• rich:editor (4.5.10) skin and preview not working

    I added the editor into a panel that will display the configured help text for a given page via:   <rich:collapsiblePanel expanded="false" switchType="client" >     <f:facet name="header...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • Internationalization for custom skin

    Hi   We are using some custom skin for rich faces and below are 2 properties file for packed and packedCompressed   mySkin-packed-resource-mappings.properties mySkin-packedcompressed-resource-mappings.pro...
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    created by atifoxon
  • rich:editor renders wrong and doesn't react

    The following markup, part of a rich:popupPanel, renders - with the wrong skin, but is DOA. Can tab from subject to editor and the work area gets a black outline, but no caret, can't type, can't paste, and the buttons...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • Need help on rich:fileUpload issue on redhat

    I'm using rich:fileUpload in my application on redhat when I try to upload any file containing html code in file name i.e "file<img src=xyz onerror=alert('TEST')>Name.pdf", it gives me javascript alert before up...
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    last modified by memain100
  • mediaOutput only renders once?

    Consider the markup below. The photo is stored as a blob. Using the imageLoader class from the RF photo library demo as a template, I simplified the code to output the bytes to the browser and the photo appears if the...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • How to get a scroll bars to rich:dataTable (RF-4)

    Hi,   We are doing RichFaces upgrade from 3.3.3 to 4.5.6. We have a EDT with column grouping to have colspan and rowspans. These are working fine in 3.3.3 but unfortunately these are not working in RichFaces 4. ...
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    last modified by vpenugo
  • Loop <rich:tab> using c:forEach issues

    Hi,   below code used to work with richfaces 3. This is not working with richfaces 4   <rich:tabPanel        id="persons"        switchType=...
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    last modified by kkn
  • Custom CSS for alternating row colors using skin parameter not working in RF 4.5.10.Final

    I want to use #{a4jSkin.headerGradientColor} as the background color of even data rows in my application's data tables. Creating a custom style:   .table-row-even {     background-color: '#{a4jSk...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • RF 4.5.x: too many push messages will be skipped

    Hi all,   I'am using RF 4.5.9 and the push component. The messages will fired from a CDI-Bean in this way:   TopicsContext topicsContext = TopicsContext.lookup(); TopicKey updateKey = new TopicKey("pushTes...
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    last modified by dako_t
  • RF-4 Passing parameters to Bean when clicking on Context menu.

    Hi, I am passing some values in the Contextmenu when click on Item value in Data table row. Sorry for my poor English. Below is my code. <rich:contextMenu attached="false" id="contextMenu" showDelay="0"> &#...
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    last modified by vpenugo
  • Ajax Partial rendering not working

    Hi We are migrating our application from Richfaces 3.3 to Richfaces 4.3.7.Final   The environment info is listed below: <org.richfaces.bom.version>4.3.7.Final</org.richfaces.bom.version> <jsf.v...
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    last modified by p_ashwinram
  • RF-4.5.x How to get PickList selected Items in backing bean

    Hi,   I have a PickList and I want to take the selected items from the component and persist in DB. but I am not sure on how to get the selected values in my backing bean class. below is my code. Is there any me...
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    created by vpenugo
  • Richfaces dropDownMenu status

    I need to active a status on dropdownmenu opening/closing.   I tryed in this manner: <a4j:region id="rfcm"> <rich:dropDownMenu id="fcm" event="onclick" submitMode="none"> ... </rich:dropDownMe...
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    last modified by giant2
  • Can't find classes SimpleSelection and Selection in jar for 4.5.9.Final version

    Hi,   I am migrating my project from Richfaces 3.3.3 to 4.5.9 and getting errors something  like these :   java:[132,8] cannot find symbol symbol  : class Selection --------------------------...
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    last modified by pawarpriya03
  • a4j command button action not firing in JSF2.1 Richfaces 4.3.2 Jboss AS7.1.1 Seam 2.3.1

    Hi,   I have following code action firing in JSF 1.2 Richfaces 3.3, but the same is not working in JSF2 Richfaces 4.3.2. Please help with your valuable suggestions.   I have the xhtml code as below:  ...
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    last modified by warriors564
  • How to select an item from orderingList without "selection" (depracate in 4.x)

    I can't select  an item from orderingList, please help with some example or hint please
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    last modified by wilson.guaman
  • extendedDataTable selection x 2nd click

    Hi,   I have this extendedDataTable with selection control to allow the user to click in a row and to open a popupPanel to update the values of the fields/columns. The problem is: when I have just one row in th...
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    last modified by edilmar
  • Display Data into multiple columns

    Hello, I am stuck with this. I have column attachment with multiple values (Value1 and Value2) now I wanted to display Value1 in one column and Value2 in other column.   <rich:column style="width:28%;" id="da...
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    last modified by asimshaikh1
  • colspan and rowspan not working in rich:extendedDataTable in RF-4.5.6

    Hi,   I have a rich:extendedDataTable in my application and some tables have complex column headers and these worked fine with my previous RF version 3.3.3 with 'colspan' and 'rowspan'. but now we are moving to ...
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    last modified by vpenugo
  • can't make selection in dataTable after changing page

    I have a richfaces 4.1 application which uses a selectable extendedDataTable and an attached dataScroller. When browsing the initial page, everything works properly, I can make a selection, and any attached event hand...
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    last modified by mortee