• WRAPPED ParameterStyle bpel process receive WS returns null

    Hi,   Calling a BPEL process with a receive WS (parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED) with a junit test client, the return value is null. When I use SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE, there are no p...
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    last modified by lall2
  • [Announce] RiftSaw 2.0.0.Final Released

    The RiftSaw team is proud to announce the release of RIftSaw 2.0.0.Final. For details about this release see our blog: http://riftsaw.blogspot.com/2010/03/riftsaw-release-200final.html
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • Problem when invoking a webservice in a bpel process by RiftSaw

    hi ,   i tried to invoke a simple webservice in a bpel process. i become the following error.   ERROR [WebServiceClient] WS invocation failed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot obtain wsdl service...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • RiftSaw-Error on deploy "Unable to resolve imported document"

    Hallo,   i have implemented a bpel project and deployed it under JBoss AS 5.0.1.  This server used RiftSaw-2.0-CR2  Execution Engine.   when i deploy my project I becom the following error:  ...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • NPE running hello_world_oneway sample

    Hi, I am trying to run the hello_world_oneway sample. After successful depoyment, I end up in the following exception, after running the test command: 21:04:24,107 INFO  [STDOUT] Retrieving document at 'file:...
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    last modified by lall2
  • Exception when undeploying quickstarts

    My environment is Riftsaw 2.0 CR2 with HSQL on SOA-P 5 on JDK 1.6 on Mac. When I undeploy a quickstart process definition (e.g., simple_correlation) after having successfully executed a process, I see an exception in ...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Release RiftSaw-2.0-C2

    http://riftsaw.blogspot.com/2010/03/riftsaw-release-20-cr2.html   Cheers,   The RiftSaw Team
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    created by kurtstam
  • PartnerLink with complex type problem

    Hi,      I am trying to invoke a PartnerLink that has a complex type:             <xs:complexType name="sendSMS">     &...
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    last modified by normandesjr
  • Disable persistence of large variables?

    I have a synchronous process that invokes one web service to obtain a large file, then invokes another web service, passing in the large file. ODE very happily persists the file to the database - more than once, in f...
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    last modified by steeqs4
  • Release RiftSaw-2.0-RC1

    Release Candidate 1 has landed. All targeted features have been implemented and we were able to port lots of examples from the jBPM BPEL project. Note that this release is tested to run on the combination of JDK-1.6, ...
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • XPath in Riftsaw2.0 M2?

    I worked with glassfish/openESB, now I have to move to jboss+riftsaw. I modified one of the samples In my existing BPEL scripts I have this syntax test $CreateItemIn.createItem/arg0/@transactionId as a result I...
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    last modified by philip.eisenhardt
  • Process Management API

    Hi at all, the new version of Riftsaw supports a process management API, which can be invoke from remote. In few word a mechanism similar to Apache ODE management API. My work at the university talks about stop runnin...
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    created by cuccu83
  • RiftSaw-2.0-M2 Released

    The RiftSaw team are pleased to announce the availability of 2.0-M2. This release provides early access to the new JBossWS based integration, that replaces the Axis2 transport layer in the previous release, and the n...
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    created by objectiser
  • Build Riftsaw from source

    Hi, i compiled trunk version but it download apache ode artifacts directly from maven repository. But if i make some change on Apache Ode, how configure Buildfile in riftsaw trunk version to take the artifacts form lo...
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    last modified by cuccu83
  • Using maven-ode-plugin to build Riftsaw bpel artefact

    Hi, Since I'm working with maven for building my artefacts (web service, web app, etc.), I would also like to work with maven to build my bpel module, I found the maven-ode-plugin on Internet and since Riftsaw is bas...
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    created by comcdsol
  • Riftsaw M2

    When is the release date of the Riftsaw project milestone 2? Thanks in advance
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    last modified by cuccu83
  • Riftsaw, jBPM/BPEL and Drools flow

    Hi First of all great initiative. Now to the questions: How does Riftsaw fit in with jBPM/BPEL? Will it replace jBPM/BPEL as the way to execute WS-BPEL 2.0 processes (since jBPM i think can do that too)? There are...
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    last modified by stfkbf
  • Process versioning

    ODE supports versioning only when BPEL processes are deployed using its Deployment Web Service, as opposed to just placing the BPEL processes in the WEB-INF/processes folder directly. This is because if we have a sim...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Deploying BPEL to RiftSaw

    Have created a page on the wiki (http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/DeployingBPELtoRiftSaw) to describe deploying BPEL process to RiftSaw, also including ref to Eclipse BPEL nightly build docs for Eclipse deploy appr...
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    created by objectiser