• Adding 3rd party JARs to Rhino classpath

    I have JON configured to call Rhino scripts when certain exceptional events are detected by the agent.  The issue I'm having is that I require the ability to include a custom JAR file with external source code so...
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    last modified by eeiswerth
  • RHQ Agent cannot connect.

    Hi everyone,   I installed the RHQ agent, and when I start the agent using rhq-agent.bat, everything works fine, my JON server auto discovers it and all is fine. I install the agent as a Windows service using "r...
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    created by fatbob73
  • HornetQ not added to agent resources

    Hi,   I've installed a stand alone HornetQ instance on a Linux server with an RHQ agent. The JON server has a HornetQ plugin and it is correctly delivered to the agent (I see it in the plugins list). When I try ...
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    last modified by jeremie.granat
  • Response Time monitoring and the Calltime metric

    Hi,   I have configured Response Time monitoring for EAP 5.1 using JON 3.0.0 by performing the following steps:   1. Download rhq-rtfilter-4.2.0.JON300.GA.jar and copied it into server/default/lib. 2. I m...
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    last modified by rraposa
  • Install JBoss SOA-P and JBoss ON together on the same server

    Hello,   I want to install JBoss SOA platform (soa-p-5.2.0.GA) and JBoss Operation Network (jon-server-3.0.0.GA) on the same server (RedHat))   But each script rhq-server.sh (jboss ON) and run.sh (jboss)...
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    last modified by zeoliverft
  • JON Demo - LDAP new user issue

    JON server wesite was working perfectly for me. I went to show the web site tyo my boss and it let him enter his AD account and password then it went to a blank screen. This is where the user registration screen was s...
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    last modified by vashadow
  • JON discovery of AS7

    Trying to demo the JON system for my company and have ran into a snag. When I try to discover AS7 server I get an error   jboss-as-7.JBossAS7-Standalone: Starting discovery...   jboss-as-7.JBossAS7-Standal...
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    created by vashadow
  • Server Installation question

    Hi, I am installing the evaluation version of the JON server. From the browser window, I used the default settings, and clicked on the 'INstall JON Server' option. It seems to install fine and I am led to a username /...
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    last modified by jagdeep
  • How can i edit the favourite Resources portlet to show more nodes for availability on dashboard

    It looks like the current limit is set to 30 nodes. How can i get more than 30 nodes to show up on the Favourite Resources portlet or in any other portlet along with more counters other than availability on the dashbo...
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    last modified by sairamnadh
  • Failed to load manager SubjectManager/SystemManager with successful RHQ-CLI login

    Anyone know why I get the following 2 errors during successful login to RHQ-CLI?  More importantly, how do I resolve these errors? Thanks, John   [SLJBoss@dvxa0003 bin]$  ./rhq-cli.sh -u rhqadmin -p ...
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    last modified by john.miller
  • How to rename a resource in JON

    Hello,   How can your rename the names assigned to a resource (in my case a JBOSS AS 4 server instance) in JON ? Those resources were autodiscovered by the JBOSS AS 4 plugin.   Now, except for a port name...
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    last modified by jurgenvb
  • Jboss EAP instances not detected by JON 2.4.1

    Hi Experts,   I am trying to configure the JBoss Operations Network 2.4.1  to detect the Jboss EAP 5.1 server instances.   The JON rhq server is up and running.   The RHQ Agent  is configur...
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    last modified by anandrajk
  • JON + Agent + JBoss EAP 4.3 + Windows X64 2008 Server

    Hello,   i hope you can give me useful info.   I have some virtual machines (OS: Windows X64 2008 Server).   1)  In the 1st machine I installed JON Server, following the step-by-step official gu...
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    last modified by giufus
  • HTTPS?

    Newbie here and I was tasked to install and configure JBoss ON.    I can'tfind anywhere how to redirect the traffic to use https only.   Can anyone point me in the right direction?   Th...
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    last modified by joblandin
  • JON Jmx events plugin

    Hi,   I'm wondering as to why the log files are polled periodically to generate events instead of using javax.management.NotificationListener?   I tried to create one such plugin and received " Caused by...
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    created by rashmirajappa
  • Include more metrics in the monitor graphs

    Hi all, when I monitor my oracle server, only 5 metrics appear in the Monitor -> Graphs. I have the same problem with the rest of the resources, I can't see all the metrics in the graphs. How can I include more m...
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    last modified by 1joabasc
  • How to stop an agent

    Hi all, when I want to stop an agent I use:      rhq-agent.bat -n      exit Is there any other way to stop the agent?   Thanks and regards
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    last modified by 1joabasc
  • Problem deploying a Bundle using JON Web UI

    Hi all,   I have uploaded a Bundle using the web UI of JON, and that all seems to have worked fine. But when I click on the Deploy button to deploy my Bundle, I can't get past the first step of the Bundle Deploy...
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    last modified by rraposa
  • JON requires all nodes in cluster to have same configuration name?

    We have JON 2.4.1.GA monitoring a cluster of JBoss EAP 5.1 nodes.  Everything looks and works great as long as each node in the cluster uses the same configuration name (that is, the name passed to the "-c" argum...
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    last modified by john.miller
  • JBoss AS not discovered in JON

    I have just installed JBoss ON on a Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 on VMware and than an agent on another Redhat Linux VM.  In the latter VM, a JBoss AS 5 instance has been running on port 8080.  But I am unable ...
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    last modified by makyw