• Does JBoss EAP6.3 support JDK1.7?

    Hi All,   Could someone please reply if JBoss EAP 6.3 supports JDK1.7 or not?   Thank you. Srikanth
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  • Oracle ADF View Object Troubleshooting (No Error, No Data)

    I have a View Object with this query: SELECT   'Hello' as database_id,   10 as database_version FROM DUAL   I'm using the View Object like this: try {   System.out.println("Before Query"); &#...
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    created by shannon.scott
  • module.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml marshalling unmarshlling api

    Hi,     Does Jboss eap provde any programming interface to read and write module.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml?   Thanks for any responses.
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    last modified by linbingjin
  • EAS Management Beans - Performance Statistics

    Hi All,   Is there somewhere online I can go that will list all of the available management beans I can access via JMX?  I am looking for a listing of management beans and their description (e.g. short-runn...
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    created by dishmael3
  • AJP Port still listening after JBoss 6.2.0 EAP shutdown making it to hung.

    Hello,   I'm using JBoss 6.2.0 EAP in linux with Apache as front end and once after issuing "./jboss-cli.sh -c --controller=localhost:$mgmt_native_port --commands=:shutdown", I do see all the JBoss ports are clo...
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    created by praneshinjboss
  • parrallel / side by side deployment

    Google gives nothing sufficient neither for parallel deployment jboss 7 nor for side by side deployment jboss - here it actually returns oracle weblogic solution.   Parallel deployment is possible in tomcat. I...
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  • Java Transaction Service - Distributed EJB Transactions Across Multiple Containers

    Hi All     I tried this JBOSS tutorial  and its works fine     but i tried to bind IP to my servers and run this example but i got exception Server 1: EAP_HOME_1\bin\standalone.bat -b
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    created by eranga4u