• Liferay jboss : Handle 500 exception

    Enviorment: liferay 6.2 App server: jboss     I am trying to display the custom error message whenever the 500 exception i.e internal server error occurs. Below are setting available in web.xml   &...
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    created by maheshnarke
  • Yubico OTP and JBoss EAP 6 or Wildfly 8

    Yubico key (https://www.yubico.com/) is a really smart key to get a strong authentication to login into your e-account (e-bank, web mail, etc...). Even if an hacker can intercept password, he can't re use it to login ...
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    last modified by gautric
  • Two Factor Authen. (2FA) w/ Yubico OTP and JBoss EAP 6 or Wildfly 8

    Yubico key (https://www.yubico.com/) is a really smart key to get a strong authentication to login into your e-account (e-bank, web mail, etc...). Several e-companies includes/are including this features to login. &...
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    last modified by gautric
  • JBoss Web/7.2.2.Final-redhat-1 - JBWEB000064

    Hello   We have OHS as the web server and jboss eap 6.1 as the application server.  We have a servlet to capture all errors and return custom error.    When http error status 405 happens, meanin...
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    last modified by mkpatham
  • Jboss Domain session replication

    Hello, i setup easy domain with two nodes each running two app server. My problem is with session replication. When first server goes down, traffic is routed to node2. Issue occur when traffic is routed to node02 bec...
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    last modified by jakub.m
  • access JBoss EAP 6.3.0 admin console from port 80

    Hi,   i am configuring JBoss EAP 6.3.0 which runs AS 7.4.1   I need to be able to access admin console which i am currently accessing through http://localhost:9990/ to be access from an URL on port 80. ma...
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    last modified by ladnjay
  • Message driven beans as "singleton" on Jboss EAP 6.2 in clustered environment

    Hi,   I have an enterprise application which has Singleton EJB's and Message Driven Beans. To ensure the application runs only on one node in a clustered environment, I am using JBoss SingletonService (ha-single...
  • Jboss EAP 6.2 redeploy jsp automatically

    Hi all,   I'm working with Jboss EAP 6.2, and every time that I modify a jsp I must redeploy my application on server, there is a way to avoid this thing?   Thank you all in advance!!!   Roberto Cucc...
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    last modified by profumi83
  • JBoss EAP 6.3 Corba ObjectHelper class loading issue

    Hi,   I have a class loading issue with org.omg.CORBA.ObjectHelper class. It happens with JBoss 6.3 EAP which is running on Java 1.7.0_75 64bit. I use standalone-full.xml as a configuration file for standalone...
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    created by goran.luledzija
  • web subsystem configuration using JBoss cli

    Hi All,   I'm working on configuring the web subsystem on JBoss EAP 6.3. Here, I'm supposed to configure "Webconnector Maximum Threads", "Webconnector accept count" and "Webconnector connection timeout". I'm abl...
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    last modified by srikanthm
  • Clustering - sharing connection info between multiple clients

    I have a scenario where Client1 connects to a JB6 cluster, establishes a sort of session ID on the server side and hands it over to Client2. One of the requirements is to ensure Client2 connects to the same node as C...
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    created by gchorny
  • Problems deploying JSF 2.2 on EAP 6.3

    Hello, everyone! I'd like to ask about a problem I've been dealing with for some time now: I'm using JBoss EAP 6.3.0.GA, and tried to deploy JSF version 2.2.8 as custom modules (jsf-api and jsf-impl libraries). So, I...
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    last modified by astinga
  • module.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml marshalling unmarshlling api

    Hi,     Does Jboss eap provde any programming interface to read and write module.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml?   Thanks for any responses.
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    last modified by linbingjin
  • Change default log location for RPM installation

    What I would like to achieve is to keep ALL the related JBoss logs in a specific location, other than the default one. According to the documentation, the default location of the logs is the following folder: /var/lo...
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    last modified by pjhavariotis
  • JBoss EAP 6.2: Periodic XA Recovery fails to find classes in jar files within a rar

    I am creating a JMS resource adapter for a JMS implementation. The rar file contains a jar containing the resource adapter implementation and some jars containing the JMS implementation. I get the following error w...
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    created by gbromfield
  • Messaging connector ignores port-offset

    Hi   We've implemented a connection factory used by ejb clients to connect to jms. The configuration in standalone.xml looks like:       <connector name="netty" socket-binding="messaging...
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    created by beag
  • Recommended strategy for deploying Camel / Spring applications on EAP

    I'm trying to find info on what the Red Hat recommended strategy is for deploying Camel / Spring applications on EAP. There are numerous posts on the Internet explaining how to write Camel apps for EAP. The approaches...
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    last modified by jamesnetherton
  • EAS Management Beans - Performance Statistics

    Hi All,   Is there somewhere online I can go that will list all of the available management beans I can access via JMX?  I am looking for a listing of management beans and their description (e.g. short-runn...
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    created by dishmael3
  • I would like to use a custom KeyManager/TrustManager for incoming web connections in JBoss EAP 6.2

    Hi,   I would like to use a custom KeyManager/TrustManager for incoming web connections in JBoss EAP 6.2. How to configure this or maybe do this by adding some code in our deployed application. The issue is that...
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    last modified by heymen.nicolaij
  • Server-Side JAR in JBOSS EAP 6.2

    I need to add a data source plugin to jboss eap ...  any suggestions are Appreciated ..
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    last modified by dvnharishcse