• Loading Spring Module in JBoss EAP through Apache CXF module

    I have a question regardind behavior JBoss EAP has when loading static modules.   In particular, my question is that what happens when I need Apache CXF to use in my webapp and integrate it with Spring, and I ha...
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    last modified by sergiopolog
  • Problem loading XML namespace from CXF module and custom Spring module

    Hi,   I'm trying to deploy a webapp to JBoss EAP 6.4 that uses Apache CXF to create a client to consume a WebService, and Spring 3.2.18   Webapp is packaged in a war file, and then in a ear file, following...
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    last modified by sergiopolog
  • IJ020060 - Unable to deploy resource archive - Migrating from Jboss 4.2 to 7.0

    Unable to deploy Resource Archive (kodo-jdo.rar) file. Kodo is persistence framework used by our application.   StackTrace: [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 5) MSC000001: Failed to sta...
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    last modified by samk12
  • Jboss RestEasy logging of multipart/form-data

    I've implemented a JBoss rest service using JBoss RestEasy on JBoss EAP7 .   I've implemented a ContainerRequestFilter that is going to log the incoming request as follows:   public void filter(ContainerRe...
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    last modified by charlesmccree003
  • JBoss EAP 7 undertow front end dynamic load balancing to backend - Issue

    I have been facing the following issue setting up undertow dynamic load balancing on my virtual box using centos 7.3 and using redhat eap 7.   Host1=eap-lb.com(It uses host-slave.xml using domain.xml as startup)...
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    last modified by helper1000
  • jboss eap 7 load balancing and infinispan

    Hi all and thanks in advance for any help.   I have the problem with session persistent on two instances with profile full-ha in load balancing and udp configuration with mod_cluster, the instances started on tw...
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    last modified by perob_99
  • JBoss EAP 7

    trying to migrate from WAS 8.5 to JBoss EAP 7 and encountered below error. 14:15:18,640 WARN  [org.jboss.modules] (MSC service thread 1-6) Failed to define class javax.jms.JMSException in Module "deployment.xxx....
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    last modified by wenzhenggu
  • Jboss EAP 7 rewrite pattern

    Hi I am trying to use below rewrite pattern -   <virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="false">                ...
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    last modified by neosupar
  • JNDI reference to JMS queue not working

    Running JBoss eap 7.  Have a queue setup as follows below.  I am trying to get the @reference to be the same under jboss and WLS.   in standalone-full.xml:         &...
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    last modified by lamikam2
  • MIgrate AS 6 to EAP 7 - Deploying an EAR

    HI   I am having difficulty referencing an ear file after I have deployed it in EAP 7.  I have no deployment errors but when I try to access the the ear /beans through the URL I get a 404 error.  In th...
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    last modified by andyrus
  • AMQ222106: Replacing incomplete LargeMessage

    Running an app on EAP 7. We have an MDB that persists messaged to a db table.  See standalone-full config attachment.  When I run a load test with jmeter, and set# threads to 3 or more, I quickly get this er...
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    created by lamikam2
  • BASIC web authentication in domain configuration for JBoss EAP7

    Hi,   I am trying to configure BASIC authentication for access to an application deployed in JBoss EAP7 in domain mode. I have made the following configurations:   1. Added the following lines in <appli...
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    last modified by asif8782
  • WorkManagers in EAP 6.4

    I have defined several work managers in JBOSS 6.4 through the Admin Console.  I keep getting a naming exception when I try to Enable the application.  I cant find any reason for this to be the case as I foll...
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    last modified by peternikolatos
  • ERROR ConnectionPool.initConnectionCache: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

    hi,   I have a jboss 3.2.7 running for a very old legacy application and recently we had to upgrade the DB to 12c. I have pointed the JDBC to new listener after the server restart i am seeing below exception in ...
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    last modified by ramya2017
  • nofile (max no. of open Files) configuration for JBoss in Linux

    Hi,   I am new to linux, facing some issues with no of open file channels in an enterprise application running in jboss eap 6.2 . Currently to increase the maximum limit, nofile configuration is set in limits.con...
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    last modified by rafting
  • JBoss removes JAR files when deploying EAR file

    I recently migrated from JBoss EAR 6.4.0 to 7.0.0. In my deployments folder, I have an EAR containing numerous JAR files of my project. When I unpack the file after building, all files are there as desired. They are a...
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    last modified by aqtwrdnr
  • Problem with accessing Spring NamespaceHandler inside EAR file due to class loading issue.

    Hi,   it is my first post here so please be lenient if possible   We migrate from EAP 6.1 to EAP 6.4 and have a strange issue regarding Spring startup. Our EAR structure is as follows dev_production.ear ├...
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    last modified by ksiczek
  • eap6  securitycontext is null in new thread after login

    public void onMessage(Message message) {       LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(LOGIN_CONFIG,   new SimpleCallbackHandler(username, password)); lc.login();   Runnable run = new...
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    last modified by 514407363
  • SAML Service Provider on EAP 7.0

    Hi all-   I am trying to use EAP 7.0 as a SAML Service Provider, have it "mostly" configured but am having problems at the last step when the application I've deployed as the SP is throwing a 403. I'm having tro...
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    last modified by richard.sand
  • ear deployment works from maven command line, but fails from IDE

    I have a pretty standard ear project, including ejb and jax-ws in war file.  Running EAP 7.0 with standalone-full config.  If I build the project using maven only from command line (mvn clean install), I can...
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    last modified by lamikam2