JBDS 8.1.0.GA suddenly doesn't validate JPA 2.1 NamedQueriesGreetings, In a given maven project, having JPA facet and using JPA 2.1, the following named query @NamedQuery(name = "myQuery", query = "UPDATE MyEntity j set j.f1 = :f1, j.f2 = :f2, j.f3 = :f3, j.f4 ...
JBDS creates switchyard.xml file invalidHello, Using JBDS 8.1.0.GA with switchyard projects, I have the following error message in the Problems tab: The referenced Java interface for service "OrderRepositoryReference" specifies more than one...
jpa change event handler - how to disable?Hi I am getting constant delays while waiting for 'jpa change event handler'. Apparently this is a bug in Dali. How can I remove Dali? Or avoid this delays? I see Dali is included in JBDS, but ...
Thread Open the browser after deploying ear project on wildfly
Open the browser after deploying ear project on wildflyHello Experts, I created a multi-module-maven project called mission-man like this screenshot presents: After right clicking on mission-man-ear or mission-man-web > Run As > Run on Server, the welcome page w...
Thread JBoss Developer Studio local server publishing filters
JBoss Developer Studio local server publishing filtersI'm using JBoss Developer Studio and am trying to figure out how to prevent a certain path from publishing before startup of the server. That path is 'node_modules'. Since this is an Angular2 project, we h...
Thread Integration Stack 10.0.0.GA Stand-Alone Installer NOT FOUND
Integration Stack 10.0.0.GA Stand-Alone Installer NOT FOUNDIam new with JBoss Fuse so started with Hello World! app. Unfortunately when I try to download Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 10.0.0.GA Stand-Alone Installer. it replies with OOps! something...
Thread Auto updating changes into the data source in Jboss Developer Studio 9.0
Auto updating changes into the data source in Jboss Developer Studio 9.0Hi all, I have an excel file physically located onto my system. for that excel file i have created a data source in jboss. if i physically do the changes in the excel file e.g adding a new column in the excel. then ...
Deadlock on workspace startupI seem to have somehow created a workspace which freezes as soon as it starts. I previously logged the issue against Eclipse JEE but they've pointed the finger back at JBoss Developer Studio. Full details on this bugz...
Thread MD5 checksums on JBoss Tools 4.4.2 do not match
MD5 checksums on JBoss Tools 4.4.2 do not matchOn JBoss Tools - JBoss Tools 4.4.2.Final , the checksums provided match the md5s of the zips. All three of the checksum files are linked as "md5" but the checksum filenames themselves all end with ".sha256"
Thread JBoss Dev Studio 9.1.0.GA installation freezes
JBoss Dev Studio 9.1.0.GA installation freezesGood day, In my development laptop (Windows 7 64 Bits, 8 GB RAM, plenty of HDD space available) I've trying to reinstall JBDS 9.1.0.GA, to do some tests. In the past, I've installed and uninstalled the softwar...
2. Install, Configure, and VerifyWhen I type "helloworld into the search box and select helloworld-rs, I get "Invalid project description". The expected result is lick Finish. This downloads the helloworld application and its...
Thread cordovasim: Invalid character '\u0187' on line 2..FileWriter.js
cordovasim: Invalid character '\u0187' on line 2..FileWriter.jsHi, I'm trying to run our hybrid app on the cordova sim but I'm getting the following error: !JavaScript ERROR: SyntaxError: Invalid character '\u0187' on line 2 for http://localhost:54938/plugins/cord...
Thread Why Attribute 'id' was add by the jboss developer sudio
Why Attribute 'id' was add by the jboss developer sudioHi, I add import to my camel context xml, in this way, see in bold <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop" ...
JBDS 10.x + Integration Stack?I see that a new version of JBoss DevStudio is out. How long should we expect before the Integration Stack (specifically Fuse 6.3.0 and Camel) is available? I'm sticking with v9.1.0 for now, but would like to upgrade ...