• [seam-2.2.2] security handling sfsb timeout

    Hi,   I'm using de.akquiner.jbosscc:jboss-seam-archetype:1.4 to generate the seam skeleton project. after successfully build and deployed it to jboss-as 7 i noticed that whenever i tried to login after sometime...
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    last modified by johanatobm
  • seam-faces fail on archetype project

    I've been trying for a couple of days now, but I can't seem to be able to get the seam-faces module to work. I've tried all sorts of approaches, but all of them result in failure. I'm getting all kinds of seemingly ...
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    created by jurej
  • Help me???

    Hello my friends!!!   I new in seam 3!!! My problem is the create seam project with seam 3  from cero???? How to make it??? I use jsf 2, hibernate and jboos As 6 and seam 3!!!   Other problem is admin...
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    last modified by edieslu
  • Seam 2.2 and LDAP

    Hi all,   I want to use Seam 2.2 with LDAP authentication/authorization. Therefor I found some posts (e.g. https://community.jboss.org/thread/189613 ) . The problem is that My LDAP is structured with nested gro...
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    created by dremonaut
  • How to start a new conversation by commandLink?

    Hello, I come from Seam2 where conversations can stack and even nest. As far as I understand JEE6/JSR-299/Weld, I cannont simply start a new conversation by a link parameter (I can propagate the existing conversation ...
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    last modified by banzeletti
  • Seam 3 s:token tag

    Does Seam 3 have any tag like s:token in Seam 2?
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    last modified by bg0aax
  • Seam-spring bean injection not working

    Hi. I'm trying to use spring beans as cdi ones with help of seam-spring module. I managed to do this using appContext injection, but failed to inject the bean itself.: @ApplicationScoped public class SpringCdiP...
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    last modified by bitec
  • Seam  and apache Tomee

    Hi, i'm trying to startup a sample seam3 project under tomee As. I've done a neew seam project via forge and done a reverse engineering from a mysql db with only 2 tables, then i've done scaffolding. On the project...
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    created by fillaz
  • (NotSerializableException) ViewScoped bean with reference to stateless session bean

    Hi,   I have a JSF 2.0 filterable overview page using a @SessionScoped controller to provide data for my page. My controller is injected with a repository (stateless session bean) to load data from the database....
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    last modified by pintail
  • Send email with Seam 3 Mail and JMS

    An exmaple idea when using seam 3 mail, please read the readme.md file in the project root folder for detail. https://github.com/hantsy/seam3-mail-demo   Any feedback is welcome.
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    last modified by hantsy
  • Seam 2.3.0 Final Navigation Problem

    Hi.   I have following navigation rule:   <page view-id="/landpage.xhtml">     <navigation>         <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn}"> &#...
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    created by davidfaulstich
  • How to use an EntityHome from a standalone java client

    Greetings,   I've used seam-gen (well the JBossTools equivalent in JBDS) to generate the view and the entities from a databse schema. The generated *Home classes are used in the view to persist data. Now, I woul...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • Disable Seam managed transactions while using Faces and Security mods.

    How do I turn off seam managed transactions while using faces and security modules? I've tried including components.xml in the WEB-INF folder with: <core:init transaction-management-enabled="false"/>   <...
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    last modified by bschoen
  • Error in Solder in a Seam Persistence project

    Hi all,    I'm new to Seam, especially version 3.  I created an empty project with Forge and it was successfully deployed to JBoss 6.    But when I added Seam Persistence dependencies, the...
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    last modified by monilouise
  • Dead link to tutorial

    Dear all,   does anyone know where I can find the current Seam tutorial? The link on the webpage (i.e. http://docs.jboss.com/seam/latest/en-US/html/tutorial.html) is dead unfortunately.   In either case, a...
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    last modified by csvan
  • Error building projects

    Hi,   Recently I have installed Fedora 17 (32 bits) OS on my PC. Next step was install Maven and JBoss Developer Studio 5.0.0.   From a backup I have imported in JBDS all my projects but I can't build the...
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    last modified by pepelara
  • javax.enterprise.event.ObserverException

    I have a project that is deployed on JBoss AS 7.1.1 "Brontes". I am using Seam Framework and I have a strange issue. I get the following exception:   javax.enterprise.event.ObserverException   Here is the ...
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    created by deadsoul
  • IdentitySession is null

    I have a simple war packaged seam 3 project. I want investigate on security features and in a action i inject identitysession like this: @Inject IdentitySession identitySession; but it's null. I've setup all clas...
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    last modified by riboriori
  • Seam Faces dependency on Prettyfaces

    I upgraded Seam Faces from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 and now I´m receiving java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.spi.ConfigurationProvider on application startup. I solved it by adding   ...
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    last modified by fabriciolemos
  • DeltaSpike

    Hi all,   since DeltaSpike doesn't have its own user forum, I'm writing here instead.   I started a project using Seam 3, a framwork i loved since version 2 and i'm always stayed faithful.   Obvio...
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    last modified by florianhell