• JBoss On - Starting rhq-server.sh

    Hi   When I try to start rhq-server.sh I got the next message (using a sh trace)     + check_status starting + '[' -f  /home/myhome/jon-server-2.3.1.GA/bin/rhq-server.pid ']' ++ cat  /home/m...
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    last modified by javim
  • JBoss ON - Delete all alerts

    Hi,   In JBoss Operations Network, is there a way to delete all the alerts vs deleting them individually ?   Thanks, -Kevin.
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    last modified by kejoseph
  • JBoss Logging vs. JBoss ON Monitoring

    I am trying to figure out if JBoss ON can replace our current metric solution. We currently use JBoss Apache HTTP logs to log various http requests and parse those logs into reports using another application.   ...
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    last modified by glyph5
  • JBoss ON Customization

    Is it possible to customize what JBoss ON monitors? For example: Disabling certain .war files or other aspects individually so they are not monitored.   How would I go about doing this? Is it a customization to ...
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    created by glyph5
  • Problem by monitoring Tomcat with JON

    I use JON 2.3.   Till now I use Jon to monitoring the Jboss server and it work fine.   In the last days I began to install the Jon-agent on LINUX machine where tow Tomcat 5.5.27 running.   The plugin...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • JBoss ON monitors what...

    Is able JBoss On monitors Apache, MySQL and JVM (Java Virtual Machine)?   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by javim
  • JBoss ON - Environment variable

    When it try to start JON I get the next message   There is no JVM available. Please set RHQ_SERVER_JAVA_HOME or RHQ_SERVER_JAVA_EXE_FILE_PATH appropriately.     I've tried to set these variables in se...
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    last modified by javim
  • JBoss ON - Custom "Operation"

    JBoss Operations Network has a few built in operations - like "Start", "Shutdown", "Restart". Is it possible to create a custom one - like one that takes a thread dump ?   PS : I have JON 2.3   Thanks, Kevin
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    last modified by kejoseph
  • JBoss ON error with Oracle plugin

    Hello, I'm trying to monitor my Oracle application. The agent is working  perfectly, but my Oracle application is not monitoring correctly. I've added the plugin from  Oracle (RHQ-oracle-plugin-1.2.0.GA.ja...
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    last modified by mferpan
  • How to install JON-Agent on Apache Http Server?

    I am going to install the JOn-Agent on Apache Http Server which installed on LINUX.   My question: Where, I mean here under which directory, should I install the Jon-Agent?
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • PostgreSQL ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout

    Within the PostgreSQL database that represents the repository for the JON the statement_timeout has been set to 30 seconds as recommended by the installation documentation.  However, recently an hourly maintenanc...
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    last modified by rstephan
  • JBoss Operation Network - Hibernate Statistics

    I have setup JBoss Operations Network (JON) 2.3 and have numerous JBoss Application Servers (4.2.x) setup as agents. Many of them have hibernate and I would love to view statistics regarding hibernate. However, in the...
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    last modified by kejoseph
  • java.net.BindException: Address already in use

    I deleted a platform from inventory. I try to rediscover it and do as discribed in FAQ document by starting the /rhg-agent.sh -l. But I got exception after I've entered the parameters. ... [vger1@s001c1201 bin]$ ./...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • Is it possible to delte a Role and a User?

    I try to delete a Role and User. But cannot find where to do this by JON-Server-Admin-GUI. Is it possible?
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • Why a user can read/use Resource which is not assigned to hi

    I registered first an Agent and assigned it to a user User1. Later I registered an other Agent. I haven't assigned this to any user. But as I loged in as User1 I can see and use the newly registered/imported resource...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • Can JON-Agent be installed by Tomcat and Apache Http Web Ser

    I wonder if I can install the JON-Agent by Tomcat and Apache Http Web Server.
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    created by thomas2008ch
  • A question about relationship Role, User and Group

    I am somewhat confused by definition of Role, User and Group. Normally I think a role should be assigned to a group. If a user is added to this group, the use will occupy this role. But by JON seems different. A rol...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • WHere to find user manual for JON-Server-Admin-Console?

    I mean the GUI for JON-Server-Admin-Console
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • "java.net.BindException: Address already in use" by registra

    As I try to resgistrate an Jon agent (under ../Agent/bin/rhq-agent.sh -l), I got error/exception as follow: The setup has been completed for the preferences at node [/rhq-agent/default]. Failed to start the agent jav...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • Where to upload plugins in Admin-Console?

    I see the following error in log. I have to upload the plugins. 2009-12-01 07:45:48,799 ERROR [org.rhq.enterprise.server.core.plugin.ProductPluginDeployer] Plugin [JBossAS5] is required by plugins [[JBossCache3]] b...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch