• Seam PDF barcode nested in table

    What can I do to keep my barcodes from expanding to the width of the p:cell they're in?  I'm using a p:table to divide fields into areas on the page, but no combination of tag attributes on p:table or p:cell or p...
  • Seam pageflow example numberguess not landing on second page

    Hi, I'm trying to run simple Seam PageFlow example NumberGuss. I have deployed it on Jboss Server. When I access the URL it lands on the first page but if I hit any of the button provided on that page it says "The pa...
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    last modified by aniket_nakhate
  • Problem when running quartz

    Hi,   I'm trying to run quartz 1.6.0 with following configuration but I get java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: no transaction <component class="org.jboss.seam.transaction.EjbSynchronizations" jndi-n...
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    created by vata2999
  • Seam 2.2 Transaction Management on JBoss AS 7

    I managed to run Seam 2.2 (I had to upgrade Seam Hibernate from 3.3 to 3.6, JSF 1.2) on JBoss AS 7. after running my project, there is an issue in jboss transaction. when I use EJB I get following error with no more ...
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    last modified by vata2999
  • seam-2.2.2 drools java 8 upgrade

    I have to compile and run a seam-2.2.2 app in java 8 environment. Everything works fine, except seam identity management. This seems to be relate to Drools from seam-2.2.2   when I run the seam app in java 8 env...
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    last modified by kem
  • migrate from seam 2.1.2

    Hi guys,   I've got an application made in 2008 with Seam 2.1.2 which was never upgraded to any newer version.   I'd like to start the global upgrade of this one, going to JEE6 for example, and think the f...
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    last modified by jaileleu
  • p:image is not working for me

    Hi all, i want to place an image inside the pdf document for what i have written following xhtml code : <p:document xmlns:p="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pdf" >      <p:image alignme...
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    last modified by pramanish
  • Seam web remoting not working within a javascript funtion

    Hi all, Please take a look at following source! The interface is: @Local public interface IMessageServices {      @WebRemote      public String addMessage(Stri...
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    last modified by enikozsido
  • iText Nested DataModels

    I'm trying to use itext to generate a PDF invoice. The layout is going to be something like this. Account --Site ----Line Items I have the following page working. <p:document      xml...
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    last modified by clerum
  • torquebox error with simple rails app ".realm is already registered"

    Any advice at all on this failure?  TIA   Following the new rails app steps here:  http://torquebox.org/builds/getting-started/first-steps.html   $ rails new . $ rails g scaffold post title body:t...
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    last modified by richmond
  • JUnitSeamTest Initialization Components from xml

    manarh  I'm trying to add Arquillian to Seam 2.2 . I added JUnitSeamTest, after running a unit test I get this exception   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must specify org.jboss.seam.core.init.jndiP...
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    last modified by vata2999
  • Error at server JBoss 7.4 (EAP 6.3) startup with seam 2.2.2

    Hello, I'm migrating an application from JBoss 4.2.1.GA to JBoss 7.4, but I face some tricky trouble and I can't find how to solve it.   Note that I managed to install Hibernate 3, but my problem doesn't seem to...
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    last modified by gabz92
  • SEAM RESTeasy web service on JBoss 6.1 final

    I have had to re-visit an existing live application and add a web service. It uses jboss-seam-2.2.2.Final and JBoss 6.1.0 Final.   I played around with RESTeasy web services on JBoss 7 a while  ago and got ...
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    last modified by notify
  • JBoss_Seam_2_3_0_ALPHA, 2 Components with same precedence

    I'm trying to use seam 2.2Final with maven and If I'm not mistaken it's JBoss_Seam_2_3_0_ALPHA. after I build seam from source file with maven in jboss-seam-debug.jar there are 2 DebugRedirect one for jsf and another ...
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    last modified by vata2999
  • Custom @Converter for a class with @EmbeddedId

    Hello, I'm having trouble definig a converter for a class with embedded id. It's simple to return an object and a string of the id for entities with single ids, but I don't know how to implement a custom converte...
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    last modified by rodrigo.bento
  • problemme with injecting ejb3 stateless component on seam component

    i have a some problemes with injecting of an ejb3 component on seam component here is my class description : 1- i have a generic class called GenericDAO : package org.escolarite.database.persistance.dao;  import...
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    last modified by fayssaltahtoub
  • Visual style dissapears randomly

    Hi, I'm having a problem with a Seam app I'm working on, the visual styles of the application are randomly lost and all I get is only plain text and controls. It comes and goes without any apparent reason. I've tried ...
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    last modified by jpangamarca
  • Multitenancy via URL filtering in seam 2

    My Webapplication ist built with Seam 2.2.2 and running as a deployed .WAR on Wildfly (Jboss 8) Applicationserver. Now I would like to implement multi-tenancy support via URL filtering. I thought that this could be do...
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    created by malcomtom
  • Pass list as page parameter

    I have started an application from seam-gen and I am wanting to add to the default search functionality. The search criteria for the email, id etc fields works fine, as does the pagination. However I am stuck trying...
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    last modified by matt.hibb
  • How to Intercept all @Asynchronous methods

    Hi, I'm looking for a nice way to intercept all Asynchronous methods in 2.2.0.GA. Most of my Asynchronous methods look like this: basically a method that takes a job, and does work on that job   public class Pa...
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    last modified by matthias.lathe