persistence.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml in the same projectProblem: I've got a datasource in hibernate.cfg.xml that seems to be using properties from persitence.xml. I can see in the server (JBoss EAP 6.2.0) console, messages like these: 15:32:33,372 ERROR [org.hibernate.too...
Thread JBOSS Dev Studio "Software/Update" not working
JBOSS Dev Studio "Software/Update" not workingFolks, Hear is the .log error that I receive when trying to use JBOSS Central "Software/Update" from JBDS 8.0.2.GA: " Permission denied: connect ... " I have tried ...
Thread JBossDevStudio 8 with EAP - Error on startup
JBossDevStudio 8 with EAP - Error on startupLast week I downloaded and installed JBoss Developer Studio with EAP, to develop an EE web application on for personal use. JBDevStudio version is 8.0.0.GA-v20141020-1042-B317 I have experienced since ...
Thread Error while installing Jboss development studio
Error while installing Jboss development studioi am getting below error can any one help me ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 4 2015-03-06 22:25:34.500 !MESSAGE An error occurred while installing the items !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 0 2015...
Thread Debugging Ionic Project With CordovaSim and Livereload
Debugging Ionic Project With CordovaSim and LivereloadI have a Cordova project using the Ionic framework that has been imported into JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.2. CordovaSim will connect to the livereload server but doesn't seem to be picking up any changes. ...
Unable to install jboss devstudio 8.00 GAThe install fails with a runtime exception. Windows 7 64-bit JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_31-b13) (build 1.8.0_31-b13) JDK 8.0_31 Should I use different jre/jdk?
Jboss Tools JPA validator bugUsing @ElementCollection annotation causes false positive validation errors, such as "entity name is empty", "class not marked as embeddable" etc. Seems similar to this old bug:
Manage remote EAP server from JBDS 8.0.2Hello, I'm using JBDS 8.0.2. I have a remote EAP 6.3.1 server which accepts EAP CLI commands at the following socket: . From my local workstation...
Jboss Tools JAX-RS issue in EclipseHi Am running Eclipse Luna (4.4.1) with the latest JBoss Tools (have checked updates and there are none). FYI this is on Fedora 21 with the standard openJDK from the repos and Wildfly 8.2.0. I have an...
hello sirsir, i am not having any information of jboss devlpment and i want to know the jboss devlopment. I am an REDHAT certified SYSTEM ADMIN. and ENGG. and i am woeking on JBOSS ADMIN course of REDHAT can you send me impor...
Problem adding JPA facet to maven projectIMPORTANT NOTE: I can only access the internet with IE. Not with eclipse. Not with any git client. If you answer, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not .suggest anything that involves the eclipse marketplace or any ...