• SEAM2 to SEAM3 migration or wait for DeltaSpike

    I am trying to evaluate upgrading our SEAM 2 applications to SEAM 3. So far I have been trying to create a proof of concept making changes to our application incrementaly to see what kind of changes need to be made to...
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    last modified by nishant_k123
  • Examples of the use of exception handling

    Hello,           I am a beginner in exceptions handling with seam solder, and I want you to give me some examples that deal with exceptions     please answer me and ...
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    created by elazhadi
  • How to handle the exception:Wrong type at constant pool inde

    Soemtimes, when i run my seam application,it will throw the following exception: Wrong type at constant pool index Can someone tell me what is possible reason for this? thanks in advance!
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    last modified by tangdazhu
  • Generate reports with Seam 3 Reports and Apache Velocity

    Share my experience of seam3 reports, please read the readme.md in the project root folder  for detail. https://github.com/hantsy/seam3-report-demo   Any feedback is welcome.
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    created by hantsy
  • @Transactional interceptor ignores derived methods

    I would like to use @Transactional on class level of a derived class, e. g.   @Transactional public class Derived extends Base {   ... }   I experience that only the methods of the class itself ar...
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    last modified by dweil
  • How to make ViewConfig redirecting on access deny

    Hi, everyone: I have a problem in managing the access denied redirection using Seam Security ViewConfig.   My @ViewConfig interface as follows:   {code} @ViewConfig public interface Pages {  ...
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    last modified by gotamo
  • Throwing a custom exception from a java class and redirecting to an error page using SEAM

    Hi all,   We have a requirement where there is a code written in java and on exception (say authorization failed) we want to redirect to an error page. Required enteries within pages.xml for SEAM is being done. ...
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    created by ankit15
  • Solder: @Observes @Initialized isn't working: what should I look for?

    Greetings.   I'm trying to initialize an application using         public void init(@Observes @Initialized WebApplication webapp)     throws Exception   ...
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    created by john.genoese
  • Combine Seam 2.2 and Icefaces 1.8

    Hi   Ich have to combine Seam 2.2 and Icefaces 1.8 on Jboss 5.1, Java 1.5 Versions cant be changed. Perhaps Seam 2.1.1 is an option.   I useEclipse 3.5 with Jboss Tools and Dynamic Web Project Wizard. ...
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    last modified by hannibalhh
  • BeanManager not accessible via JNDI

    There is no possibility to access BeanManager via JNDI. I tried it on the newest JBoss 7.1.1. Is it a bug or a feature?         String name = "java:comp/" + BeanManager.class.getSimpleName();...
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    last modified by marx3
  • Suggestion on localization with seam 3 international

    Hello. I'm building a custom localizer for my web application using Seam3 international module. In my class I have injected the user locale as suggested into Seam3 international documentation. This is my class:  ...
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    last modified by conte
  • Can't deploy seam/maven project

    Greetings,   Using JBoss 5.1 and Seam 2.2. I have a maven project building an EAR which contains a WAR, EJB-JAR and other JARs. Trying to deploy it fisplays the following exceptions:   2012-10-01 15:09:07,...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • How to access the single database for the two projects?

    Hi everyone,     I was working in the project ,where i need to use only one database but it should have  work in both the projects,   I was facing the problem,when one project access the databas...
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    created by pandu_jboss
  • Seam 3: Injection molding for programming

    The concept is not to use @Injet and through programming offered Identity obtain Seam 3. Is there a way to capture my POJO Seam Identity class 3, making a structured code and not use the @Inject.       ...
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    created by cpineda
  • Seam 3 login redirect problem

    Hi,   I'm using Seam 3 with Seam Faces( jsf 2, primefaces 3)   My problem is that after login succeed, the redirection is not made to the url of my main page.   login.xhtml <h:commandButton id="l...
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    last modified by taneraruk
  • Seam 3 and LDAP integration

    Hi,   I want to use LDAP server for authentication of users. Can you tell me shortly how I can use LDAP server and Seam 3 together? Regards Peter
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    last modified by rcbandit
  • Seam Security + LDAP example?

    I was wondering if there is any example on who to configure seam-security with LDAP based identity management? To play around with the seam-security module I was using the JPA identity management. This is working quit...
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    last modified by sunfire
  • Random NPE in CoyoteRequest.removeAttribute

    Dear Community,   this Problem is bugging me for some time now and I am running out of options.   I am developing a rather large-for-one-person application based on Seam 2.2.2, Glassfish 2.1, JSF 1.2, Rich...
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    created by r0b3n
  • problem in access the database from my application while creating the entity Manager from the other application?

    Hi Every One,      I am newbie to this seam and jboss framework. i am using MySQL as database and seam and JSF and jboss server,I am working on two projects socailDB and MangeDB ,i have table common in...
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    created by pandu_jboss
  • how to displaying the pdf file in seam frame work

    hi to all, I googled alot but i could not find the solution for this functionality(displaying the pdf file in seam frame work). could please help me.
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    created by sivaji.balla